DELTONA, Fla. – Volusia County deputies were sent to Timbercrest Elementary School Tuesday after a student was found holding what appeared to be a $1 million bill.

According to Central Florida News 13 , school officials said the money looked very real and they were worried that it could be in circulation. However, $1 million bills were never in print or circulation to begin with.

The bill was only a novelty item, and a parent provided News 13 with a similar bill.

How stupid can those “school officials” be… and the deputies that showed up?

Found by just me.

  1. KD Martin says:

    You can buy these on the net. The transaction to do so is legal, as they state all the legal mumbo jumbo necessary to avoid counterfeiting confusion.

    I have one minted in the 70’s that looks quite real, has all the correct wording and symbols of a $5,000 bill (except the denominations) and was intaglio printed on linen so it feels real. It was a gift.

    In 2001, a man bought a sundae at a Dairy Queen with a $200 bill (with George W. Bush on it) and received $198 in change.

    In March 2004, Alice Regina Pike attempted to use a $1,000,000 bill with a picture of the Statue of Liberty on the front to purchase $1671.55 in goods from a Wal-Mart in Covington, Georgia, for which she was then arrested.

    These are real bills:

    * The $500 bill featured a portrait of William McKinley
    * The $1,000 bill featured a portrait of Grover Cleveland
    * The $5,000 bill featured a portrait of James Madison
    * The $10,000 bill featured a portrait of Salmon P. Chase (you can see these in Vegas)
    * The $100,000 bill featured a portrait of Woodrow Wilson

    [And all of those are out of circulation. – ed.]

    [Yes, last printed in 1929. But they’re still worth face value. – kd.]

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 4 Norman Speight said, “pray for the arrival of a penicillin specifically targetting this appalling virus.”

    Sorry. Penicillin is ineffective against viruses.

    Shotguns might work…

  3. jhatsis says:

    Assume it was real money… Is it illegal for a kid to carry cash in Florida?

  4. Yankinwaoz says:

    Wow. I have one of those fake $1M bills in my wallet. It looks and feels amazingly real. No where on mine does it says “Not legal tender”.

    But, I would never be dumb enough to attempt to pass it as payment. That could get me in trouble. I’m confident that I can’t get in trouble for having it since no such bill ever existed in the first place. But I’m damn sure I could get in trouble if I ever pretended it was real.

  5. Axl says:

    Someone – send them a real 1 million dollar bill so they will know how to spot a fake one:

    Timbercrest Elementary
    2401 Eustace Ave.
    Deltona, FL 32725
    FAX (386)626-0425

  6. Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no counterfeits) says:

    # 7 RASTERMAN said, “30 seconds of research by a school official would have saved much all around.”

    As would 3 seconds of looking at the note.

    There is the very real possibility that this IS a real note that has escaped from the Mint and was not intended for introduction until next summer when the price of gas hits $100,000 per gallon. Inflation is coming, folks!

  7. TooManyPuppies says:

    Reminds me of an event that happened here in 1996 that was exactly the same. Some 7th grader had a novelty $3 bill with Bill Clinton on it. Teacher calls cops, cops call in the SS. When the SS got to town they told the PD to release the kid, yes they tossed him in Juvenile Hall, and drop all charges because it was clearly a novelty item widely sold and available to everyone. I still have a mint stack of them in a drawer somewhere.

    After that the parents decided to sue the teacher, school, PD and the individual officer that made the arrest. Don’t know how that ended but the officer was forced out of the department 3 weeks later.

  8. WBUJr says:

    Reminds me of a joke: A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to break a $7 bill. The bartender says, “Sure thing” and hands the guy a $3 and a $4.

  9. E. Nuffall Reddy says:

    Ah, the Last Days of New Rome…..with school officials so dumb, doesn’t it just make you wonder what the upcoming generation of young voters will be like? Perfect little citizens of the United States of MegaCorp.

  10. Rick says:

    There’s some fed rule that money that is counterfeit in appearance can’t be the same size as regular money, it must be 20% larger or something like that for it to be legal to possess.

    That being said, a $1,000,000 bill is in our future once the GOP spends us into bankruptcy with their love of tax cuts, defense spending and bailouts of the rich. Hello Zimbabwe! Remember do not use $1,000,000 bills as toilet paper, it stops up the drain.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Counterfeit is anything that isn’t BUT is used to fraudulently induce someone into thinking it is real. The woman who tried to pass a fraudulent $1,000,000 at Walmart made the money counterfeit. If the “novelty” money is not presented as real money there is no counterfeiting.

    It doesn’t make any difference if Nike made a specific shoe design, if you put a Nike label on it and pretend and present it is a Nike product, it is now a counterfeit. If you don’t pretend it is a Nike, product, there is no problem.

  12. HenryG says:

    #31 The woman should have used 10/$200 bills to make her puprchase. lol!

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    How about the trillion dollar bill with GW Bush’s picture on it, or the zero dollar bill with Reagan’s picture on it?

  14. JimD says:

    The kid was lucky it wasn’t a drawing of a GUN or even a SLING-SHOT !!! He would have a criminal record !!! IDIOTS !!!

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