Haka is used throughout New Zealand by many, not only Māori, to demonstrate their collective thoughts. There is a haka for each of the Services, as well as the Defence Force. Units with the NZ Army have their own haka. This video shows the soldiers of 2/1 RNZIR Battalion performing their Unit haka, powerfully acknowledging the lives and feats of their fallen comrades as they come onto the Unit’s parade ground. It is also an emotive farewell for they will leave via the waharoa (the carved entrance way) for the very last time.

Interesting, powerful.

  1. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Its ceremonial to develop team spirit. 3 things I have no interest in.

    • noname says:

      How can you say what your saying? Take you head out of it’s round crap hole.

      It is what written, “powerfully acknowledging the lives and feats of their fallen comrades as they come onto the Unit’s parade ground.”

      It’s a grand, glorious farewell. You very cold about a necessary need to acknowledge people, what they meant and mourned them.

      You are a callous Buffon! To make this political is evil!

  2. Nate says:

    Typical. This site finds this interesting and powerful, yet when it comes to the faith of our fathers, what ever that faith is, it’s stupid, ignorant and must be abolished.

    • Sam says:

      Yet to be seen. I hope the comments are sincere.

    • What? says:


      When your faith intrudes in my life, it must be abolished. You keep yours, and I’ll keep mine, mmmkay?

      • Nate says:

        @What?, how would you even have yours, if someone had not intruded it upon you? I seriously doubt you came up with the faith you have yourself, for as we know, there is nothing new under the sun.

        • What? says:

          Obviously I have none.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Imagine that Science intruded upon you just like a Street Corner Raver breaking into your house, or as Gawd might reveal himself personally to you, or as your own intellect may speak to you as you inspect the universe?

            Interesting that “someone always intrudes on you” is a 100% sociological model of religion.

            Ha, ha.

          • What? says:

            What the hell are you saying?

            I am saying that I don’t want your false moralities imposed on me, written by men who tell me to do as they say, but not as they do.

            Science doesn’t intrude in my life. I have questions, and I look to research or proofs or arguments to answer those questions.

            When I don’t have a question, Science doesn’t knock on my door and tell me that I have to be Saved by believing in the Higgs Boson.


          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            what–I said “imagine.”

            You either can or can’t, do or don’t.

            Science intrudes all the time, and I’m not even using my imagination.

            Imagine that.

          • What? says:

            That’s like saying math intrudes all the time. How dare it!!!

          • Nate says:

            You said “You keep yours, and I’ll keep mine,”

            Which suggested to me that you had faith, my bad, I will remember in the future that you have no faith.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Nate–you couldn’t expand/imagine the definition of “yours” to opinion/values/beliefs? It could only mean a religious faith in your book?

            A good example of the rigidity and lack of thought/imagination/flexibility of the religiously indoctrinated/intruded upon sheeple.

            Be a man===think for yourself===by happy others do as well. Course, if you do that, you won’t be in many Hakas.

  3. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Hey Nate–excellent comment. I just lumped the Haka BS in with the faith of our fathers, whatever that faith is, and treated them all the same, except I toned it done a bit.

    Who here would want to dance around with their tongues out shouting while in uniform–when you could be in your skivvies sucking down a beer?

    McCullough===you got some ‘splaining to do!

    • noname says:

      What an asshole!!

      “Who here would want to dance around with their tongues out shouting while in uniform–when you could be in your skivvies sucking down a beer?”

      I would!!!! In New Zealand, I would show my respect as a part of a Haka, in a heart beat!!!

      It’s what caring people call paying respect to your fallen friends.

      You are truly butt dumb and ungodly arrogant!!!!

      These people are not doing a fraternity “bonding activity”. This is a legitimate & necessary farewell for their fallen comrades.

      Māori are indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. It looks like, some Anglo have rightfully adopted some of Māori funeral rituals.

      Who are you to judge? What a total colostomy bag, you are!!

      Haka is used throughout New Zealand by many, not only Māori, to demonstrate their collective thoughts.

    • bobbo is a dooooosh says:

      bobbo is a typical basement dwelling bag of shit that would crap his pants if a 13 year old said boo to him. I would LOVE to arrange for him to say his shit to just ONE of these NZ soldiers to their face.

      • noname says:

        I would too.

        I am all for genuine Free speech!

        Allowing Free speech was meant to further discussions.

        If bobbo is so convinced of his verbal meritoriousness; I too would like to see him emerge from his dark lonely basement and face a NZ soldier and say his butt dumb crap!

    • wow says:

      >McCullough===you got some ‘splaining to do!

      Yeah! Especially given all the money you’ve spent funding this blog.

    • Dallas says:

      Who here would want to dance around with their tongues out shouting while in uniform

      Sign me up!!

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Good one. But I know damn well you’d be stripped down to your native costume—bones, feathers, and all.

