On Tuesday, Chanell Martin gave her 12-year-old daughter an early Christmas present as a reward for helping out weekends at the family’s Lincoln Mall store.

Her daughter, a sixth-grader, was delighted with the black Microsoft Zune media player Martin purchased earlier that day at the Evergreen Park Wal-Mart.

But not for long.

“She said, ‘Mom — what’s this?’ ” Martin said. “When she handed (the player) to me she was looking at a gay orgy.”

On the Zune’s hard drive, Martin discovered, was about 6– hours of hardcore gay pornography and a “slideshow” of another 62 pornographic images.

“Thanks to Wal-Mart, she knows what a gay orgy is,” Martin said.

Microsoft released a statement saying it was “deeply disappointed to hear that one of our customers’ experiences was compromised when they received a product that had been tampered with.”

This doesn’t really fit into our series of Xmas Miracles. Actually, I guess it might be a “miracle” this doesn’t happen more often.

  1. lhaas says:

    99% of people who shop at Wal-Mart would enjoy a Gay Orgy, and the other 1% would deserve it for shopping there.

  2. Tim Harris says:

    Where can I go and find this special player ? Do they come in women orgy flavors as well ?

  3. Dallas says:

    Very progressive mom. Good for her.

  4. Chris Eaton says:

    #1 – You are correct Sir!

  5. Named says:

    I like how mom new exactly how many hours there were… She did some good research.

  6. Vic says:

    I’m pretty sure she put it on there . Just a scam to get $ from M$.

  7. PMitchell says:

    YOU ALL SEEM TO HATE WAL-MART but they get bigger every year and more people shop there every year so I would say they are doing something correct

    the sheeple should start thinking for themselves instead of regurgitating the crap they hear on the 6 pm news and the view

    Wal-mart is not evil the unions are evil and they want in Wal-mart and they pay big bucks to liberal causes to make Wal-mart look bad

    Try reading about Wal-mart somewhere other than a blog and see how good they are to there people and how much there employees love them, then make a decision

  8. sirfelix says:

    This is not new for Walmart. They have a habit of shelving returned items without testing them. I’ve returned broken items to Walmart to see the exact item back on the shelf the next day, being sold as new. Buying what appears to be previously opened packaging is no different then buying used products off an auction site. If electronic, you may have a product already manufacturer registered to the previous owner. How does this effect your warranty? Walmart needs to get their act together.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    “Thanks to Wal-Mart, she knows what a gay orgy is,” Martin said.

    Like she didn’t already know… kids know way more than the parents give them credit for.

  10. Lee says:

    The reports that I have heard indicate that Wally world has seen a drop in sales this Christmas season, compared to their competitors, so perhaps the siren call of low prices, disorganized isles and french fry smell isn’t so appealing to the sheaple as it once was?

  11. James Hill says:

    Must be a new marketing strategy by M$.

  12. plankton says:

    No one ever gives me things filled with porn… 🙁

  13. Dennis Duffner says:

    Better than having it loaded with Barney videos. Now, THAT will scar a kid for life.

  14. Gary Marks says:

    If you’re looking for possible motives, everyone who sees this rather sensational story now knows that the Zune can be used as a portable porn viewer, and you can buy one at the local Wal-Mart. My advice is to always pray for your electronic devices to be healed of any pornographic infections they might have, just like saying grace before a meal 😉

  15. OmegaMan says:

    It could be anyone who did it…How many finger in the chili stories have we heard about only to discover it was someone trying to make it rich…

  16. sirfelix says:

    #16, Yeah, if someone were trying to extort $ from WalMart wouldn’t you think they would pick a better device then the tech plagued Zune?

    Walmart managers are pressured to reduce losses from returned items. As long as the item works it goes back on the shelf for re-sale.
    This incident could have happened to any device that records or stores personal content.
    I’ve seen DVD players returned and re-sold with someone’s DVD movie still in the machine. How is this any different?

  17. Haywood Jablome says:

    The movie was called Pitching and Catching and they thought it had something to do with baseball. Walmart will be playing the sound track of this movie over Muzak. Personally I like to walk around Walmart with popcorn and look at the people, it is better than the zoo.14

  18. Reality says:

    Did she buy the demo model off the shelf? I’m not so sure that it’s Wal Mart’s fault. Her mom should have made sure it was completely erased before giving it to her daughter.

    This isn’t about Wal Mart. It’s about consumer stupidity.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    19, What an effen response. Blame the victim.

    Whenever I buy something off the shelf I expect it to be new and unused. Yet several posts above this point out that WalMart apparently routinely puts merchandise right back on the shelf after being returned. This I didn’t know but will remember. There is no reason for the purchaser to expect there to be anything on the player, simply because there shouldn’t be.

  20. KarlOnSea says:

    Hey – it’s a simple mistake from Microsoft. The content on this particular Zune was what the PINK ones are supposed to come pre-loaded with . . .

  21. This reminds me of the story about the Little Mermaid Shimmering Lights Ariel doll that if pressed the wrong way is suppose to say “You’re a slut,” according to a California mother whose story ran in abcnews.go.com.

    Then again this is three times worse.

    I would hate to have to be the Mother to explain to her daughter what was on that Microsoft Zune media player. Poor kid will be scarred for life.

    What a sick idea of a joke.


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