It’s a Saturday. A slow news day. In the hot, lazy summertime. Nothing much goin’ on. Can’t find much interesting to post. And a number of you always seem to complain about how many of the things we editors and John post suck. Well, now let’s see how well you smarty pants can do.
Post a link to a story you find interesting or funny or whatever. Add some insightful commentary. But watch it. We’ll be monitoring (don’t forget the guidelines), so no pr0n or inappropriate crap (yeah, I know that that can be a fine line, even here) as we’ll delete it.
If you have a video, don’t post it, just link to it. Too hard to not screw up the html of the site unless you know how to do it. And if you have a long url, please be kind and use tinyurl.com to shorten it.
Oh, yeah. One final point. Like I really need to mention this, but no reason for you to hold back (as if you ever do) on commenting on another commenter’s story. Let ’em have it, pro or con, just like normal.
Now, show your ol’ Uncle Dave what you’ve got!
“Security solution company PandaLabs uncovered a 7,500-computer (and growing) botnet this week infected by a Trojan called Aifone.A. PC users who have been infected by the virus trying to buy an iPhone from Apple’s own URL (iphone.com) get redirected to another site mimicking the iPhone site. If the users ultimately attempt to order an iPhone through the spoofed site, they will then hand their bank or credit card details over to the scammers.”
[C’mon…TinyUrl.com…Please. – ed.]
#13 – ZeOverMind – Best game I’ve seen on the Web.
#17 – Jägermeister – That video was fucking horrible. I could only sit through about 30 seconds before I blew my top. CRIPES!!!!!
#19 – Matthew – Cool video.
#36 – I could only sit through about 30 seconds before I blew my top.
Do you suffer from ADD?
From the “It’s Just Another Miracle Dept.” —
Robot Walks On Water
The first water striding robot, with an appearance and design closely resembling its insect counterpart, doesn’t ever break the surface tension of the water, and is highly maneuverable.
Song and Sitti’s small robot is different from other floating robots in that its small mass and long legs enable it to utilize the surface tension force to stay afloat. In contrast, macroscale bodies must rely on buoyancy, which is based on their large volumes.
The researchers predict that such a robot might be used for environmental monitoring via wireless communication, as well as for educational and entertainment purposes.
#38 – No, I suffer from “hate religion being shoved down my throat” syndrome!
Saturday is for Fishing
picture of babe w/fish
Fishing just got easier with a cool new boat-like thing.
The Humdinga transforms from land to water mode at a touch of a button. The wheels retract, the power train switches from the wheels to a jet propulsion system and the vehicle is in amphibious mode. In just a few seconds the driver is planing at a speed of forty miles per hour.
Unfortunately that’s not the only thing you suffer from.
ZeOverMind, super posts. Skydiving — 10. Jet engine demo –10.
Remember this from a month or two ago? a Top Gear video:
#40: Hop, if you sat through more of it you’d see it is exactly the opposite. While the guy reading the words on the screen isn’t the best use of a visual medium, what he ends up saying is a good argument to use when arguing against religion.
#41 – What fish???
#42 – Jägermeister – OK… I toughed it out and watched the whole thing. It was actually pretty damn good.
Good set of news, thanks to everyone.
One comment though, both to Uncle Dave who requested it and to many who use it : tinyurl…
There is absolutely no need for using it and one major reason to avoid it… No need for it as URL is just text, using next to nothing in bandwidth and space. Please consider avoiding it as the URL carries information as to where the story originated and what type of content it is (youtube video, simple html,…). Based on it I might be more interested in seeing the content or I might avoid it…
If you are afraid of the link length, at least preserve it by using “a href=sometitle” that would describe the post and by hovering mouse over it, user still can see the original informative, real URL.
Essentially offering tinyurl instead of the original is offering cat in a bag/pig in a poke…
(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_in_a_poke)
Lately, I am disgusted I am an American.
When people vote, they try to elect someone who they believe will efficiently and more properly manage a fiscal budget and provide for more efficient and better governmental services.
