Click pic for more, including a video of it in action

The guys at Engadget have created something really cool. Kudos! So, when will it be in stores?

– 16:9 widescreen LCD, 7-inch diagonal.
– Stereo sound
– Gamecube controller port
– Built-in short range Sensor Bar
– Ports for using original Sensor Bar and A/V output jacks (for use on external display)
– Built-in power supply and compartment for power cord
– Dimensions: 8.5 x 7.7 x 2-inches

And next week, they start a series on how to build your own!

  1. SN says:

    Certainly cool, but also sort of pointless as the whole point of the Wii is to stand up and move around. Which would be hard in front of a 7 inch screen.

  2. Smartalix says:

    Nice hack, though.

  3. Gregory says:

    I preferred the 360 as a laptop mod myself.. it looked a WHOLE lot better too


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