  4. Rick says:

    Thats scary, I’m not sure I want to go up against Maori Warriors.

  5. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Best to summarize:

    …………………………………..Oh Yeah?

    Moaris don’t care what Round Eyes say==they think we are all liars anyway.

    More beer for ME!!!!

    • noname says:

      bobbo the dooooosh your a coward!

      I doubt you would say your shit to just ONE of these NZ soldiers to their face?

      You are just another butt dumb and ungodly arrogant shit for brains!!!!

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Interesting. Moving. No further comment needed.

  7. B. Dog says:

    Perhaps there is more to diversity than the rap music of the oppressed Americans. We could learn from the Polynesians.


  8. jbenson2 says:

    Dvorak Uncensored has fallen to its lowest level as a full-blown Troll Web Site.

    • McCullough says:

      I couldn’t agree more.

      • xjonx says:

        I too have serious concerns about this blog and I am thinking of deleting my bookmark permanently. bobo, what? and some of the “moderator” here are nothing but trolls that attack anything that doesn’t fall into their version of the universe. They all seem to have an agenda to color EVERYTHING posted here with their political and theological (yes, atheism is a theology) regardless of the posts topic or subject matter. SHAME ON YOU JOHN C DVORAK FOR ALLOWING THESE “BULLIES” TO ERODE YOUR BLOG.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Whats the issue? Takes too much effort to pick and chose what you read/contribute to?

          What?—You want everything uniform and of an agreeable nature spoon fed to you constantly?

          Is that what you want Bunkie?

          I have several religions you can chose from.

          Silly Hoomans.

          • What? says:

            You talking to me? Doesn’t matter either way.. 🙂

            Xjonx, you appear to what the world fed to you as YOU see it, my dear.

            I am open to changing my mind on anything because I like to reason through data.

            However, if you want me to change my mind, you have to be open to changing your mind!

            Obviously you are not.

        • What? says:

          So, your idea of a conversation is to pander to the politically correct posture of the topic of the moment.

          Ignoring any deeper ideas or issues that underlies that topic.

          This hardly seems interesting to me, but maybe to someone who prefers life to be a bowl of oatmeal, this is what brings you here.

          Obviously, that isn’t what brings you here; the conflict is what draws the moth to the flame.

  9. Sam says:

    Something different always scares the timid.

    And its funny how liberal minds are suddenly closed and intolerate. Very disingenuous.

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Once again, I will think with words:

    The meme here reverts to a Western one of “trial by combat:” “You wouldn’t say that to those Maoris!” /// but I never said or intimated that I would “say” anything to them. What I did say is that I would rather be in my skivvies drinking beer.

    Obvious any conversation would most likely go like this: “Hey bobbo==get your ass off that bunk, your lips off your beer, and lets go Haka.”—No thanks, I’ll just drink my beer and remember our fallen comrades that way.

    But most ceremonial team spirit building crap is just like the response to my reasonable opposition.

    btw–humor in writing is difficult. I am of the mind that noname is joking and being criticized for continuing the troll.

    I, as always, am completely serious.

    McCollough===Nate still made a good point. The charge of trolling should be easy to point out.

    How are we defining troll these days? Anyone with an unpopular opinion or one that is just in disagreement, or has it devolved to anyone that asks for an explanation?

    Lots of points. Kinda like a porcupine.

    Same as it ever was. Alone, we discover the stars. In groups, we wag our tongues and howl at the spirit forces.

    • noname says:

      “btw–humor in writing is difficult. I am of the mind that noname is joking and being criticized for continuing the troll.”

      I don’t see I am being criticized for trolling. What I am posting is in no way off-topic message!

      However, if I am being called a troll for pointing out how obviously you are a basement dwelling callous Buffoon (amongst other things), I am way ok with that. In fact I wear it as a badge of honor!

      I am not going to lay dormant while some Wizely callous Buffoon bashes a sincere display of Military Honors for fallen solders.

      Maybe it’s just me, a veteran myself, who sees the simple evil you perpetrate. Your almost in the same league as the Westboro Baptist Church people!

      Again I challenge you, show us your not a coward and say your butt dumb crap to a NZ soldier!

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        noname==why do you find someone having a lack of interest in your cause du jour so offensive?

        AGAIN==for the third time==I DID NOT DENIGRATE THE HAKA==I simply said I :

        1. Had no interest in it.
        2. would rather drink beer.

        Can you nay sayers or troll callers even read?

        So many issues are so easily demonstrated here. Hinted at, directly addressed. Surely, one of you can be relevant? ((except you few who were==such as but not limited to Nate)).

        Seems I am coming up to a few alternatives:

        1. continue to caste pearls before swine
        2. beocome an angry white dude
        3. congratulate this website and all its contributors for a wonderful and exciting experience==then link to something with a mark up.

