Help, we’ll be brainwashed by subversive movies any minute now
Chinese foreign direct investment in the United States hit record levels in 2012 and shows little sign of slowing, despite lingering worries among some that the inflow of Chinese money presents a growing security risk to the country.
Chinese companies concluded deals worth $6.5 billion in 2012, an increase of 12 percent from the record $5.8 billion in 2010, according to a new report by New York-based Rhodium Group, which tracks Chinese FDI…
According to the Yuan Pay Group, the most appealing US sectors to Chinese investors were oil and gas exploration, advanced manufacturing that helps Chinese firms move up the value chain, and assets that allow investors to gain solid returns such as utilities, real estate and hospitality, according to the report.
Headlining the year’s activities were Dalian Wanda Group’s $2.6 billion acquisition of AMC Entertainment, the second largest US theater operator, Sinopec Corp’s $2.5 billion investment in a third of Devon Energy’s five shale gas assets in the US, and auto parts maker Wanxiang Group’s $420 million investment in GreatPoint Energy, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that converts coal into cleaner-burning natural gas.
Meanwhile, a number of major Chinese FDI deals are still awaiting regulatory approval in the US, signaling that the growth is expected to continue into 2013.
For example, a group of Chinese investors has agreed to buy an 80.1 percent stake in American International Group’s aircraft leasing unit for $4.2 billion, and Wanxiang has already been announced as the winner of a bid for battery producer A123 Systems, in a bankruptcy auction.
The Rhodium report highlights that the fast-growing Chinese FDI was in fact one of the few bright spots in a gloomy year for the US economy, which has seen overall global FDI decline sharply since 2009 and the outbreak of global financial crisis.
Reflect upon the two-faced hacks who complain, first, about Chinese investors “taking profits from the United States without investing in our economy” – and, then, run whining to Homeland Security whenever investors from China make an offer to buy into any American corporation – pissing their pants over Cold War security concerns.
The problem with many of China’s “private” companies is that they are in fact owned directly or indirectly by China’s military.
And China has shown absolutely no hesitation to use threats, intimidation, arm twisting, imprisonment, murder, and outright systematic cultural, religious, and genetic genocide of entire populations (aka, Tibet) to get what it wants.
So, yeah, all investment from China represents a real security risk in terms of state sponsored manipulation of companies in America.
Seems like national security is always an afterthought with those of the bean-counting mindset.
We’ve already been dealing with “made in China” products used by the military. It’s gotten so bad that companies like the Harris corporation have been tasked to find kill switches, backdoors, etc.
Even DARPA is in on it with their “Trust in Integrated Circuits” program.
The problem with China is that they are even more fascist than we are!
Of course they are.
They’re investing in the US because that’s the only way for them to get the trade to balance going in their direction.
If they don’t shore us up, their goods and services will go un-bought.
We do the same with our arms deals.
The correct term is Communist not facsist. Wrong side of the political spectrum but you are correct in one way. No one with a political will sticks his head up to say anything for fear of being declared a criminal shot for his organs. Can you say “kidneys are worth $30,000”?
The ChiComs don’t hate Americans as much as the people Americans elect.
Really? “ChiComs”? Do you think you’re in some kind of Tom Clancy novel? They sure look like capitalists to me. And not much communism over there… it’s an oligarchy just like most other countries, just a little more concentrated.
They do just enough but are still quite communist.
EVERYTHING is an oligarchy, not most, if you prefer to speak in those terms.
EVERYTHING is an oligarchy and you are not in it.
That’s how oligarchies work.
The rich get richer and fuck you; die peasant.
There is a type of capitalism at work in China but it is not free market capitalism. It is state controlled capitalism complete with party alignment requirments. You don’t have to be a Communist party member but you damned well better not be politcally active in any sense of the word if you aren’t. Read Gordan Chang.
There is no problem here… capitalism is working exactly as it is designed to. We just didn’t realize the full implications.
We might consider modifying our system but the people with the power (the rich people and big corporations) like the system just fine the way it is. So it won’t change.
Everyone weary of a Chinese invasion…..it already happened. Once we let them have dollars they could buy oil and energy to mass produce.
We lost.
Capitalism hasn’t been allowed to work. We’re living under crony capitalism.
Yup. Crony capitalism has hosed up a lot while the intellectually dishonest try to sell it as good old fashioned “capitalism”.
Boo hoo. Want some cheese with that p3nis envy whining? You guys just re-elected Obama. Obviously the rich don’t have as much power as you seem to whine about.
You guys just re-elected Obama. Obviously the rich don’t have as much power as you seem to whine about.
