Blood taken from Pope John Paul II before he died is to go on display at his beatification on Sunday.
One of four small vials of blood removed from John Paul during his final days will be used, the Vatican said in a statement…
More than 50 heads of state and several hundred thousand pilgrims are expected to travel to Rome for the beatification, a step before full sainthood…
The vial will be placed in a “precious reliquary” prepared specially for the occasion by the Office of Papal Liturgical Celebrations.
After being extracted, the blood was mixed with an anti-coagulant in the container to ensure it remained liquid.
What body parts do we get to worship next?
Just watching the marriage right now. Interesting concept that the first two reasons of three to get married involves being “fearful” of god. I have always thought my drive thru ceremony at Lake Tahoe was well done. Same first sentence and then talk about the mystical symbol of the infinity of the ring being a circle. HAH! I’d have never gotten married that day had the injunction been the same as that given at West Minister. So close…………
I wish them well. Hopefully they will do some good.
OK, I was wrong. The pope doesn’t wear Gucci. He wears Prada. He really is butch.
#25 agreed the R-L Curve has somewhat of a culture specific (and point in time) reference point. My point is western cultures today like rate Catholics about a five on a 1-10 scale. However, once you start messing with blood, body desecration, etc it does imply a few more tick marks to the right.
I respect Greg Allen and made a personal pledge never to debate him on religious matters. This is the only thing I fundamentally disagree with him about. It wouldn’t do either of us any good to not respect the other’s opinions. Since he seldom defends things like this, the truce is easy to keep.
I save my anger for those who act stupid all the time.
Mr Fusion–nothing here raises to the level of a debate. A few exchanges, a barb thrown here and there. when we are lucky, a link to some new information.
If we “won’t debate” a person on a subject, do we really “respect” them? You can have your own answer: I debate, or throw barbs, at everyone, hoping only for a well placed return. That the best learning experience in my way of thinking. Too many object to the same thing.
Greg Allan does post as a completely reasonable person, for someone who believes in nonsense and thats the trouble. Without a grounding in reality, who knows who he really is? what will that inner voice tell him one time or another? Course, thats true with any of us===so what do we have but “ideas?”
Too many here also think a debate/exchange is between those here doing it. While true, there is the larger audience of those who read and pass on for various reasons. Who knows what anyone takes away?
It would be “nice” to see some stats every once in a while. A chart on how many people post how many times a month/year. How many read and don’t post? How many people post under “many” different names. A running gadget in the side bar. Information is supposed to set us free.
Fusion–reading for loose threads. Anger???? Really? Gosh, maybe you have some religious roots? No, if your debates aren’t “fun” you should find another activity. Life is short. Find the humor within your anger—its there. Laugh at yourself. Live. Grow. Be kind to yourself. After a few months, you will be happier, and not even notice you are lying to yourself.
Ha, ha. I’m laughing at myself right now! But like Greg Allan, I’m so practiced, I don’t think of myself as lying.
I wonder how JPII felt knowing he would eventually be chopped up for marketing purposes?
Is this supposed to make the new guy look more or less creepy?
Makes me wonder what sort of shadow moves the Holy See is making related to the various Middle East/North African popular revolts. If they are messing with relics again then Crusades can’t be far off. Oops, guess that already started.
I would love to know what Opus Dei is telling client politicians to do.
Ah the Stone Age silliness of evil incarnate.
John Paul II certainly has no reason to be upset about his body being turned into relics. After all, he hasn’t been using that body for awhile, and Catholicism venerates relics… “My God how the money rolls in.”
#39 It had to creep him out while still alive. Maybe there is a “donate body for promotional purposes” box on the papal job application.
I got a piece of the Berlin Wall when that came down. Could there be a similar, but much more exclusive, market in holy bits.
# 30 bobbo, “I challenge YOU Animby to set forth the argument…” Why would you issue me THAT challenge? I’ve never proclaimed I believe in such a thing. I’m a proponent of a flat tax plus VAT. Have been for years. So that means a service cut: fewer shotgun toting IRS agents. There are other service cuts I’d like to see, chief among them the TSA’s service. As for tax cuts for the rich? I have nothing against making money but I see no good reason to tax someone for being successful. On the other hand, since rich people are likely to buy more things, a VAT makes sense.
