This isn’t good. Dancho Danchev, a ZDNet blogger specializing in malware and cybercrime, has been missing since August, thought to be somewhere in Bulgaria. ZDNet’s only lead? This cryptic message: “Dancho’s alive but he’s in a lot of trouble.”

That note came from a “local source,” and all other attempts to contact Danchev have come up dry. ZDNet posted a letter Danchev wrote to a colleague in the malware field in September, suggesting that the government was displeased with his work:

Found by ECA.

  1. Snyde the Remarkable says:

    This is the sort of thing that happens when your government is owned and operated by unelected “entrepreneurs”, interested solely in maintaining and enhancing their profits…

    …sort of like Corporations!

    Perhaps he’s just being held and questioned at Gitmo or some secret prison, elsewhere in the world?

  2. EricD says:

    Looking at the gizmodo gives some insight into the terrifying electrical wiring standards in Bulgaria.

  3. Bob says:

    #1, no this is what happens when you go other countries, where the law is relative to whoever is in charge of the local police station, thinking that just because you are “press” that some criminal in another country is going to give a rats ass, and not put a bullet in your head.

    The guy should not have gone into such a dangerous situation without a body guard. And while I hope the guy is going to be OK, you have to realize that most of the world is not as safe as San Francisco and take appropriate precautions when you are stiring a hornets nest in somebody else’s back yard.

  4. Micromike says:

    I was in Russia in 1998, and everybody had Windows plus a lot of current software that was all bootlegged. When I went to a computer shop to buy a printer cartridge I was questioned severely about why I was there and why I was in Russia. My host had told them I was a big shot in the US computer business (a lie, of course). I finally told them I like to steal Microsoft’s software too, and they immediately backed off.

  5. LoTechNo says:

    He must have said something bad about Albania.

  6. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Huh. Sounds like Bulgaria is becoming more like the U.S.

  7. gardener1 says:


    That’s not good. 🙁 It’s the middle of January, this guy disappeared from Sophia six months ago and his computer equipment was torn out as well at the same time?

    I lived in Russia for five years. I fear the worst for this poor fellow. All signs are_not_good.

    I just googled his name and came up with this blog and list of topics.
    Dangerous stuff.

    He knew what he was up against. It is possible he paid the price.

    Gallant people with personal scruples pay a high price in this world. They know this.

    I’m sorry for him and for all of us.

  8. L1A says:

    He knows how he disappeared, no mystery to it. Stupid headlines

  9. Snyde the Remarkable says:

    #3 Bob

    #1, no this is what happens when you go other countries, where the law is relative to whoever is in charge of the local police station, thinking that just because you are “press” that some criminal in another country is going to give a rats ass, and not put a bullet in your head.

    What are you trying to say? Julian Assange should avoid coming to the United States? If so, I’m pretty sure you’re correct on that one!

    The guy should not have gone into such a dangerous situation without a body guard. And while I hope the guy is going to be OK, you have to realize that most of the world is not as safe as San Francisco and take appropriate precautions when you are stiring a hornets nest in somebody else’s back yard.

    I don’t think Mr. Assange would be any safer in San Francisco, even with a body guard. He’d still end up at Gitmo or some secret prison in some slightly more primitive country, undergoing “enhanced interrogation” by American intelligence officers or their puppets.

    Whoosh! Holy crap! Did you see that?

    That was the point, escaping your attention and possibly entering geosynchronous planetary orbit. Woo Hoo!

  10. deowll says:

    Rest in peace.

  11. LowTechNo says:

    Killing Bulgaria – the IMF & the World Bank in action

    A debate between the Bulgarian Embassy & our writer:

  12. chris says:

    The “bug” in the linked article looks like a ballast for a fluorescent light fixture.

    I don’t see what anyone would have to gain by taking this guy and keep him alive. Someone probably figures they can squeeze few thousand by “helping.”


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