About to be knocked up?

I’m not buying this. If this were true, I bet Fort Lauderdale and other spring break sites would be hotbeds of new pregnancies. I think the last paragraph is more accurate.

Drinkers send abortions soaring

Boozy men and women were blamed yesterday for sending the abortion rate to an all-time high.

There were more than 6,000 last month in Marie Stopes clinics — that’s 13 per cent up on January last year.

Liz Davies, UK chief of Marie Stopes — which carries out a third of terminations — said: “We’ve seen the biggest rise ever. It could be a consequence of the festive season, when partying excess and alcohol consumption combine to increase libido and lower inhibition.”

If the January rate rise continues, the 2007 total will far outstrip the official 2006 Department of Health abortion tally of 185,400 — itself 50,000 more than 1987.

The DoH figures also showed 100 teenagers a month had a SECOND abortion in 2006.

Pregnancy advice groups last night blamed the rise on the closure of contraceptive clinics.

Anne Weyman, chief executive of the Family Planning Association, said: “Abortion is too often a consequence of women not being given the right contraceptive method. They pay the price in terms of unplanned pregnancy and abortion.”

  1. venom monger says:

    If this were true, I bet Fort Lauderdale and other spring break sites would be hotbeds of new pregnancies. I think the last paragraph is more accurate.

    What makes you think that they’re not?

  2. undissembled says:

    Could be true, people who go to spring break often drink 24/7 anyways so they don’t give the egg and sperm enough time to develop. In a way, they are giving them selfs an abortion by drinking too much.

  3. Dale Huber says:

    Uncle Dave, Ft. Lauderdale a spring break site. You must be as old as I am. The city killed spring break here decades ago.

  4. JT says:

    Inebriation makes people do stupid things like having unprotected sex. I’m sure the clap clinic is just as busy as the abortion clinic.

  5. Nobody Reely says:

    What is needed is one of those three year implants.

    They would take care of things when they are unable to take care of themselves.

  6. Nobody Reely says:

    Perhaps the 13% increase on last year is due to the impending closing down sale……….everybody rushing to get theirs while they still can…………..

  7. Big A says:

    It’s England for Christ’s sake. That’s the land of free medicine and abortions for all. People can’t compain that about right-wing nuts there, so what’s the problem? Maybe it’s stupid people that don’t think about consequences.

    Also, has anyone asked why they’re getting the abortions? I’m sure someone asks what happened when they come in. The workers should maybe learn to use Excel or something and keep statistics.

    That final paragragh gave a clue to the problem. “Women are not GIVEN…” Shouldn’t they be ASKING for the protection if they’re screwing around? I’m sorry, but the root of the problem is lack of personal responsibility.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    How about the fact that it’s just friggin’ COLD? Nothing better to warm your buns during the cold season than to get a lil hot lovin’.

  9. tallwookie says:

    its a form of population control – but it sounds more like anti drinking pr from the MADD

  10. Tim Bonham says:

    f this were true, I bet Fort Lauderdale and other spring break sites would be hotbeds of new pregnancies.

    Your comment doesn’t make sense, John.

    Spring Break sites are filled with visitors — they don’t stay there.

    So they could easily become pregnant at such locations, but would not know this until weeks later, when they are back home. So the resulting abortions or STD’s would occur elsewhere, and show up in statistics elsewhere.

    I don’t think you thought that thru before you posted this comment.

  11. Frank Baird says:

    Yep, it’s the fault of all those horrid people not giving out contraceptives. Of course, the people who have sex have no responsibility here. It’s all the fault of Christians, anti-abortionists, whoever. Just not the fault of the man and woman who actually create the baby. No responsibility to see here folks. Move along.

  12. Nobody Reely says:

    What is needed is one of those three year implants.

    They would take care of things when they are unable to take care of themselves.

  13. joshua says:

    I just read like 3 studies that said abortions were down for the last 3 years.
    And that teen pregnacies are down quite a bit as well.

    So….which is it?


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