A repentant thief who stole 3,000 euros ($4,000) from a German post office on Christmas Eve returned most of the loot a few hours later — but kept 1,000 euros for himself, police in Bavaria said.

The thief with a guilty conscience called police in the Bavarian town of Maroldswiesach to apologize, saying he “made a stupid mistake” and then said he had put the money in an envelope at a local church.

“Why his conscience was not bad enough to move him to return the whole 3,000 euros is not known,” a police spokesman said after 2,000 euros was retrieved in the envelope.

A little guilty is like being a little pregnant.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Maybe there was only 2,000 euros to begin with and someone is claiming the additional 1,000 for themself.
    The cops pocketed 1,000 and only reported getting the 2,000.
    The thief, being the smart guy he is, kept 1,000 and that way if he is ever apprehended can use either line 1 or 2 and say he gave it all back all the time being 1,000 ahead.

  2. Reality says:

    Ok, so he’s 66.6% moral and 33% immoral. Seems about average in this day and age.

  3. Dirtboy says:

    Perhaps he only stole the money because he was poor. Now he is feeling 33.3% guilty, but on a full stomach.

  4. Chris Mac says:

    03 – glad someone said it.mp3

  5. Gig says:

    #3 So it’s OK to steal if you are poor? The thief isn’t the only one with morality problems.


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