Click pic for the slightly NSFW version, depending on where you work

Vegas. About 11:30 in the morning. Corner of Eastern & Windmill.

Ya just never know what you’re gonna see living here. And your Uncle Dave saw a tad more than he was expecting.

  1. McCullough says:

    I’m sensing a trend…..

  2. LoneSQRL says:

    Did somebody say McDonald’s?

  3. sargasso_c says:

    That’s not the chicken I ordered!

  4. UncDon says:

    If there was a KFC instead of a McDonald’s I’d make a joke about “finger licking good” but there isn’t, so I won’t.

  5. Lucky Pierre says:

    He’s got no problem as long as he makes that right turn.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    What happened in Vegas, should have stayed in Vegas…

    • Anonymous says:

      Try re-phrasing that:

      What’s cracking in Vegas should stay in Vegas.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    “Those darn kids stole my Ronald McDonald costume.”

  8. EnemyOfTheState says:

    damn red slime

  9. bobbo, eschewing the game for suckers says:

    I assume the guy was holding aces and eights and bet his shirt, then had to meet the returning raise?

    thats why its called “the nude man’s hand.”

  10. greenguy says:

    “I know where you’re looking but Rush Limbaugh approved this”

  11. Looks like any regular run of the mill Yellow Arches McDonalds hamburger / filet of fish restaurant to me

  12. Gildersleeve says:

    Hmm, maybe he’s protesting that McDonalds has never served wieners before. Well bud, they might start if you put on shirt and shoes – snort snort.

  13. observer says:

    lol…I live a couple of miles from there, and I’ve eaten at that McDonalds.

  14. AdmFubar says:


  15. Skeptic says:

    Did someone order a Big Mac?

    e e e e e vryone’s a comedian.

    What did you do this morning? “I was just hanging out at the corner of Eastern & Windmill.

    This is the other thing that happens when you think with you dick.

  16. Tigerlily says:

    Turn right if you want to see his disk; go straight if not.

    • Skeptic says:

      It’s a crossroads of sorts. Have a good look to confirm that you’re gay, or… you might just decide to go straight.

  17. Skeptic says:

    Damn keyboard… should be “…when you think with your dick.”

  18. Dallas says:

    Greeters are boosting fast food sales in the normally health conscience gay neighborhoods.

  19. scandihoovian says:

    He must be single, any normal minded girlfriend would have bailed him out when he lost his pants.

  20. deowll says:

    I’ve heard of people loosing it all in Vegas but this is ridiculous. This guy has to know he’s going to get arrested! He doesn’t have any ID on him and no money!

    • msbpodcast says:

      ID is existential. He’s got his DNA in him.

      And we don’t know what the front looks like. Maybe he looks like an elephant with balls instead of ears and earns money that way.

  21. AlanB says:

    That guy really loves McDonald’s

  22. msbpodcast says:

    Does anybody else think he’s a yakuza? (Check out the arms, LOTS of tattoos. That’s only the arms.)

  23. timmaay says:

    Over billion served.

  24. Timmay says:

    Speed bumps ahead.
    Hold the special sauce.

  25. Rebeljt says:

    Bum bum bum bum bum I’m loving it!

  26. blatherer says:

    Sir, Your wig-wag signal only works at railroad crossings.

  27. Ha ha, this is hilarious. What was he trying to do?


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