1. 1873 Colt says:

    Interesting how a sticker proclaiming “God Bless America” is annoying to so many lefties.

    Maybe we should make the song illegal, too.

    There are many people who feel English should be the official language. My grandmother never spoke English, but I understand people who are fed up with Mexico taking over California.

    And the last sign, is just dumb.


    I suppose the complete fools in Berkeley who gush all over the Taliban girl and want to import terrorists and baby them are the kind of folks you would prefer as citizens.

  2. hhopper says:

    Animby #26:

    Come on Animby, I’m talking about the “your” in the photo, not the comment.

    Animby #31

    Come on Animby, I pride myself in using proper grammar and spelling. It seems to me I’ve fixed a number of mistakes in your posts. Yes, I do that sometimes for the more intelligent commenters.

  3. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    #32 1873 Penis

    “Interesting how a sticker proclaiming “God Bless America” is annoying to so many lefties.”

    No, ignorance is annoying to lefties. You know? Ignorance? I can help you out. Look in a mirror.

    “Maybe we should make the song illegal, too.”

    Do YOU want to make it illegal? No-one else mentioned it, so I assume it must be you.

    “There are many people who feel English should be the official language. My grandmother never spoke English, but I understand people who are fed up with Mexico taking over California.”


    “And the last sign, is just dumb.”

    As the sign says, you have the right…

    “So?” So?

    “I suppose the complete fools in Berkeley who gush all over the Taliban girl and want to import terrorists and baby them are the kind of folks you would prefer as citizens.”

    Let’s see now, them or you – them or you? That’s a tough one. I’m sure great minds will differ on this tough choice but personally, I prefer the terrorist babies. Vaya con Dios!

    Could you possibly BE any stupider and still be alive? It’s just my opinion but I seriously doubt it. I sure hope you haven’t reproduced yet.

  4. GF says:

    I love it when those speaking Spanish think they are having a private conversation that this ‘gringo’ can’t comprehend. It gives me an edge and a chuckle. I wonder, do you think they would think it rude if I spoke German or Russian with my friends because, you know, the conversation isn’t meant for them.

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. and #35. Spanish is easy, try working around Navajo’s. BTW, I guess they should be allowed to stay.

  6. GF says:

    #36 McCullough – Do you piss on the doves? (yeah, I’ve been around the Navajo nation.)

  7. GF says:

    #36 McCullough – I never said they should leave BTW, I just said they’re rude.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    And once again, some tea bagger has helped to demonstrate why there is a need to proof reading your sign.

    If you were stupid enough to make the mistake in the first place, you’ll make it again. Get someone else to read your hate speech so you don’t look stupid as well as hateful.

  9. McCullough says:

    #38. GF. “#36 McCullough – I never said they should leave BTW, I just said they’re rude.”

    Sorry, I wasn’t aiming that at you, but at the overall comments.

    However, I have never considered it rude when the Navaho, when I am contractor in their company, speak in their native tongue on the Rez. If I wasn’t privy to the conversation.

    The reservation is their “country”, and I respect that. And I have never gotten anything but respect back.

  10. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #33 Mr Hopper: “I pride myself in using proper grammar and spelling. It seems to me I’ve fixed a number of mistakes in your posts.”

    Ah, well. that explains how one of Bobbo’s posts that was badly spelled was miraculously repaired. I thank you for fixing my posts. When I’m on the road and posting from my phone, sometimes the fingers feel like fat little Vienna sausages on the screen.

    I apologize for my misunderstanding but I still maintain msb had already mentioned the “your” error thus your correction was contributory.

    ON TOPIC: I travel a lot and am fluent in three languages. I can get by in another four – almost five (trying to learn Thai right now) and I’ve found one of the things that makes it hard to learn a new language is that the locals, detecting my accent, will immediately start chatting away in English! I wonder how many people visiting the US from, say, China or France, run into that problem? It’s a shame, really, that the US is such a monoglot of a country. Sure we take a couple of years of Spanish or French in high school, but then never touch it again.

    Again, Mr H – thank you.

  11. Dallas says:

    Teabaggers should get a spellchecker to gain SOME credibility with the upper class.

  12. Floyd says:

    Are you people aware that there are Spanish speaking people living in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, southern California, Colorado and other parts of the desert Southwest whose ancestors settled there long before the Mayflower landed? Don’t assume a Spanish speaker is a “wetback.”

    Incidentally, Teabaggers seem to be the current version of rednecks.

  13. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Animby–you think its your accent that clues the Thai’s in that your not local? Ha, ha.

    But I know what you mean. Years of careful elocution study and I still can’t order an espresso without the dude saying “Yes sir right away.”

    Irritating. AND I’ve never had a French gal say she liked my accent. Curses!!!

  14. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well, I’m insulted. Its been 9 hours and no one has correct my “your.”

    So Homophonicphobic.

    Heh, heh.


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