Wan-suk Yoo

Fellows Listing – Fellows — I don’t care how politically incorrect this is to point out, but this guy, who is somewhat famous, must change his name. I mean really! Even as a James Bond character it doesn’t work. I’m reminded of the joke about the fellow who went to a gay Chinese restaurant to order Chicken Chow Mein and Sum Yung Gai.

Where’s Rosie O’Donnell when you need her? I hate mocking odd Asian names. That said there are a number of strange Western names such as Buttman too. And I also think those names should be changed.

That said some years back after a trip back from Korea I did a column in PC Magazine titled, Hu is on First? It began with a send off on the old Abbott and Costello gag using real Chinese and Korean names. If I ever find it I’ll link to it. Anyway, Bill Howard was convinced that we’d get a slew of email saying how insensitive the Hu is on FIrst bit was. The Koreans, amongst all the Asian cultures — as far as I am concerned — have the best sense of humor and I bet we’d get no complaints.

We got no complaints. Nada.

I assume Wan-suk is amused by the situation, seriously.

Wan-suk Yoo Ph.D. – 2005
Dr. Wan-Suk Yoo started his carrier in the international multibody dynamics group when he started a Ph.D. degree at the University of Iowa in 1981. After finishing his Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral experience, he returned back to Pusan National University, Korea and introduced multibody dynamics in the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. He served department chair from 1987-1989, associate dean at the college of engineering from 1994-1996, director of the METRIC (Mechanical Engineering & Technology Research Information Center) from 1997-2003, director of NRL (National Research Laboratory) for CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) since 2002 to the present. Serving as a general chair for the ACMD2004 (Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Seoul, Korea, August 1-4, 2004), he became one of key leaders in the flexible multibody dynamics research. University of Iowa Ph.D. 1985 ME

found by Richard Brill

  1. JoaoPT says:

    Toyota changed the name of it’s MR2 model in France. It spelled “emmerdeur” that meens litterally shitter (jerk).

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Does he work here?

  3. *wingz* says:

    Does that translate from Korean into English as John C Dvorak?

  4. Ryan Skelly says:

    One word: Shittake

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Btw… It reminds me of this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_HiCIQA6Vs

  6. Eideard says:

    Tee hee. The 1st Korean company I ever represented was a tyre manufacturer named Dae Yung.

  7. Bruce IV says:

    Aren’t Asian names surname followed by personal name anyway? – he could just reverse it, and it wouldn’t be quite so bad, and he’d still have his name

  8. Billabong says:

    I know a man with the name of Jack Hoff.After a few beers he told me that he enjoyed the reaction his name caused.He said that masturbation is very under appreciated in western culture and should be brought up as a topic of conversation more often.He was glad to make his minor contribution.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Yeah, Yoo Wan-suk sounds better… Just imagine him being a POW:

    Interrogator: What’s your name?
    Y-W: Yoo Wan-suk


    Interrogator: Again… What’s your name?
    Y-W: Yoo Wan-suk

    *SMACK* *Interrogator points his gun at Y-W’s head*

    Interrogator: For the last time… What’s your name?
    Y-W: Yoo Wan-suk


  10. Zargon says:

    What a name! ewww.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    I have a friend named — seriously! — Woody Dick. The first time I got an email from him, I was sure it was a on-line creep.

  12. Rich says:

    There was also an article in yesterday’s (Saturday’s) NYT titled, “Hard Times in Snowmobile Land” featuring a photograph of two men affected by the lack of snow in Vermont this year.

    One of them was named “Dick Bigwood”. No kidding.

  13. Mike Hunt says:

    I don’t see anything funny about this post.

  14. Ophelia Dick says:

    Me neither.

  15. Mickey says:

    It gets worse…!

    I had a co-worker that his name is Mee Young-suk Yoo. I’m not joking, swear to God!

  16. Me says:

    Wasn’t it Cream of Sum Yung Gai?

  17. TJGeezer says:

    John, I think somebody stole your idea:

  18. Greg Allen says:

    I Googled for funny names but had no luck, I did find this list of funny domain names:

    VeteransExchange.com / VeteranSexChange.com
    accessTherapist.com / accessTheRapist.com
    ADDTherapist.com / addTheRapist.com
    aim4therapist.com (and get a free ipod?)
    dalesHitchinStation.com / daleShitChinStation.com
    dieselsHitmen.com / dieselShitmen.com
    aSmashHits.com / asmaShits.com (who’s asma?)
    auctionsHit.com / auctionShit.com
    beatlesHits.com / beatleShits.com
    bollywoodSmashHits.com / bollywoodsMaShits.com

  19. Ed/Sunkgyu says:

    No joke, my brother’s Korean name is spelled Chink-yu. Ah god, the “good” times we had with that one.

    For a while that sucked, but having seen a bit of life go by now, I kind of get a kick out of making people uncomfortable with it.

    Incidentally, my best friend’s name (also Korean) is Dong. (you can Google that one if credibility is a question)

    Yeah, we Koreans get a lot of winning names. Salman Rushdie once said that although things get lost in translation, sometimes something’s also gained. Just wish it wasn’t at our expense. Heh.


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