Talk about something the media has been trying to cover up. Unemployed youth are fed up and wrecking the place all over the UK. This has been going on for some time and has been massively supressed along with a lot of other bad news from Europe.This appears to have been shot last night.

from Brendan Bell

  1. bobbo, nothing is "self explanatory" says:

    So, there is some “history” to this. Yes–totally uncovered by MSNBC which is my primary source. They are all about the S&P credit lowering and the Wisconsin Recall vote. Both good subjects that curtail greatly with this subject.

    RIGHT NOW: I’m watching the History Channel and the French Revolution. Parallels there too. While we all know the rough outlines of this world changing event, here is a factoid I find fascinating: prior to the storming of the Bastille to get gun powder to load muskets, the people were being highly taxed to support the King WHILE THE RICH WERE NOT TAXED AT ALL. That seems to have been noticed by the 97% of “the people” comprising the third estate while Aristocrats and Clergy made up the first two estates. ((Everyone recalls the Fourth Estate right?)) This seems exaggerated but it was said that the cost of a loaf of bread rose to a months earnings for those that had a living. Thats does seem a bit high but cause enough for a revolution if 12 miles away in Versailles they are eating Lark’s Tongue?

    Is Wealth Disparity only a question of relative difference or does revolution arise only by absolutes? IE–the difference between a a 65 inch flat screen in every room vs only a 32 inch in the living room will not cause a revolution BUT losing Medicare and Soc Sec will?

    How short sighted can the rich, and their lackeys, be? Taking everything leaving an absolute poverty certainly should not be the goal of the Puke Party===yet that very goal appears to be sought.

    Do we learn from history? ….. No.

  2. lynn says:

    Ha ha, I live in the Philadelphia metro area so I’m getting a kick out of the flash mob analogy. Seriously, though, I read about the London riots in my hometown paper, the Philadelphia paper, saw it on local and national news, and on my homepage when I turned my computer on. Hardly a cover-up.

  3. smartalix says:

    “Unless you are starving to death being unemployed is no excuse to riot.”

    Yeah, right.

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    # 32 rev:

    “…it started when an innocent young man was shot dead by police …”

    Haven’t been able to find any details about this incident — the one news story I’ve seen that mentioned it said the decedent was not the subject of the police action, but no one seems to know what exactly happened except the cops, and they’re not talking.

  5. ECA says:


    Iv read a few of those..

    and was wondering about this post.
    AND NO, the USA gets very little responsible International news.

  6. Charlie says:

    I think you’re all being mean to these poor humble protesting kids.. they were just mourning the loss of one of their own by accepting free gifts provided by the generous local businesses when they suddenly vacated their premises for some reason.

    Still, baseball seems to be becoming popular , I’m sure that’ll keep the kids out of trouble.

  7. bobbo, its all for one and one for all with we the people says:

    You can help identify the rioters by responding with your helpful ID’s here:

  8. foobar says:

    Charlie, you’re assuming that rioters are buying the baseball bats?

  9. The0ne says:

    That’s how I read the background to the news. This whole article baffled me entirely. I think you can blame our TV media sources for this even though most here wouldn’t budge from questioning their favorite news channel. That my friend is ignorant denialism and stupid pride as I always say here 🙂

    One one hand I can sympathize with the rioters but then the innocents that get hurt, business owners, in the process are terrible to say the least. If anyone bothers to research more into the other side from the rioters it’s quite sad.

  10. harold says:

    If the rioters in London want to make a political statement, burn down Parliament. But they aren’t politicos, just common looters and thieves. One would hope the locals would arm themselves to protect their property since the police aren’t doing shyte but standing and watching the city burn.

  11. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Seeing more of this on the news I regularly review now. Looting is one kind of hooliganism but setting fire is a whole different kind of evil. I can see giving looters a pass if I couldn’t stop them, but firebugs could be shot on sight. I see several 4-5 story buildings on fire with a map showing 15-20 locations of rioting with a fire symbol for the location. I assume there is not a building on fire at each location?

    I admire our Koreans willing to shoot trespassers. Yes, there are situations where defending property with force is totally justified. Just before the apocalypse.

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> rev said, on August 9th, 2011 at 4:53 am
    >> heres the thing – your all talkin out your proverbial asses.
    >> it has nothing to do with unemployed youths, watch or read a news story once in a wehile instead of picking lumps of whatever out of your ass

    This very morning I heard a London-based reporter saying the rioting was mostly being done by unemployed youths.

    Looking out your window doesn’t make an authority!

  13. cgp says:

    These kid are not stupid.

    They know there are no jobs for them.

    They know their family will never afford the latest gadget.

    They know the goverment is about to slash benefits.

    They know about the corporation bailouts.

    They know that class warfare is about to be imposed upon them for the corporate welfare.

    They know the corporations hold riches unimagined.

    They know the shirt and shoes in the shops cost cents in the 100 pound for human labour.

  14. cgp says:

    Why are people buffled about this?

  15. honeyman says:

    Pent up frustration might make you burn and smash stuff, but it doesn’t make you a thief. Many of these people are just taking advantage of the chaos to rip off goods, no doubt stirred up by someone with a political agenda.

    That said I agree with #46. Class warfare is normally instigated by the elites, not the poor.

  16. Charlie says:

    #40 foobar,

    The ‘protesters’ aren’t buying anything – it’s the home owners and residents arming up to protect what the political elites and police don’t seem willing or able to do.

    All I hear from the UK MSM is bleating about poor backgrounds, disadvantaged & disenfranchised youths that have nothing to lose… and in part they’re right. If they though that they might lose their freedom (and become Bubba’s bitch in a nice small cell for a few months) they might think twice before going on a rampage.

  17. Drive By Poster says:

    Excellent, excellent article about England’s “Feral Youth” that are now rioting. Think “Lord Of The Flies” on the streets of England from an early age, but without any of the privations.

  18. Ah_Yea says:


    Lots of talk and nobody has answered the question!!

    Why has “the media has been trying to cover up.”

    Simple. The media is afraid that the riots might boil over into America.

    If you don’t like the message, suppress it. Welcome to Communist China.

    It’s so obvious.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Great article, Drive by Poster.

    That goes to the heart of the cause of the riots, and by extension why the media is under-reporting this in America.

    These riots are the natural and inevitable result of “Progressive” policies.

    England is overrun by these idiot Progressives, and this is the result.

    Progressives don’t want to face the consequences of their actions, and specially don’t want us to see what is also happening here in the US.

  20. President Amabo says:

    A variation on “March of the Morons”


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