With all the experience in dealing with threats and terrorists and such that organizations like Israeli intelligence and so many governments in Europe have, why don’t we let them be in charge of operations like this instead of the US Cavalry who has to ride in to save the day?

US interference ‘allowed terror gang to escape’

A team of suspected terrorists involved in an alleged UK plot to blow up trans-Atlantic airliners escaped capture because of interference by the United States, The Independent has been told by counter-terrorism sources.

An investigation by MI5 and Scotland Yard into an alleged plan to smuggle explosive devices on up to 10 passenger jets was jeopardised in August, when the US put pressure on authorities in Pakistan to arrest a suspect allegedly linked to the airliner plot.

As a direct result of the surprise detention of the suspect, British police and MI5 were forced to rush forward plans to arrest an alleged UK gang accused of plotting to destroy the airliners. But a second group of suspected terrorists allegedly linked to the first evaded capture and is still at large, according to security sources.

The operation was one of the largest undertaken by the police and MI5, yet two counter-terrorism sources suggested that the intervention of the Americans was due to “inexperience and naivety” and that they were after a “short-term success”.

Since these were the liquid bombers who got away, we have our government to thank for the “no more than 3 oz.” rule in more ways than one.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Our Presidents and Cabinet/Agency heads love to hold press conferences to crow about their successes.

  2. Steve Reno says:

    Many people remember that this particular ill-conceived operation had the real goal of diverting attention from D-Conn Joseph Lieberman’s defeat for being too supportive of Bush’s policies.

    Hence, the oft heard declaration to TSA folks at airports, “No sir, I have packed no Lieberman’s in my carry-on luggage, today”!

  3. Dallas says:

    Not surprised. This rotten, corrupt Bush regime has directed top priority to any effort that may boost its approval ratings. Regardless of how cheap, temporary or price to pay.

    This is what we have as a “leader” for another 2 years. In 10 years, Bush and his hand picked 70’s cronies will go down in history as the worst president ever. The sad thing is, republicans will vote for him again because he is, well, republican. That’s how sick this 2 party system is.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    1 Our Presidents and Cabinet/Agency heads love to hold press conferences to crow about their successes.


    Remember the “flood the zone” comment from September?


    But in the last three months, following a request from President Bush to “flood the zone,” the CIA has sharply increased the number of intelligence officers and assets devoted to the pursuit of bin Laden.

    5-years on, Bush suddenly asks for a stepped-up search for Osama… so he can have his “October surprise” in time for the elections??? 🙁

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    And no Rumsfeld citing that it was the Brittish’s fault that the terrorists escaped?

  6. Ab Cd says:

    Criticism from people that want to put individual terrorists in court with all evidence revealed to the rest of the group.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, How do you know they are terrorists? Should we take the word of the same people that told us there were WMDs in Iraq or those entrusted with hunting down Osama bin Laden? The same people that illegally were listening to telephone conversations and jailing people simply because they were Muslim?

    Are you on their payroll or something? Is AB CD really a pseudonym for Dick Cheney?

  8. Zuke says:

    Where is the link to original news report?

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #8: Oops.! It’s up there now.

  10. Ab Cd says:

    Indeed, John Dvorak originally posted that he thought this plot was a hoax, and these guys weren’t really terrorists. So Bush is incompetent if he arrests them, and incompetent if he lets them get away. I wonder if we could get these MI5 guys to give their opinion on liberals’ plans of having people tried in court, etc.


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