
Power has been restored throughout most of Florida after a massive outage Monday afternoon left more than 4-million people throughout the state without electricity.

The problem has been traced to a malfunction at an electricity substation in Dade County. As of 4:30 p.m., power had been restored to all but 800,000 people, said Jenn Meale, a spokesperson for the state emergency operations center. The state expected that most of those people will have power by 6 p.m.

Missed my home by a hair. Now we’re under a tornado watch until 11:00 PM EST. Cripes!



Nokia’s new Morph concept phone would use nanotechnology to give it a flexible body with a transparent display that could be re-shaped depending on the user’s needs, a far cry from today’s solid and chunky devices. Even the electronics inside it would be transparent and flexible, so the whole phone may be twisted and stretched into bracelet shapes or tablet form, and nanotech cleverness means it would even clean itself. Developed in cooperation with Cambridge University, this glimpse of a distant future is now on display at the MoMA in New York.

This would be extremely cool.

Posted on Cage Match by ECA.

In an environment where users are more likely to turn to piracy, Apple’s iTunes Store has climbed to second place among all legal US music stores and is second only to Wal-Mart, according to a new study by The NPD Group.

The research firm notes that about 29 million users, or 10 percent of all people acquiring music in the US, turned to paid download services throughout the course of 2007 and more often shopped at iTunes than through any other service. The total figure represented a jump of about five million versus 2006 and saw most sales go to buyers between 36 and 50 years old…

As many as one million people stopped buying CDs altogether in the last year, with nearly half of all teenagers — 48 percent — never having bought their music in the physical medium.

We’re already having discussions about DVD’s and Blu-Ray disappearing. Certainly, CD’s are part of that process.

Take a look a the ad that was displayed alongside the story about Right Wingers wanting to destroy Islam. I believe that the ad would only display for our U.K. readers.

Targeted ads? Oh Brother!

A couple in Atlanta has pleaded guilty to beating their son for not getting all A’s on his school report card.

42-year-old Jean Pierre Marshall and stepmother, 26-year-old Courtney Marshall, were convicted Monday on one count of first degree cruelty to children and one count of misdemeanor battery…

The district attorney’s office says that when the teacher would not change his grades, Jacob altered his report card himself and when his parents discovered the deception they beat him with a belt and their fists.

The boy fled the house, returning to school barefoot and in torn clothes.

The Marshalls were arrested soon after. The child now lives with his biological mother in Wisconsin.

Some idiots call this “traditional discipline”.

Thanks, K B

Yes, of course I know not all people on the right agree with this guy. But it’s interesting and important to see what the extreme right believes in in case a President starts to agree with these ideas. Here’s the dead guy’s website which is quite, um, interesting.

Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

A poster at Free Republic has discovered that a right-wing blogger named Ronald Barbour committed suicide on February 19. Barbour announced the planned suicide in a blog entry posted at his website on February 17. He said that the suicide would be to protest America’s failure to oppose the spread of Islam. Barbour’s views on what to do about Islam, as shown in another article of his below, were basically the same as my own: get Muslims out of the West, confine them to their own lands (he called his policy “quarantine” rather than “separationism”), and use military force to destroy any dangerous Islamic regimes but without occupying any Muslim countries. In addition to quarantining Islam as I would do, Barbour also, following the more hard-line position of David Yerushalmi of SANE, wanted to destroy Islam by destroying every sharia regime, whether or not it directly threatened us. Strikingly, Barbour understood that the problem is not terrorism, and the problem is not jihad, the problem is sharia. He said that any sharia-believing Muslim should be made to leave the U.S.

I wonder what would happen if mainstream, right-wing TV talking heads like O’Reilly started calling for this. Or for getting Jews or other non-Christians out of America?

Prozac, the bestselling antidepressant taken by 40 million people worldwide, does not work and nor do similar drugs in the same class, according to a major review.

The study examined all available data on the drugs, including results from clinical trials that the manufacturers chose not to publish at the time. The trials compared the effect on patients taking the drugs with those given a placebo or sugar pill.

When all the data was pulled together, it appeared that patients had improved – but those on placebo improved just as much as those on the drugs.

The only exception is in the most severely depressed patients, according to the authors – Prof Irving Kirsch from the department of psychology at Hull University and colleagues in the US and Canada. But that is probably because the placebo stopped working so well, they say, rather than the drugs having worked better.

But, you do get to pay extra for the Prozac. The real stuff.


Four climate change protesters wrapped a banner around the tailfin protesting at plans to build a third runway at the airport.

The demonstrators walked through a set of double doors at Terminal 1 and succeeded in making their way across the tarmac without being challenged…

Even though the demonstration caused no disruption to other flights, there was concern at the ability those involved to breach what is supposed to be tight airport security…

Their ability to get onto the tarmac and then climb onto a plane without police or security staff intervening will raise serious question marks about the ability of Heathrow to protect its aircraft.

Am I giving away the deepest secret of insurgencies by noting the easiest way to fool the stiffs who rely on profiling is to imitate the “safe” stereotypes they also thoroughly believe in? Eh?

  • Bill Gates gives a speech at University of Waterloo where he makes interesting hints. I reveal all! It may have to do with the “big secret.”
  • I discuss an interesting anecdote about Lernout & Hauspie and where all the intellectual property went. Microsoft? Bill went on and on about the keyboard-less computer.
  • Net-neutrality back in the news.
  • Comcast not being honest.
  • Nokia comes up with a bendable cell-phone.
  • Apple may roll out new Mac Book Pro tomorrow?
  • Japan working on an extra high-speed satellite system. So what?
  • Pension groups suing Yahoo.
  • The death knell for the 42-inch plasma. Bye-bye old plasma.

