It appears Mitt Romney is thinking about jumping into the Republican race. For those who think it’s too late – maybe not.
In order to win the nomination a candidate has to get half the delegates. Delegates are committed to vote for their candidate only on the first round. If no one gets 1/2 then delegates can vote for anyone. The question as to what “anyone” means is still open, and there might be some rule changes going into the convention.
In order to stop Trump Romney is considering jumping in at the convention because it’s not just Trump. All the Republican candidates are a disaster and there’s doubt that any candidate will get to more than half. Romney apparently thinks they could unite around him, but that would mean completely ignoring 100% of the voters.
And Trump would likely launch a third party bid. Trumps pledge not to run as independent is conditional on the party not screwing him. And if he gets more votes than anyone else then not picking him is screwing him.
My only prediction that I’m standing by this year is that the election will be interesting and unusual. Might even rival the 2000 election.
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