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This is amazing. This guy nominated by Trump has less experience than I do personally. He has never tried a case on any court. Never so much has done a deposition by himself. NOTHING!

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Canada is one step closer to the accidental legalization of cannibalism after the House of Commons passed a typo-ridden Bill C-45, formerly known as The Cannabis Act.

“I think no one wanted to be the one to point out the error,” MP Sara Anderson said. “We all thought someone else would do it, and then they called the vote, and here we are, all voting to legalize cannibalism.”


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Image result for Jerusalem capital

The Jerusalem controversy is just another example of how religion ruins everything. Trump, sucking up to his religious base, wants to move America’s embassy to Jerusalem to side with Jews and Christians against Muslims as to who God gave this land to. In the Reality based world however, there is no God and Jerusalem is just another piece of dirt like anywhere else in the middle east.

How much are we going to spend on wars and crazy stuff because one group’s invisible friend doesn’t get along with another group’s invisible friend? What are the consequences of turning our backs on Reality in favor of old stories that just are not true? I think more people should be focused on this world, this Reality, and what we can do to make this planet a better place to live. Reality matters, old stories don’t. Why don’t we focus on exploring the universe, electric cars, and curing cancer instead? Let’s do something useful with our limited existence.

Image result for net neutrality

In a new proposal issued last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) set out a plan to eliminate net neutrality protections, ignoring the voices of millions of Internet users who weighed in to support those protections. The new rule would reclassify high-speed broadband as an “information service” rather than a “telecommunications service” (remember, the FCC is forbidden from imposing neutrality obligations on information services). It would then eliminate the bright-line rules against blocking, throttling, and pay-to-play (as well as the more nebulous general conduct standard) in favor of a simplistic transparency requirement. In other words, your ISP would be free to set itself up as an Internet gatekeeper, as long as it is honest about it.

I’ve made progress and I’ve written a how to guide for curing cancer.

There isn’t any magic in the process. In fact, I’m using standard procedures that oncologists are already familiar with. The radiation protocol is the strangest part but it’s actually easier to configure than a standard treatment and is also safer. And it uses standard immunotherapy drugs.

The fact that I’m alive and healthy right now is anecdotal evidence that it might be working.

What I’m looking for is to get some attention on this process as a way of speeding up cancer solutions development. I am definitely onto something here and I encourage you to run this method past any oncologist to get their opinion. It will probably be year and a lot of testing before I’m certified cancer free, if I am cancer free. But I decided that whether or not it works for me isn’t the test if this is a great idea. So I’m publishing it now in the hopes it will catch on and be improved. Sort of an “Open Source” cancer solution. I need more brains working on this because some time in the future I might need the improved version.

If you have a friend or relative with terminal cancer and you have run out of options you might want to pass this on to them. With this method the worse off they are the more likely it is to work. Any oncologist should be able to follow this guide easily and conclude it’s worth a try.

But – I’m looking for people who want to write stories about this. I give great interviews. So feel free to contact me if you’re interested.

Here’s the story. Today I feel the I’m Christian because I want to believe it. Roy Moore is a pig. And that was before this.

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”

Tomorrow maybe we find out. They are releasing a lot of the JFK secret papers on the assassination.

So – will it reveal Trump was right? Or will they continue to cover it up.?

So here’s what I don’t get and maybe it’s because I can do math, but …

For $32 million you could pay several high priced hookers to have sex with you whenever you want. You could even swap them out as needed for variety. And you can do it without it technically being prostitution because there’s a lot of women looking for a sugar daddy. So what does he pay all this money just for an attempt at sex?

For all you Star Trek fans who watched Star Trek Discovery and think Star Trek is dead, the new series The Orville is the new Star Trek. I’ve watched 5 epasodes and I love it. It’s very Trek like but had some adult humor. star Trek Discovery is a loser. Discovery is really really bad.

Completely reusable rockets, bigger than Saturn 5. 150 tons to surface of mars. And it can be used for Earth transport to go anywhere on the planet in under an hour.

Abortion is murder, except when you get your mistress knocked up. But he’s not actually against abortion. He just reads what his staff writes up.

With no apparent sense of irony, the nation’s tax collectors have awarded embattled credit-reporting agency Equifax a contract to assist the IRS in verifying “taxpayer identities” as well as assist in “ongoing identity verification and validations,” according to contract award posted to the Federal Business Opportunities database.

Been testing out the free “Let’s Encrypt” certificates. I got a certificate for a web site I host. Then I revoked the certificate as one would do if the private key was stolen. However – chrome browser doesn’t do certificate revocation checking. At least it doesn’t for Let’s Encrypt. Firefox however does. Here’s the link to the site with a revoked cert:

If you get an error your browser is working. If you see the web site, it’s not. Cert was revoked the morning of October 4th,

I’m getting close to suing Google over their anti-http campaign. Here’s the link to my latest draft.



The caller is a friend of mine and did a fantastic job of describing her story about going to east Texas to visit her family. Discuss …

Twitter: @TheoloGOP

What a disappointment. Saw the first 2 episodes of the new Start Trek Discovery series. My expectations were already very low and it came in worse that what I thought. Worst SciFi ever! Gene Roddenberry is rolling over in his grave tonight,

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