gang | Swarming girl gangs a crime problem in Winnipeg — FYI. Just weird. Sociologists, take note.

Swarmings by gangs of young teenage girls are a growing criminal problem in Winnipeg.

The term first came into use in 1997 when B.C. teen Reena Virk was swarmed by a group of girls (and one teenage boy), beaten, and then drowned.

So far, no one has died in Winnipeg, but one recent attack did occur at knifepoint.

Vienna Hauser didn’t face a knife blade when it happened to her. Nor did it happen in a darkened alley. The 20-year-old university student was attacked in broad daylight.


While I thought this was weird I then noticed this story cropping up here and there. Like in Georgia, for example, as this story indicates from 4 years ago.

“Females’ roles in American Society have changed,” says Doug Bachtel, a sociologist and demographer at the University of Georgia. “A female’s role in American society is no longer solely wife and mother. It’s now politician, career military, CEO — and gang member.”


related link

female gangs in America

  1. Alan C says:

    Finally, the “bad girl” movies of the ’50s and ’60s have finally become reality!

    Check out this movie poster from that era:

    Obviously this has been a male fantasy for some time.

  2. John C. Dvorak says:

    nice link..I put it on the main page

  3. Ed Campbell says:

    Anyone who spends a significant amount of time on the road, especially in an urban context, knows teenage girls are the most dangerous drivers out there. They believe they’re absolutely immortal. The favorite tactic around here is making a U-turn at speed in the middle of 6 lanes of traffic!


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