A new set of government tests showed that LightSquared’s proposed mobile broadband network disrupted the signal strength to all GPS devices in the test area, dealing another setback to the company’s startup plans..

While all global-positioning system devices tested were affected, the severity of the loss of service varied, said Deane Bunce, co-chair of the National PNT Engineering Forum, a federal advisory group of engineers that oversaw the government tests. Mr. Bunce, speaking at a federal government advisory group hearing Thursday, said some devices lost signal strength while others were knocked out completely. For example, the government tests found that General Motors Co.’s OnStar system saw a “significant degradation of service” on most receivers tested.

The interference concerns of GPS users have become a major problem for LightSquared, a Virginia-based wireless startup.
LightSquared is funded largely by Harbinger Capital Partners, a hedge fund led by Philip Falcone that has invested almost $3 billion in the proposed network.
LightSquared officials acknowledge their proposed system could knock out some GPS devices. But they say adding filters to antennas and other technological solutions are possible, such as using just part of their airwaves. “We believe we can deploy in a way where we can co-exist” with GPS users, said Jeffrey Carlisle, LightSquared’s executive vice president of regulatory affairs and public policy Thursday.

It’s not clear who would pay for filters or other equipment to keep GPS service free of LightSquared interference. GPS makers and users are likely to balk at having to install or buy new equipment to keep service.

Ya think? Who spends $3 billion to build something you know is faulty? Other than Congress on jobs progra… er, military procurement, of course.

Edit: In my above comment, I was referring to Congress spending money on military systems the Pentagon didn’t want just to keep their voting constituents’ jobs safe. –UD

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Recently I had to change ISPs. I had been using a local wireless provider that gave a lot back to the community. Another start-up tried to get into wireless internet and caused massive interference with the signal. Under current FCC regulations there was nothing either my ISP or I could do.

    So I am back with a regional cable provider. Why? Because the lack of regulation denies me my choice of providers. Given the choice, I would much rather be with the company that supports our local charities, sponsors our local sports teams, hires local people, and pays local taxes.

  2. moss says:

    Why even mention jobs programs and Congress in the same sentence. The Republican-controlled House hasn’t rolled a jobs bill out of committee in 2011.

  3. r_and_om says:

    Anyone else noticed that “lightsquared”‘s logo is a CUBE?

  4. sargasso_c says:

    Unclear to me, filters on the 4G device antenna, the 4G tower antenna or on the GPS device antenna? Or on all of the above?

  5. GregAllen says:

    >> Other than Congress on jobs progra… er, military procurement, of course.

    A billion spent on hiring Americans during a recession is money damn-well well spent.

    Make no mistake.

    Billions given to fat-cat “job creators” is throwing our tax dollars down a rat hole.

    Again, make no mistake.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    #8 – And who pays for all those government workers?

    Thank you China.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #7 – A billion spent on hiring Americans during a recession is money damn-well well spent.

    Ever heard of government downsizing after a recession? Neither have I.

  8. ArianeB says:

    #5 “Government regulations is what stands in the way of job creation.”

    Please go rent the movie Inside Job and watch it before reposting this lie. (The Heritage Foundation is a Koch Brothers funded propaganda factory BTW)

  9. clifffton says:

    heritage.org? Really??
    Can’t you find something more reliable like National Enquirer, FoxNewz, or the 1 out of 4 Andy Breitbart?

    All Heritage can tell you is GOP=good, Dems=bad!

    Wish I could really comment on the tech, but you’d think they would have checked this in the lab before letting it out in the wild…..

  10. Mextli, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? says:

    #11 “The Heritage Foundation is a Koch Brothers funded propaganda factory BTW”

    Speaking of propaganda factories how about those Open Society Foundations?

  11. bobbo, libertarians are sooooo retarded says:

    #1–Mr Fusion==congrats. That is the smartest thing I have read in quite a while. Yes, there is no free market without regulation. Deregulation is the impetus of those who wish to defraud.

    Any interaction with real life shows us this time after time.

    Thanks for the focus.

    And Mspodcast==you’ve been remarkably informative, reasonable and rational as well. Yes, if you read enough, truth, justice, and apple pie are all available here at DU.

  12. Rick says:

    And can we develop a filter against brain dead Republican talking points?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, RK,

    You miss the point. Our local ISP can’t use the bandwidth allocated because the regulations don’t prevent overlap.

    To say there is a solution, at a price, is disingenuous. The ISP could also have wired it’s area to eliminate interference. Another fix would have been to buy the neighboring frequencies to reduce overlap. Or they could have bought out the offending service. BUT, that would mean that the ISP has to pay extra for the property they already purchased.

    The end result is another carrier has not insulated their transmissions to prevent interfering with other frequencies. The same situation occurs here. A start-up is interfering with others signal. So far, the fix is being suggested that the current users invest in the fix. It doesn’t appear that the offending start-up has to make any corrections to their operations.

  14. Buzz Mega says:

    It’s an If—Then situation.

    Either LightSquared achieves a state that doesn’t interfere with GPS or the FCC that approved their system replaces every single GPS device in use in the world with one that isn’t susceptible to LightSquared interference.


  15. JimD says:

    Broadband over Power Line also wipes out shortwave radio – ask the Hams !!!


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