Yet another European commercial that will never air on American TV because it’s too risque. It’s also sophomoric, but I can assure you that’s not the reason you’ll never see it.

Update: Here’s a commercial we’ll never see broadcast in the US! And it probably will not show up on an awards show either.

  1. Greymoon says:

    That had to been hilarious during the filming. There is nothing greater than simple special effects to bounce your point across to an audience.

  2. Improbus says:

    On behalf of all the men in the audiance I thank you.

  3. 2xbob says:

    WOW, I finally get it. I need a Nissan, bad

  4. Kent Goldings says:

    Was a commercial for cars?

  5. Awake says:

    Imagine being a judge on the casting call for that first commercial… life would be sooooo sweet.

  6. Hugh Jass says:

    I guess we can expect as the car gets older the front suspension will start to sag and be relocated somewhere around the back passenger door? Then they will be offering suspension implants that a rock hard and will hardly move as the car goes across a trampoline, er, bump.

  7. JimR says:

    Sorry, but the boob who made the commercial probably did more harm to Nissan than good. The shocks obviously didn’t work very well, and any pragmatic woman seeing that commercial would consider the Nissan an uncomfortable ride.

    So buy a Nissan. You get a lousy ride and a chick repellent.

  8. JimR says:

    #7, they want you to trade it in for a new one before that happens.

  9. SN says:

    JimR, what’s it like to have been born with no sense of humor?! I’m assuming a cold, boring, lifeless existence. Am I right?

  10. JimR says:

    SN, I have plenty of humor… the problem is your ability to sense it.

  11. SN says:

    “the problem is your ability to sense it.”

    You might be right, I have to admit I’ve never sensed any humor come from you.

  12. JimR says:

    Well at least you agree that you don’t have the sophistication to see my humor. Perhaps if I posted some “poo poo” jokes they would be more to your liking.

  13. PMitchell says:

    Now that there is funny no matter where you is

    ohh and JimR one sign of great intelligence is the ability to be entertained by very simple things, and that was simple and very entertaining , get a life or at least a girl friend

  14. Hey, SN and JimR — get a room!

  15. joeblow42 says:

    JimR, I get what you’re trying to say and it made me chuckle, as did the commercial.

  16. SN says:

    “Well at least you agree that you don’t have the sophistication to see my humor. “

    You’re so sophisticated that you have your very own humor?! I knew humor was subjective, but to have a humor that is solely yours! Wow! That’s amazing! And that explains why no one finds you funny. You’re a comic of one!

  17. Spencer says:

    #8 JimR: “The shocks obviously didn’t work very well, and any pragmatic woman seeing that commercial would consider the Nissan an uncomfortable ride.”

    JimR, that WAS funny.

    Your comments were obviously too deadpan for some.

  18. JimR says:

    #14, one sign of great intelligence is the ability to be entertained by very simple things> …. like “peek a boo”? Admit it, you like peek a boo.

    #16, Thanks. You and I can enjoy the profound humor as well as the obvious.

    #17, I’m 52 with 3 great children, and still happily married to a beautiful lady. I hope you are as lucky.

    #19, SN, look above your head … (swoosh!)… Oh well maybe next time.

  19. JimR says:

    #20, Spencer, Thank You. 😉

  20. SN says:

    #21 “SN, look above your head … (swoosh!)… Oh well maybe next time.”

    Gee, you can fly too! A comic of one with the gift of flight!

  21. JimR says:

    #23 Was that a double swoosh? Yes I believe it was. LOL 🙂

    Have the last word SN, I’ve got things to do.

  22. JimR says:

    Ok I peeked to see the last word would be.

    Sorry Pedro, I as honestly confused as to whom you were referring to and chose wrong. LOL. Oh well… the flying comic ain’t perfect (not that he ever thought he was.)

  23. Slappy says:

    Why do I feel like I’m at digg?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    C’mon Jim, the video was funny. So was your riposte in #8.

  25. KarlOnSea says:

    . . . . and the ad for the little milk carton thing. Good, but no-where near as funny as Penn & Teller’s fork-in-the-eye prank that used the same prop.

  26. JimR says:

    #28, Mr. Fusion, I fount the first video amusing but mostly tit-illating.

    The second video, I loved the energy. I wish I could (still) wake up like that, an inference as to why she was so tired. And it was a lot funnier than the boobs.

    But again I wonder if the ad did anything for sales. Yes, they got my attention and a laugh, but the simile of cum in my coffee, or ‘creaming your coffee’, doesn’t exactly make me want to rush to the store to get some.

    I’m just offering another perspective, that’s all. 😉

  27. ECA says:

    I got one from Ford, and a Cat.

  28. wally says:

    they are great


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