How to watch this video. Unless you are a glutton for punishment I’d suggest zooming to the 40 minute mark after listening to a few minutes at the beginning. That’s when it begins to get nutty. And I mean real nutty. Population control, beings from other dimensions, Planned Parenthood. It’s all mixed into a crackpot stew that couldn’t be richer. Check out the audience too.

related links:

Fluoride Health Effects Database — this site in general is one of the top everything-is-caused-by-fluoride. Cancer, joint pain, stupidity, bad teeth, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. etc. Surely the bottled water marketing people are behind this, no?

  1. Innatech says:

    It’s those damned communists again–diluting our precious bodily fluids.

    One day we’ll make them pay, and then they’ll have to answer to the Coca Cola company.

  2. Improbus says:

    I guess fluoride also causes dementia. QED.

  3. Dan says:

    Let’s see… Americans are paying a dollar or more per bottle for the same stuff that comes out of the faucet for practically free. Maybe the water really is making us dumber.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    Just as silly as the Muslim clerics disseminating info that the Polio vaccine is a birth control drug that the West wants to impose, so Muslims don’t become the majority.

    The WHO were –so close– to eradicating Polio from the planet, and the Radio + Muslic Clerics + Northern India & Pakistan thwarted it.

  5. Ascii King says:

    Fluoride is good for your teeth as everyone knows. What isn’t obvious is that too much fluoride can be very bad for you. We are getting fluoride from more and more sources. It’s in the water, it’s in your toothpaste and it’s in your pop and juice if those products were made in an area that has fluorinated water. It’s in your food if the irrigation system was connected to a fluorinated water source.

    You also have to look at where they are getting the fluoride they put in the water. If it is aluminum-fluoride, a manufacturing waste product, then you are risking alzheimers. Though, I suspect most cities are smart enough to check for this kind of thing.

    We have so much fluoride in our environment now that we seriously have to look at eliminating some of the sources. If we don’t, beings from another dimension will get us.

  6. captnbrass says:

    #1 nailed it, Strangelove. I guess when professors and military men alike snap they take it out on the usual suspect, fluoride!

  7. HMeyers says:

    Fluoride kicks ass. Everyone had missing teeth and a mouthful of cavaties in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

    Fluoride naturally occurs in the water in the southwestern United States.

  8. SN says:

    9. “Fluoride naturally occurs in the water in the southwestern United States.”

    So anything that naturally occurs in water is OK to drink?

  9. Mark Derail says:

    Fluoride organic compounds are naturally present in all oceans too.


    Aluminum-fluoride is non-organic, meaning your body flushes most of it out, and what little bonds to organic compounds in your stomach, then yes, you are stuck with Aluminum + Something, and Fluoride + Something.

    I sure don’t want to add extra Aluminum…then again, baking powder – the one 99.9% of all food industries and in your house, contains even more Aluminum than the PPM’s in the fluorinated water.

    One more reason to visit your local health food store.

    Could this be why the future generations (12yr olds – 21 yr olds) in NA are dumber on average than, say, India (any developing country)?

    Imagine eating Twinkies & McDonalds from an early age to now, all those artificial particles affecting the brain, and societies that make their own foods from scratch and basic materials.

    I don’t have numbers…but I’m curious. Aren’t universities mostly every other color other than American-Black and American-White?
    Autism is up, high-school drop out rate is up…

  10. K B says:

    The footage of the audience is indeed one of the best parts– and you have a feeling that there is a sign on the outside of the building that says “EATS”.

  11. BgScryAnml says:

    There are lots of crackpots and then there is science.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I had a real hard time giving credence to something that opened with a lighthouse shining on a huge cross.

    While true, fluoride is a poison, so are many things our body requires. Go ahead, try eating two or three ounces of table salt every day and see what happens.

    There is no link between aluminum and Alzheimer disease. The cause of Alzheimer is still unknown and speculative.

    Anecdotal evidence is not persuasive. If a village in East Germany gets better health, it might have something to do with the unification of Germany and the better food and medical supplies.

  13. M says:

    The real tragedy of all this is that there IS reason to be concerned about fluoride, but videos like this make it seem as if you’d need to wear a tin-foil hat to be concerned.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    TRUE STORY — the little town I lived in finally fluoridated the water in the late 60s.- after some controversy.

    On the start-up date, people were vomiting, getting blurred vision, migraines, etc. They wrote angry letters to the editor.

    Then the paper ran an article saying the fluoridation had to be delayed a couple of week because of some technical glitch!

  15. Greg Allen says:

    #5 >>Just as silly as the Muslim clerics disseminating info that the Polio vaccine is a birth control drug that the West wants to impose,

    It’s not just Muslims — the same thing happens with Hindus in India and in parts of (I think) Christian Africa.

    But Muslims are the new “n-word” now, aren’t they?


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