Executive Producer: Brian “Moses” Hall
Associate Executive Producer: Anonymous
Art By: Joshua Pettigrew
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I am SO addicted to this show and I tried to listen yesterday but it was SO painful. For months now, show is plagued with different technical problems. I hope it is all coincidental(?) and after John resolved his issues and stream is cleared show will resume it’s normal activity. WHERE IS SCIENCE WHEN YOU NEED ONE.
Condi were salaciously infectious in Segovia
& sloppily inebriatious in Monrovia
Condi battled a bursitis in ‘Bama
a tendinitis in Texarkana
& a myeloma in Tacoma
Condi felt a negativity in Sicily
& an abhorrence in Florence
If you are talking aboot that secretary chick what did all the Bush sucking then I fucked her brains out backwards in Butler, Al , just east of Meridian Ms. one night on a dare — I did feel dirty about it and stayed in the shower alot. All in all, I think I turned out just dandy since learning about the virtues of Kirk’s Castile organic soap.