Simple, but engrossing. Way to go guys!

  1. jtoso says:

    Worth a watch

  2. Wally says:

    how long did that take to make?

  3. Les says:

    Very good. Any type of live stop action (not drawn) is very hard to do, even with film. With video it is harder, you have to film a few seconds, stop, set up for the next few seconds, stop, and so on. Then comes the editing. I saw one other live stop action back in 1988 on WIS-TV in Columbia. It was a 20 second piece or so and it took them several weeks to do it. This was excellently done!

  4. Mark says:

    Awesome, very creative.

  5. John Paradox says:

    This demonstrates why the “all special effects via CGI” is NOT going to be the case. The art of Willis O’Brian and Ray Harryhausen lives!


  6. Excellent. Maybe if they tried to do a story it would be better though.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    A lot of work, I vote pretty good too.

    Reminds me of when our kid was smaller. When ever we came to an automatic door, I would stop just before the beam. I would ask my kid to say “open” and take a small step after so the door would open. Silly, but it made her feel good.

  8. heimdall says:

    It’s worth noting that these guys won $10,000 and an HP laptop for this video as part of a competition on VH1’s show Web Junk 2.0.

  9. Leo Tolstoy says:

    I thought they did do a story. One party insults another which results in a cycle of violnce and domination until a truce is agreed upon which will probably end the next day to start things all over again.

  10. 2xbob says:

    That was stupendous. I laughed, I… laughed some more.

  11. Brian says:

    I loved it, it was much better than ‘Cats’. I’m going to see it again and again.

  12. Ervin Farago says:

    No video. :'( “The url contained a malformed video id.” Could you correct this error, please? Thank you.

  13. goran says:

    Jebeno dobro šta jes, jes:-)

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #12: Seems to be working fine here.

  15. Vladimir says:

    Amazing action, but it would be much better with more developed story.


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