But now, our Government is not ours any more. We are so manipulated by mass media, the officials we do elect, purposely do not properly manage our tax monies, engage the country in unnecessary war(s) and lie all along the way. They endlessly pontificate and profess rhetorical resolve, i.e.; Bush said he would fire anyone in his administration found to have publicly disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame.
Later Bush admits the White House did leak and knows who.
The president had initially said he would fire anyone in his administration found to have publicly disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson and a CIA operative. Mr. Wilson is an outspoken Iraq war critic.
Bush said. “I’ve often thought about what would have happened if that person had come forth and said, ‘I did it.’ Would we have had this endless hours of investigation and a lot of money being spent on this matter?
Yea, heaven forbid “we” should prosecute the person disclosing Top Secret/SCI information, Plame’s identity.
Yet the country has the resolve and timidity to prosecute a lady who registers a dog to vote, to highlight a broken system.
Well, guess what, the system is broken, it’s not our’s (the publics) and our elected officials do not want to fix it.
Good luck with that America.
#47: That’s fine as long as you get the html right. Not everyone who comments here knows how to program in html.
Thanks Uncle Dave.
Here’s something else worthy of a post. Text messaging while driving can be fatal.
41, BDog, everyday is for fishing! That is one cool looking vehicle, but I’d like a Nitro and 275HP Mercury Verado. If you win the lottery, please send me one.
“I don’t want a boat or an airplane or a motorhome — I like my friends that own one,”
Giant Lion Eating Chimps of the Magic Forest!
#10 everyone needs to read that article . Don’t be drinking anything if you value your monitor and keyboard…. an exerpt:
BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called “xenix”, which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people’s computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people’s stereos to steal their music, using the “mp3” program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as “telnet”, which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.
Your son may try to install “lunix” on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.
If you see the word “LILO” during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.
ROTFLMAO……..loonies instaling lunix……
I saw the excellent comedy video “David Blaine Street Magic: YouTube Edition!” quite a while ago (it was posted on October 12, 2006). See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYxu_MQSTTY
Then today I go to the Comedy Central site and see Carlos Mencia in a video posted yesterday, doing a total ripoff of that video. See http://tinyurl.com/ck56h
It would seem to me it’s easily proven that the producers of the YouTube video did it way before Mencia. How can/ should they fight the plagiarism? Can they?
Eric Myers is Drawing 50 Banjos
#13…Ze……252….with 1 to spare on level 12…after 9 tries. 🙂
Here’s some nice tech news
Some in Silicon Valley Sour on outsourcing to India.
India is headed to Washington to participate in the Indo-US ICT dialogue about anti-outsourcing bills.
#47, Semantic Duel (Dusan Maletic),
I, also, am tired of that Tiny Url junk that conveys no information about the site linked. Perhaps an ed. here can post an article that helps folks learn about the [a href=] tag. Hovering over that with info in the bottom status bar of most browsers is indeed worth the decision of whether or not to click….
[Nice anagram and link, BTW!]
Leaked video of Jessica Alba’s nude Playboy photo shoot – yowza!
[Link deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – fred.]
The state of New Jersey’s contribution to mankind (and on the war on terror):
And I thought Jersey was just an obstacle to Pennsylvania.
Iraqi Prime Minister says U.S. troops can go anytime they like.
I say we jump on it before he changes his mind.
On the lighter side, below are some funny road signs.
I learned this from Trial and Error (I am a web novice with no patience for books that don’t get to the point first then clearly and well describe the issue.
1.) Highlight a valid hyperlink reference. Highlight the off color road signs in the text above.
2.) Right mouse click and select View Selection Source
3.) A screen opens (in Firefox at least), DOM Source of Selection-Mozilla Firefox that shows a line with at the ends.
4.) In an editor of your choice, edit the example string you selected above. The selection will look something like
5.) Insert the string you edited with your information into your post where you want it to display
6.) Done
I hope this helps.