Kids Home Page

Instructions for installation of kidshome.htm as a default home page.

Too many people do not take advantage of the fact that your browser does not have to immediately go on to the web and slow up the system to load the Netscape, AOL or Microsoft home pages which are designed to promote their companies and services. This takes time and gets old fast. Your best best is to load a page from your local hard disk. I've created such a page which loads instantly and links to commonly used sites. This page contains detailed instructions for installation in the top browsers.


Important Note:

Remember you can ALWAYS go to from any browser anywhere in the world and have access to these links online. It's a very handy page.


The first thing to do is capture and save the page. You do this by clicking on the "home.htm" link (above). Then using the SAVE AS function (click on File on the browser menu bar, then drop down to Save As..) you save the file as home.htm on drive C: in the root directory. Note that the file dialog box will not necessarily come up in the root directory of drive C: but probably in the "Windows" directory or the "desktop" do change the target to the C: drive and not a folder.

Once you've properly saved the file then do the following:

In Microsoft Explorer click on View then Internet Options. This opens your options folder and right at the top (under the "General" tab) it asks you for your home page address. Type in C:\home.htm and then click on OK. You can test the page by clicking on the HOME icon on the browser toolbar. It should load this new page instantly. You can now use the HOME icon for quick access to the many links on the Universal Home Page.

With FIREFOX click on "Tools" then "Options" at the top type in C:\home.htm then click "OK" at the bottom.

In Netscape Navigator or Communicator click on Edit then Preferences. This opens the preferences folder. Click the box that says "Navigator starts with Home Page" then go down to the Box that says "location" and type in C:\home.htm and then click on OK. This will close the folder and now you can click on the HOME button at the top of the browser and instantly load the page. You can now use the HOME icon for quick access to the many links on the Universal Home Page.

copyright(c)1998 by John C. Dvorak