The American liberators show the Iraqis how to drive by pushing them out of the way and honking 24/7. Charming.

  1. Rory Bellows says:

    The word on the street is that they’re not supposed to stop. A measure to help avoid being attacked.

  2. JohnMo says:

    So, the secret to getting through traffic in Iraq is to tailgate the first Hummer you see.

  3. Improbus says:

    Well, I would rather be a moving target than a stationary target. I can’t blame them for not wanting to die.

  4. Matt H says:

    Yup, instead of painting them as horrible drivers, that was the MO there – if you stop, you leave yourself open for ambush. Its a sad fact of life.

  5. Gig says:

    They always have the option of opening up on the cars with the .50 Cal machinegun mounted on the roof.

  6. GregA says:

    So the next round of IED’s will be car bombs in trunks with the trigger attached to the rear bumper. Then just drive around Baghdad until a humvee tailgates you.

  7. jd says:


    That’s how illegal aliens drive in Los Angeles, nobody seems to object.

  8. Arrius says:

    Look at this article about travel in Iraq. Search for ‘right’

    I cant find an article to support it but I seem to recall hearing/reading at one time that the law of Baghdad for now is that all traffic yields to American traffic, understandably.

    I must admit I was surprised to learn that the defacto driving behavior in Baghdad was pretty much what we see in the video and they arent IED targets.

  9. undissembled says:

    Hope the hummers got soft bumpers on the front!

  10. BigBrother says:

    Feel the love.

  11. Les says:

    Kind of reminds me of footage I once saw of a cabbie in NYC during the ’70s.

  12. Lt.smash says:

    Serves ’em right. How dare Iraqi’s clog the streets of Iraq. I’m sure that Humvee was on its way to win hearts and minds…just not on that street.

  13. George says:

    Hell no, you don’t tailgate a Hummer or contractor vehicle. If traffic doesn’t stay back like 200yds, they’ll light ’em up with machinegun fire. Playing bumper cars with the Humvee is benign behavior.

    What does it matter anyway? Those people hate us, and we’re only going to be there another 18-24 months. We’re not burning any bridges that haven’t already been lit.

  14. Al says:

    Just another way in which the troops are winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqis.

  15. Noam Sane says:

    Just another way in which the troops are winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqis.

    Spend a half hour sometime searching YouTube with the keyword ‘Iraq’.

    You’ll see some really awful stuff. We gave up on the hearts & minds thing a long time ago.

    And that’s why we lost.

  16. untold story says:

    Proud to be an American…
    good job guys!

    now get teh HELL out of that country!!!!

  17. STOZ says:

    Just like driving down 7 Mile in Detroit. Arabs, bombed out looking buildings people wandering in the road.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    With an attitude like this, is it any wonder over 3,000 “Liberators” have been killed by Iraqis?

  19. Dave says:

    Just like hummer drivers worldwide… I hear they come with a special driving manual…

  20. TD says:

    UMMM Frankly if I were in Iraq I’d drive the same way. They slowed down and just nudged them. Besides who’s to say that half the people on that street wouldn’t car jack them if then got a chance no matter how nice we are to the average Iraqi. They have lived so long under dictatorship that they only look out for themselves. I talk to friends who are there or have been there and frankly those soldiers are nice.

    We get out of the way for firetrucks, cops, and the dead…. Yet they cant figure out how to get out of the way for American soldiers. Who you dont want around anyway because the insurgency uses indiscriminate bombs.

  21. F. says:

    No one is laughing in that video… They’re dead serious. And I suppose they would be dead if they wouldn’t be dead serious.


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