4 towels, ashtray taken from Motel 6

For at least one customer, Tom Bodett probably won’t be leaving the light on.

A thief took two cotton towels, two hand towels and an ashtray from a Motel 6 in the 100 block of Airport Freeway on Monday.

A police report did not have the dollar loss in the theft.

Bodett, the longtime spokesman for Motel 6, uses his trademark promise that “We’ll leave the light on for you” to entice customers to the economy motels.

But Bodett won’t be losing sleep over the Euless theft.

A police report states that a 28-year-old Watauga man who had been registered to the room from which the items were stolen was questioned by police officers in the motel’s parking lot.

Patrol officers interviewed the man after noticing that he had been sitting in his vehicle in the parking lot for a long time.

In his vehicle were the missing towels and ashtray, reports state.

  1. Joe says:

    What a relief they caught this creep! Terrorists like this make me sick!

  2. Improbus says:

    Slow news day?

  3. People miss the fact that it was Tom Bodett’s room. The guy who “leaves the light on for you.”

  4. Oops!
    Tom wasn’t there and I have wasted even more electrons by commenting. (:’)

  5. topcad says:

    I really wouldn’t call the number 5 media market in the country a “small” town. -Euless is right in the middle of Dallas-Ft Worth.
    However, I would agree that this was probably a very slow news day. Jeez.

  6. Steve Good says:

    Most likely lacking on news since the weather has been the only thing to report on as of late.

  7. ethanol says:

    There is a reason it is called ‘Useless’ by the locals in the Metroplex…

  8. John says:

    So how much money was wasted by the police investigating the misdemeanor?


  9. venom monger says:

    People miss the fact that it was Tom Bodett’s room. The guy who “leaves the light on for you.”

    I think you misunderstood. Not surprising, because the article wasn’t written very well.

    Tom Bodett is from Homer, Alaska, not Watauga.

  10. John Hattan says:

    What’s also interesting is that Watauga is less than ten miles away from Euless, so it wasn’t like that guy was vacationing.

    Time to call in the crime-lab. This looks like a job for CSI:Euless.

    Admittedly, it is a pretty stupid story to publish. Euless is right next to DFW airport and has more than its share of hotels. Why four stolen towels from a cheap hotel would raise any eyebrows, much less make it into the paper, makes no sense at all.

  11. Reality says:

    I live in this area and stories like this are uncommon. The Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex in not a “small town” area by any means. I’m not sure why it’s titled that way except out of ignorance.

    I guess it was just a slow news day. I’m sure it happens in “small towns” like Seattle too.

  12. Mark says:

    Reading the police blotter in samll town papers can be very entertaining…..

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    For all you guys posting about how Euless is in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, and is not a “small town”… Okay… We get it… The headline was obviously just intended to be amusing.

    No one is saying anything disrespectful about your little, podunk, hick, remote, redneck slice of shitkicker heaven.


  14. sirfelix says:

    Shouldn’t we all welcome a break from the murders, rapes, felony thefts, drive-by shootings, etc?

    I moved away from the crime capital of the US, New Orleans, to escape the madness.

    I moved to a small town whose biggest headline I’ve seen is someone in town wrote a bad check. People were in shock. But trust me when I say I sleep better at night.

  15. Gary Marks says:

    I guess it’s time for me to come clean. I’m the guy who stole the ashtray and towels. I think it’s because of the great poverty I experienced as a child. I grew up dreaming of the opulence and luxury of Motel 6, but sadly, we were so poor we had to stay at Motel 5, where they didn’t even leave the light on in our room. We were so poor we used to buy used dental floss at flea markets because Mom said that brand new floss was only for the very rich.

    Sorry about the ashtray and towels. I’m glad I was able to get to a warm jail cell without doing something truly horrific like peeing in public 😉

  16. Mark says:

    14. I trust you, its nice to live somewhere you dont have to lock your doors at night. It amazes me people who will live in a city where iron bars are necessary for your HOME.

  17. tallwookie says:

    thats complete crap – I steal this stuff from motels all the time, and I NEVER get any recognition for it

  18. curmudgen says:

    Watch yo mouth boy! You just better have the ass to back up them mouthins.


  19. Gary Marks says:

    #17 tallwookie, lmao — remind us to give you a lifetime achievement award at the next Hotel/Motel Operators Association dinner.

  20. Gary Marks says:

    #17, I just thought of the perfect title for your award…

    “For Consistently Leaving His Room Less Cluttered Than When He Arrived” 😉

  21. TJGeezer says:

    #20 – LOL, the guy was sitting in the parking lot waiting for a commendation from the city.

    I wonder if the reporter, Domingo Ramirez Jr., was also responsible for putting in the map. Actually, I wonder if he’ll ever live this story down.

  22. Gary Marks says:

    #21 TJGeezer, don’t knock it — if the reporter gets that Motel 6 promotional map published 2 more times, he gets a free upgrade during his next stay to a room with a window! That’s pretty posh by any standards 😉


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