Sorry not to engage in debate but I’m operating on three hours sleep and would like to make it four tonight. BTW – my cot is canvas. Not great on an old man’s back! Better than a hammock, I suppose.
My plan is working most excellently, Animby slowly shows himself. Lets parse:
# 30 bobbo, “I challenge YOU Animby to set forth the argument…” Why would you issue me THAT challenge? I’ve never proclaimed I believe in such a thing. /// You do by implication when you say you are “conservative” in a lame attempt to seperate yourself from the Trumps and Palins of your party AND when you FALSELY attempt to equate the evil of both parties. The PUKES are intentionally trying to destroy this country FOR THE VERY SAME REASONS YOU HOLD. And you lie about it too. Slowly reveal?–No, COMPLETELY REVEALS. HA!!!!
I’m a proponent of a flat tax plus VAT. /// Flat, Flat or graduated Flat? All taxes or just income tax? Initial threshold or first dollar? Any system that balances the budget is better than what we have now.
Have been for years. /// Indicates you made up your mind on who knows what factual basis and stopped thinking about it.
So that means a service cut: fewer shotgun toting IRS agents. /// Ha, ha. How is that “necessarily” so unless your Flat Tax by design continues deficit spending just like the PUKE Ryan Budget? Nice PUKE MOVE there too reducing the number of IRS Agents. You support tax cheating then? Who does that but a PUKE?
There are other service cuts I’d like to see, chief among them the TSA’s service. //// Agreed.
As for tax cuts for the rich? I have nothing against making money but I see no good reason to tax someone for being successful. //// More PUKE code. Success is not taxed–income and wealth is taxed. Silly Animby. Pragmatically, thats where the money is, or more fairly, if the tax is viewed as on the disposable income, they can pay more and still have more than other people. Still “successful” in your alchemy. Philosophically, they receive more “from” America and benefit the most in keeping America going.
On the other hand, since rich people are likely to buy more things, a VAT makes sense. /// Its a consumption tax. Is food exempt except for HFCS? Details always are telling. Whatever works to balance the budget.
Sorry not to engage in debate but I’m operating on three hours sleep and would like to make it four tonight. /// Sleep type sweet Prince of Denmark. Sleep and dream of a more just society, one where your ideas have no take.
BTW – my cot is canvas. Not great on an old man’s back! Better than a hammock, I suppose. /// Another obvious LIE! Canvas in Thailand? What do you take us for? Regressive Flat Tax Fools??????
Well, Animby–you’ve done your job. I feel much better. I’ll feel even better if you demonstrate you can learn.
Bobbo, and all fair minded people: Plus One
Aninmby, and all “conservative” nattering naybobs: Minus Nine.
Lets talk again when you are up to it.
#42 – Bobbo
See? You hear what you want and disregard the rest.
I’m in Cambodia.
Animby–what? You are telling me now that canvas doesn’t rot in Thailand or Cambodia? Tell that to my Gucchi Loafers.
Take any subpoint you wish. Explain how your desires are good for America: aka, will balance the budget WHILE providing for the minimum fair needs of the people.
Don’t be disuaded by the negative tone–even with that mostly we agree with each other unless you really do mean your flat tax scheme is by design a deficit plan to shrink government even requiring fewer IRS agents? Flat Tax should decrease those needs inherently–maybe I didn’t flip as fast as you did?==but right now, every dollar spent on tax enforcement produces a multiple (from 5 to 8 times I have variously read) of revenue. Cutting Agents currently does only allow tax cheating.
Lets focus on this issue alone? Why do you want tax cheats to go without prosecution? How does that position help america?
Come on now. ONE ISSUE. You can do it.
And animby–perhpas the burden is misplaced? Hopefully, you can change your mind about prosecuting/preventing tax cheats as part of any rational tax plan, so rather defend what you write, you say I have failed to hear and have disregarded something.
I disagree.
After the tax man, take the easier course of pointing out how/where/why I am wrong. Lets go one point at a time in honor of your time restraints.
I will of course, contest you strongly===but my goal really is to have my own position tested. Tested, they become stronger, especially when they change: like supporting America by NOT encouraging tax cheats?
We could move this to cage match if you wish. Just when your spare time and sobriety permits.
Now I know! why New Roman Empire with Vatican will be destroyed by erthquakes and fire, some day. By God!