This should work as there’s no way he could get a new Rolex from another… Oh.

U.S. Bans Sale of IPods, Plasma TVs to N. Korea; Sanction Targets Items Favored by Kim Jong Il

The Bush administration wants North Korea’s attention, so like a scolding parent it’s trying to make it tougher for that country’s eccentric leader to buy iPods, plasma televisions and Segway electric scooters. The U.S. government’s first-ever effort to use trade sanctions to personally aggravate a foreign president expressly targets items believed to be favored by Kim Jong Il or presented by him as gifts to the roughly 600 loyalist families who run the communist government.

Kim, who engineered a secret nuclear weapons program, has other options for obtaining the high-end consumer electronics and other items he wants.

But the list of proposed luxury sanctions, obtained by The Associated Press, aims to make Kim’s swanky life harder: No more cognac, Rolex watches, cigarettes, artwork, expensive cars, Harley Davidson motorcycles or even personal watercraft, such as Jet Skis.

He also is said to own an extensive movie library of more than 10,000 titles and prefers films about James Bond and Godzilla, along with Clint Eastwood’s 1993 drama, “In the Line of Fire,” and Whitney Houston’s 1992 love story, “The Bodyguard.”

On the other hand, given how ‘quirky’ their leader can be, this might just work.

  1. Ascii King says:

    Are you guys going to enforce trade sanctions on countries that are going to sell them to him as well? I see some Canadian profit here.

    This is the first time ever? What about Cuba? Or was that one not a personal attack?

  2. Al says:

    #1 – “You guys?”

    No, I do not intend to enforce any trade sanctions. Thanks for asking.

  3. Mark says:

    Big deal, walk across the border and get it where its made anyway. We should send him a complimentery copy of Team America: World Police.

    I’m so ronrey, Oh so ronery.

  4. Dallas says:

    Finally, a bit harsh, but Bush is getting serious about dealing with N Korea. Get them where it hurts – in their shirt pocket.

  5. Arbo Cide says:

    Can we ban any Michael Jordan material like the autographed basketball Madeline Almostbright gave him?

  6. Mike Voice says:

    3 I’m so ronrey, Oh so ronery.

    Cripes, a co-worker of mine sings that when he wants to annoy us…

    If only Dear Leader would devote himself to watching all the films in his library, and not muck-around with his country until he’s done, then the world would be a better place.

    I’m surprised someone isn’t making more out of the fact that he prefers American, and -gasp – Japanese, films to Korean ones… 😉

  7. ECA says:

    1. we dont make MOST of these products, and its up to the outer countries to say Yes or NO..
    2. Do you think that HE dont have at least 1 set of each ALREADY??

  8. Ballenger says:

    Creating an iPod or Segway shortage in country where food shortages are an issue might be more sensible, if you could eat a Segway or an iPod. The Swiss will surely cooperate with a Rolex ban. This will probably be one of the few times the Swiss Ambassador to the US will get the official nod on using the words “pound sand” in a diplomatic response. That would be a response on principle. Since how large could Kim’s Rolex Bling-Bling Posse be? Rolex would probably would stand to lose more business if the fire suppression sprinklers went off in a watch shop on Rodeo Drive and it took a week to dry the place out.

  9. Angel H.l Wong says:

    Dude, all those gizmos are made in S. Korea, how hard it is to pass it along the border?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, It’s . I know, I know, crazy Americans and all, but hey,…

  11. Smith says:

    Grasping at straws. This just demonstrates what little leverage the US has over the lunatic. I say leave the little bastard for South Korea and Japan to deal with. If Kim wants nukes, let him have ’em. Let Iran have ’em too. We just need to announce to the world that if a nuclear device is detonated in our country, our first response will be fifty nukes lauched against North Korea and Iran. Our second response will be to actually look for the guilty party.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    12 our first response will be fifty nukes lauched against North Korea and Iran

    Seems like a nice fantasy, until I think about how close Vladivostok and Bejing are to the border with Dear Leader’s country…

    …let alone how all that fallout will make Chernobyl look like Three Mile Island.

  13. Jeff Simons says:

    that picture creeps me out like nothing else

  14. joshua says:

    Actually….this is something that if followed through, could have a detrimental effect on the Dear Leader. He uses luxury items such as these, plus top flight food and medicine, and medical care to keep his top backers happy. 2 groups in North Korea get special, and I mean SPECIAL treatment…..the Army and the top political elite. Without them Dear Leader is toast, and it’s become known that China is speaking with some of the top Generals in N. Korea about a possible **regime change**.

  15. ECA says:

    The Border in this country ISNt to keep people out…I hope you know..

    With all the wealth these folks have, they could really Do some good.

    Let them have nukes, Let them LEARN the failing of NUKES. Let them glow in the dark from Waste materials…Let them die from Iodine poisoning..

    This person is so paranoid, he has 1/2 the people in the country as Military, and the other 1/2 trying to FEED AND PAY for it.

    If you think HARD about this.. It really seems to me, that he is a Pawn. something to point at…Watch him, Watch him…While someone Else, in this country Pockets MORE money..

  16. ECA says:

    For All that he preaches that the US did this, they Will do that…
    I wonder how much is true, and how much his delussion


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