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The race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination continues to heat up — but in one Montgomery County, Pa. household, the debate turned violent.

Prosecutors say that two brothers-in-law tried to settle the presidential race on the kitchen floor of a Collegeville, Pa. home

Jose Ortiz

Jose Ortiz, 28, is now behind bars on felony assault charges after prosecutors say he stabbed Sean Shurelds inside a home in the 100 block of Honeylocust Court.

District attorney Risa Ferman says a heated debate over the candidates escalated into violence:
“One is a supporter of Barack Obama, the other is a supporter of Hillary Clinton, and an argument of words turned bloody when one brother-in-law tried to choke the other and the victim then responded with a knife and stabbed his brother-in-law in the stomach.”

Geez, what a couple of idiots.

Thanks MJ Hopper

Christian Science Monitor – February 26, 2008:

A panoramic snapshot of American religious life in 2008 reveals an extraordinary dynamism that is reshaping the country’s major traditions in historic ways.

Almost half of Americans have moved to a different religious denomination from that in which they were raised, and 28 percent have switched to a different major tradition or to no religion (i.e., from Roman Catholic to Protestant, Jewish to unaffiliated).

The fluidity is combining with immigration to spur dramatic changes in the religious landscape. Protestantism appears on the verge of losing its majority status. The number of “unaffiliated” Americans has doubled, to 16 percent. One-third of Catholics are now Latino and the religion is depending on immigration to maintain its share of the population.

These shifts are captured in a survey released Monday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Last week I posted a story about Jill Simpson, a Republican operative who claimed Karl Rove had asked her to dig up dirt on then Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. The 60 Minutes piece ran last night, although it seems it may have been blacked out in some strategic locations.

The Huffington Post

Now, let me tell you what has been going on. As 60 Minutes was putting its show together, the White House put pressure on CBS — the parent company — to kill the show. Over the last few days, as word got out that the 60 Minutes show would air tonight, Karl Rove’s associates began planting defamatory stories about journalists working on this story (see example here) and attacking the whistle-blower who came forward, Dana Jill Simpson. If you recall, Ms. Simpson testified, under oath, to Congress about Karl Rove’s involvement in politicizing the DOJ. What you may not know, however, is that her house mysteriously caught fire and she was run off the road in the weeks leading up to her testimony.

What you may also not know is that Governor Siegelman’s house was broken into twice during his trial as was his attorney’s office.

Tonight was something truly unseen in US history. During the 60 Minutes broadcast and ONLY during the Don Siegelman portion — the screen went black for Huntsville residents and Mobile residents. There are other reports of other locations, but I have not yet confirmed those. In Florida, a series of strange ads were running about the FISA bill and how Democrats are not tough on terrorism, apparently during the 60 Minutes hour and also right before 60 Minutes, but not after (still trying to confirm when the ads stopped running). When reporters attempt to get this story out, they are threatened and smeared. When all else fails, the public is not allowed to see the news. Karl Rove may be gone from office, but he clearly is not gone from power. So long as his buddy, George W. Bush, continues to occupy the White House — what used to be a symbol of how a nation could both be governed and be free — we will continue toward abuse after imperial, no Soviet, abuse against us. That too is unacceptable.

Any readers in Alabama that experienced the blackout? Does anyone watch 60 Minutes anymore?


Markus Groh

The man who died in Miami after a shark bite Sunday is a lawyer from Vienna, according to the Austrian counsel general in Miami.

Markus Groh, 49, died at Jackson Memorial Hospital Sunday, hours after a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter brought him there, counsel general Karlick Arthur said. The U.S. Coast Guard received a mayday call from someone aboard the 70-foot diving boat about 10 a.m. Sunday. A helicopter crew hoisted Groh out of the water near the Bahamas and flew him to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead Monday.

Austrian media reported a shark bit Groh in the leg, but local authorities say they are still investigating. The Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s office determined Groh’s death to be accidental, but more details were not available Monday. Abernethy’s website advertises shark-diving excursions to find hammerheads, tiger, lemon, bull and other sharks. The divers go down without cages, attracting the sharks to them with fish chum, according to the website. ”The Hammerheads arrived within minutes every day,” Abernethy wrote. “The water was clear and the sharks were plentiful.” Abernethy’s company has been cautioned by the Bahamas Diving Association to use more care on its shark excursions. The group, of which Abernethy is not a member, sent Abernethy and other dive operators a cease-and-desist letter last year asking them to stop diving for sharks in open water without cages.

As a scuba diver, I was at first sympathetic. But this type of thrill diving while chumming the water is just plain idiotic. Hammerheads are some of the most aggressive of sharks, and the dive charter should be held liable.


ALBANY, Ore. (AP) – A pair of Albany teenagers suspended for “gang-related behavior” because they were wearing crucifixes say they were only wearing gifts from their mothers. Jaime Salazar, 14, his friend Marco Castro, 16, were suspended from South Albany High School recently after they refused to put away the crucifixes they were wearing around their necks. Salazar said Principal Chris Equinoa saw his necklace and told him to put it away. “I was like, why?” Salazar said. “He says it’s related to gangs.” Salazar said he argued and was sent to the office. Instead, he went home. Later, he received a note saying he had been suspended for five days for “defiance and gang-related behavior.”

Castro, a junior, was suspended for three days after refusing to take off a string of milky rosary beads, with a crucifix and a tiny picture of the Virgin Mary, that he was wearing around his neck. His mother gave it to him, he said. Equinoa said religious items are not banned. But, as principal, he reserves the right to ask a student to remove, or cover up, any item he feels could indicate gang affiliation even a crucifix. Bud Bunce, spokesman for the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Portland, said his office has received no reports of gangs using crucifixes or rosaries to identify themselves.

It appears we have come full-circle.

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