        Ha, ha. Silly Hoomans.

  11. noname says:

    k, 1/3 true… because you said more then that!

    “Its ceremonial to develop team spirit. 3 things I have no interest in.”

    “Be a man===think for yourself===by happy others do as well. Course, if you do that, you won’t be in many Hakas.”

    “Who here would want to dance around with their tongues out shouting while in uniform–when you could be in your skivvies sucking down a beer?”

    I may have conflated you with…

    Mr Clever says:
    “9/2/2012 at 2:48 am

    superstitious mumbo jumbo, no place for this pseudo religious crap in any official capacity, especially not the military. Richard Dawkins should write a book exposing these backward cavemen.”

    For conflating you with Mr Clever; I will apologize and take some of my own medicine.

    Bobbo, you did say “No thanks, I’ll just drink my beer and remember our fallen comrades that way.” No one should fault you for that. There is no one formula for mourning.

    Again I will apologize for some of my unwarranted comments.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Noname==my goodness. Full charge in one direction and yet able to stop and reassess? That is a rare and valuable skill. Hard for me to imagine you are that self possessed and yet still willing/anxious to go thundering full charge in one direction.

      No doubt, some conflation with Mr Clever (who is more right that wrong, in fact, mostly right==the Haka is ceremonial shouting to scare the evil spirits away from the newly departed. It IS religion in support of military affairs.) but also with the general notion that you recognize I am critical as posted and you conflate that with whatever else negative you may think. People are very sloppy that way.

      Nine pearls cast, one picked up. Slim pickings. But what you gonna do?

      • noname says:

        Don’t aggrandize or flatter yourself with delusion of wisdom. It’s way undeserved. The only pearls your dropping are turds!

        I would have let you get your licks in, until you aligned yourself with Clever.

        Clever wants to politicize a voluntary display of grief (sep of Church and State); then you say he is right (in part or whole doesn’t matter)? You’ve demonstrated well enough your Intolerance and Arrogance for other peoples simple need to mourn (mourning is a delicate matter with NO place for spitting philosophical hairs). In my book that make you a true ASSHOLE!

        If that makes me a troll, so be it.

        I am sure, you will try to wax philosophical with claims of wisdom; but, it’s only your vain self disillusion of fake intelligence.

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Because I’m in the Mood:

    noname says:
    9/2/2012 at 7:28 pm

    Don’t aggrandize or flatter yourself with delusion of wisdom. /// We are all who we are. Each with our pros and cons. I’m just saying what I think–a main criticism of web etiquette that we don’t self censor ourselves; thats supposed to be bad. But that is what Dvorak Uncensored is supposed to be, by name sake anyway==and they do stick well to this stretch goal. I do call a lot of other people stupid. I suppose that raises an inference, but no one calls Alfie wise. I don’t wonder why that is.

    It’s way undeserved. /// Deserved? Ha, ha, or Observed?

    The only pearls your dropping are turds! /// And yet you picked one up?

    I would have let you get your licks in, until you aligned yourself with Clever. /// Yep.

    Clever wants to politicize a voluntary display of grief (sep of Church and State);/// there were elements of Church and State but no politization, only analysis==much like Nate. The yelling wasn’t “Yaa for our Team” rather it was “Be gone evil spirits.”==Religion and unseen spirits. Whats wrong with calling a spade a spade?

    then you say he is right (in part or whole doesn’t matter)? // You always want to give and receive some wiggle room, especially when its free.

    You’ve demonstrated well enough your Intolerance and Arrogance for other peoples simple need to mourn (mourning is a delicate matter with NO place for spitting philosophical hairs). /// We went over that. FOR THE FORTH TIME: I did not denigrate the call to Haka. Other people are free to do as they wish. Problem is, when you get Religion, State, and the Military involved, its usually: “You are with us or against us” mindset in full intolerance. There is confusing overlap in that other 2/3rd you claim, but those words go to different issues. I won’t take the time to lim the application.

    In my book that make you a true ASSHOLE! /// Yes, yes–but what you should do is avert your consideration of personality and stick with ideas. Thats how you will grow. Course, that has its pros and cons. But what else is the universe for except for us to rub against and be as self aware as possible?

    If that makes me a troll, so be it. /// Yeah, I never know what that means. some kind of conflations with “I don’t like this…”

    I am sure, you will try to wax philosophical with claims of wisdom; but, it’s only your vain self disillusion of fake intelligence. /// See above.

    Given as negative and critical as I normally am, I am always grateful when I am flooded by positive emotions. I had that while watching the 60 Minutes segment on Kahn Academy. Imagine kiddies all over the world learning new things/how to think? Chokes me up with the affirmation of all that is good in hoomans. If you missed it:


  13. Patvann says:

    What an honor to be witness to such love of a fellow warrior. Thank you for sharing.


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