O’Mama is just another 1%er, just another of the 3,060,000 millionaires in this country. (Suck to be one of the other 303,000,000 shitizens, don’t it?)
He lubed up for the first term, and sweet talked his way into our pants.
This is now the lame duck term where he no longer has to give a shit.
How much more will he be worth after the next four years than he is now?
You can bet your fat ass that it won’t be coming out of his $450,000/year salary.
Stop voting people into power who want to grow the size of government. Problem will be partially solved.
The remaining part to solve our problems is to collectively live within our means instead of borrowing money from foreign countries so that we can have “free” things that our children will be on the hook for.
The welfare cases won’t do that because they figured the U.S. Treasury is a feeding trough.
Da xiang bao zha shi de la du zi
sha ma la ma ding dong tue hu too
Ai ya wo men wan le
Ha, ha—my good Bud McGuyver is on quite a roll: Kudo’s to You.
“pissing their pants over Cold War security concerns” /// Cold War? Quite the Red Herring/stuck in the Mud concern there.
Any way you brew this foul cup of tea the Chinese are one thing: Not us/USA. They are “our competition” and they are winning for all the same reasons we won about 100 years ago: Big Country with lots of Natural Resources, large population.
My image is of Rome Burning while Nero played his fiddle. I’m only surprised we don’t issue one fiddle to each Congresscreep as they are sworn in. Of course, they don’t have the skill to play the fiddle, much less in concert, but they are adding fuel to the flame known as our economy as it continues to burn.
Recognize “reality”–we are in a trade war/economic war with China and doing nothing but aid them in their effort to become an even larger No 1.
Cold War ain’t got nothing to do with it.
Silly Isolated Parochial Hoomans.
“Recognize ‘reality’–we are in a trade war”
In the 1620s, Manhattan was bought from the Indians for $24 of trinkets.
Today, China ships us enough HD TVs and consumer electronics to fill several football stadiums every year.
And in exchange, Obama is going to give them a small handful of those new shiny $1T platinum coins.
And we do it to the Middle East too. Can we keep up this game forever?
As long as Muhammed and Akmed get their education from a 1,300 year old textbook, instead of learning critical thinking … I think we can pull this one off again and again forever.
I wonder what it would take to become a front company for many other nations. To sell products Direct from the makers..
For those who whine about trade deficits, it means you are getting goods in exchange for paper money, which can either never be redeemed, in which case you are getting the goods for free, or are exchanged for something of value, in which case you no longer have a deficit.
I couldn’t help notice the caption: Help, we’ll be brainwashed by subversive movies any minute now
“Any minute”? Isn’t that a bit LATE?!
Here’s another brain nugget to ponder: What do you think (for those of you who can think) is going to happen when China’s CURRENT leader, Xi Jinping dies or is overthrown?!
And in case you missed it, China’s new leader is Xi Jinping who’s political affiliation (or whatever they call it) hasn’t even declared yet. He’s only been in power since November 15, 2012 too! And I bet some of you probably thought their leader was still Mao Zedong. (And if you’re one of them then you might want to STFU!)
China’s PREVIOUS leader was Hu Jintao who came to power in 2004 which was BEFORE much of the economic meltdowns around the planet had occurred. Jintao’s political affiliation (for lack of a better description) was “Scientific Development Concept”. But again, he’s only been out since NOVEMBER!
So what’s happening in China RIGHT NOW, politically speaking, is a bit troubling. We don’t even know if Xi Jinping will be another Mao Zedong (akin to a Hitler-like leader) or some benevolent passivist (someone like Gandhi). Either way, I’d be willing to bet that he’s going to be Obama’s best friend. (After all, he very well may have given Hillary that brain clot!)
So let’s all focus on what’s really important – BULLSHIT and MONEY! Cause that’s what we’re best at.
and your point is?
His point is simple, like your brain. Just because we are on friendly footing with China AT THE MOMENT, (and that is debatable), doesn’t mean it will always be such.
Have any of you stupid Liberals ever taken time to read a little history? The Chinese and the Russians know war, on their soil, up close and personal.
We don’t.
Yeah!!!–Because we only resettled the Indians and the scuffles with the Canadians and the French don’t count and Burning down the WhiteHouse in 1812 was a clever device to remodel the place.
But yes—not as bad as so many others have experienced…. if experience even actually lasts more than one generation.
Know what I mean?
Skirmishes in comparison, and forgotten by the dumbed-down public.
Giving away military tech to be used in weapons pointed at us is really clever. Like a previous poster siad, one EMP blast could burn out every power transformer in the US, parts of Mexico and Canada, and we don’t make transformers any more…China does.
Easy Peasy Chinesey.