1. Cursor_ says:

    And the next step will be to have wireless dice to make save rolls. Bluetooth figures that you can move by voice command and maps that
    can be stored on memory sticks that go into your backpack!

    Of course we HAD all of that back in the 70’s it was called:
    Eldritch Wizardy

    What a great step they are returning RPGs to the tabletop again!

    Makes me wonder where their heads are!


  2. nick hanson says:


  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Do I smell a Warcract for Wii?

  4. Andrew says:

    Imagine US Commanders in 201X using this technology to move soldiers around in North Korea. Won’t it be splendid.

  5. igor says:

    this video is at least 1-2 years old
    just pointing out 🙂 cool tech


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