Imagine this thing armed.
Robocop Is Next. In Your Neighborhood
By John C Dvorak Tuesday November 1, 2011
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thats all we need, more brainless cops potrolling our streets.
Fairly impressive — I would estimate Pet Man incorporates processing power equivalent to somewhere between that of a gecko and that of a mole. But as always, the software takes much much longer than the hardware to come up to snuff. That is the main reason I am skeptical of Kurzweil’s “singularity.” Even given hardware development in the lab, production takes time to ramp up; Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain came up with the transistor in 1947, but it still took until well into the 1960s for cheap transistor radios to be widely available, about 15 years.
As a stable two-legged platform, this thing is well along, but the problems of binocular vision are dozens if not hundreds of times more difficult. And we’re still at least decades away from anything capable of anything like value judgments or any of the other flights of A.I. fancy.
Tell that to Watson…
As an old A.I. researcher I completely agree with that post.
They will someday be able to make robot walkers which are able to walk upright, run tirelessly, faster and farther that we can, and never need a break to eat, drink, piss, shit or go out for a beer and some nachos.
That I don’t doubt, but I dont see me ever liking them.
You don’t want to ever like them, nor need to hate them!
It’s the very reason to have them, to do things we wouldn’t want people we love doing!
IC fabbing technology will only shrink a few more generations before Moore’s 2nd Law makes further process shrinking economically too expensive to bother with. Moore’s 2nd Law is that with each process “shrinkage”, the factories become more expensive to build. At that point, expect the cost of hardware to stop dropping on a price/performance level.
Then software will have plenty of time to catch up.
These guys make some great robots.
Looks real good. I wonder how long it lasts with out the cables?
The biggest challenge is the energy/power supply needed to make such a heavy rigid structure truly mobile for any practical purpose. The computational power needed, gyros/ stability mechanisms are well established and in mass production.
“Imagine this thing armed”
No more to be concerned about than any other armed person with a screw lose, or an ax to grind. In fact, the human has the capability to do much worse…this thing still needs to be pluged in 🙂
No it will be an Army of RELENTLESS IRS AGENTS !!! The HORROR !!!
Not to impressed at this stage.
On the other hand a twelve foot long mechanical scorpion might make an effective guard even if its mental abilities were kind of lame.
A mechanical crab hauling around a charge of explosives is another alternative. There has been work done on these.
Last and not least a six foot or longer mechanical centipede with each pair of legs acting like pincers is something anyone sane would want to avoid. It could use toxins but it could just as easily grab on and hold on. Not something I’d want wrapped around my leg, front, or back while trying to make a fast get away.
Check out Boston Dynamics’ Youtube channel. These guys are on the leading edge of robot locomotion technology.
First drones, then clones, then cyborgs that turn Julian into fries.
Good for Mars.
Real swell treadmill work, but a little gay.
I like this better:
So do robots have individual rights just as corporations do?
Well bite my shiny metal ass! if it aint my great great great great great great great great great grandpa!
The real danger is that some descendant of this thing will make it possible for the 1% to do without the 99%.
The religion of environmentalism was prepared for just that reason.
Robots are just so much more carbon neutral.
You guys forget. This would make a great drone.
Exactly my thought. All this needs is some serious battery life, remote control, armor, and weapons and it is ready to ship. Some minor AI might actually make it so one person could command 5 of these. This will definitely be a drone long before it becomes autonomous.
Apple: Buy Boston Dynamics! This thing needs to get SIRIous.
See? Corporations ARE people.
This is what most politicians look like when you strip away their skin.
Well, lets put that to the test.
Who wants to skin Michele Bachman alive? (C’mon there’s no effin’ way that’s a human being.)
From Boston Dynamics Jobs,
Mechanic / Robot Technician
“Military vehicle maintenance/support experience is an asset”