Sex Machine? Really?

It’s official – BMW drivers get more sex – IOL: News for South Africa and the World – How do they come up with these statistics? Can you really believe this type of info? Well, 50% of statistics are bogus anyway ;)

BMW drivers have more sex than owners of any other cars and are much more active than Porsche drivers, a new German car magazine has found.

The German magazine Men’s Car found in a survey of 2 253 motorists aged 20 to 50 published in its inaugural May issue that male BMW drivers say they have sex on average 2,2 times each week while Porsche drivers have sex 1,4 times per week.

Following BMW drivers were Audi (2,1), Volkswagen (1,9), Ford (1,7) and Mercedes (1,6). Drivers of foreign car makes were also behind BMW with Italian cars (2,0), French (1,9), Japanese (1,8), Swedish (1,6) and Korean cars (1,5) trailing after.

I wonder what this says about all those persons that bought a Porsche during their mid-life crisis.

  1. Mark Derail says:

    I think the connection is more wallet-related. When you don’t have money problems, your SO is happier.

    I can afford a brand new BMW or Audi on lease, just like my Prius. Cars with such a high buy-back value it makes sense to rent. My final choice was an Audi A4….until my tree-hugging daughter made me see the light.

  2. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    You can buy a Lexus GS hybrid, its quite a good car with plenty on ponies under the hood.

  3. Janky says:

    And in related news, BMW owners have been found to lie twice as much as other car owners!

  4. Scott Gant says:

    Just remember 2.4 times zero is still zero.

  5. Named says:

    When I was courting my wife I had a BMW. I was getting tons o’ action. Once we hooked up and the car was removed from the picture (short answer – it was old), action dropped DRAMTICALLY! Let that be a warning to you.

  6. Random Thought says:

    Are you sure that is a men’s magazine? Men have sex in whole numbers. Women suffer from fractional sexual encounters….

    Sharon Stone: “women can fake an orgasm, but men can fake whole relationships”

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    What about men who own boats? Thanks to it I got some last Sunday.

  8. natefrog says:

    But they also have 2.4 times smaller penises.

  9. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    And live 2.4 times less 😉

  10. Named says:


    No no… The saying is if you have a big cock you don’t need a big vehicle.

  11. venom monger says:

    I have a Honda and a Nissan, so I don’t want to get into MY personal experience.

    My brother, on the other hand, has had several BMW’s, and several Porches. He currently drives a 2005 BMW M5. Amount of female attention he gets from driving around in an $85,000 german muscle car? Zip. Nada. Zilch.

    His last car was a Porche 911. Expensive, but not as expensive (or nearly as fast) as the BMW. You couldn’t stop at a red light or convenience store parking lot without some reasonably attractive woman striking up a conversation. It was a babe magnet, no question about it.

    I gotta say though, despite the fact that I despise Harleys and most of the guys who ride ’em (posers, usually) THAT is the ULTIMATE chick magnet. Now as to what caliber of woman it attracts…. not so great. But if you’re just looking for action and got yer beer goggles on, it’s effective.

  12. Mondain says:

    This may be true, but I must say I gets mad honeys in my convertible pacer!!

  13. bill says:

    Porsche 911 Mr. Happy!

  14. Joey says:

    The article fails to mention how sex with a frigid, yuppie beamer bimbo is about as much fun as sticking your member into hollowed-out rotted tree bark.

  15. JT says:

    Most of the hot shot wannabes who lease these vehicles can barely make the monthly lease payment. When a pimply faced teenager working at McDonald’s can afford to drive one of these, it kind of takes away from its cache. In today’s debt based economy, anybody can appear to have money. I supposed as long as there are women dumb enough to fall for the ruse, the sex will keep coming.

  16. Joey says:

    Classic: What’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? A Porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

  17. Miguel says:

    I’m keeping my 13 yo Honda 🙂

  18. WokTiny says:

    I’m curious how many surveyed were married, and how that affected the results…

  19. TJGeezer says:

    #4 – What is that, a swipe at Ford owners?

  20. meetsy says:

    or, an alternate “beeeemer” drivers are bigger liars than the rest. This makes way more sense to me. I mean, seems to me…judging on the population demographics….Chevy and Ford drivers are getting laid way more, as they sure do have more kids!
    Or maybe, they aren’t shooting blanks, or having sex from the local hooker, or maybe…sex to them somehow means driving like an asshole — too fast, cutting off people, and stealing parking spots.

  21. Yeah I Said It! says:

    #5 – Ummm shouldn’t the dramatic drop have come from the “courting my wife” part of that equation, not from the “she made me get rid of it” part?

    All I can say is that those BMW drivers must be in the midst of it constantly while actually driving because they are consistently the worst drivers on the road. Maybe it’s just me; I expect too much for someone with such a clean, powerful, sporty car to be going more than 20 MPH in any part of the city, including the Interstate. And I get that you should leave room between you and the car in front of you, but half a mile??? Why is it only the BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes owners that leave half a mile in front of them in the left lane? You don’t want it bad enough! Get out of my lane!

    (Oh, and anyone who doesn’t have their tags yet… HUGE red flag to watch out! I’ve seen and heard of more accidents happening in the first 30 days of owning a car than any other time. Why do people drive their cars any different when it’s new than 2 years later? And if you must drive differently, do it in any other lane than the far left one.)

  22. Angel H. Wong says:


    I have another one:

    Why the Ferrari’s emblen is a black horse on a yellow background? It’s to warn others that a big prick is diving.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, TJ,
    HEY, I drive a Ford. And I ain’t complaining.

    But, as meetsy suggested, it is quality not quantity that counts.

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Though I am a BMer owner, a number of the commentator hit it right on the money. In America, pretentious, image- & status-hungry assholes worship at the shrine of the Roundel. And yes, BMW drivers are often some of the most unskilled and arrogant clowns on the road. …in America, that is. Here, “The Ultimate Driving Machine” is actually what I call “The Ultimate Posing Machine.” In point of fact, American bozos think that anything with the spinning propeller on the hood is a high-performance machine – it would break their little polyurethane hearts to see Diesel BMW taxicabs and other violations of their fantasy. I never fail to chuckle at the dweebs who actually think their poky 318 or 525 is some kind of Teutonic supercar.

    BUT! This was a German survey, and outside the US, believe it or not, many people actually buy the kind of car that they want to drive instead of the kind of car that they want to be seen in.

    And the survey results are not surprising, considering how the demographics break down. Income reliably skews upward with age; the average Porsche costs considerably more the the average BMW; therefore, Porsche buyers tend to be significantly older; older men have sex less frequently. That’s it in the proverbial nutshell.

    And should the occasion arise and you’d like to put an asswipe yuppie BMW owner in his (or her) place, refer to their car the way M-B aficionados have done since time immemorial: just call it a ‘Nazi go-kart.’

  25. Angel H. Wong says:


    I have to agree with you on that. The passenger seat of the BMWs are hideous, all that leather and the goddam thing seems to be designed for skinny assless folk.

    Those german design engineers sure are weird.

  26. notlisted says:

    Its because of all the hookers they hire on business tripes


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