James “Jimbles” Tompkins, murder suspect
Is he hiding in Luton?

Police in England and Wales began trialling hand-held electronic fingerprint readers on motorists Wednesday, the latest piece of new high-tech equipment being wielded in the fight against crime. Police say the device could save vast amounts of time and resources by identifying suspects on the spot rather than taking them to a police station — should their prints be on the national database.The scanner allows officers to search the 6.5 million fingerprints held on record and should produce a result within five minutes.

The pilot scheme is being tested by traffic police in Luton, northwest of London, and is voluntary because under existing law, members of the public are not obliged to give their fingerprints at the roadside.

“This trial represents an important step forward in our commitment to ensuring we have an effective and efficient police service fully equipped for the challenges of modern policing,” said police minister Tony McNulty.

“The new technology will speed up the time it takes for police to identify individuals at the roadside, enabling them to spend more time on the frontline and reducing any inconvenience for innocent members of the public.”

Well, I don’t quite understand how standing around at the roadside with my friendly neighborhood copper “reduces any inconvenience”. But, this could be a useful bit of investigative technology. Being able to confirm you are not a dangerous murdering git — could end up saving you some time.

  1. Mark says:

    Wonderful. Not impressed a little depressed.

  2. giap says:

    I’d be depressed if someone thought I was hiding in Luton.

  3. Ascii King says:

    Cops can just take your fingerprints whenever they want? Or just if you’ve been charged with something.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Apparently, so far, only in England and only voluntarily.

  5. JimR says:

    If it helps catch a scumbag rapist or child molester, I have no problem with it. “Give them the finger and see what happens” is my motto.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    …and is voluntary because under existing law, members of the public are not obliged to give their fingerprints at the roadside.


    If you’re innocent, what do you have to hide?


    If they are looking for an adult, caucasian male, will they limit checks to adult, caucasian males?

    Or, will they just check everybody to see if they “hit the jackpot” with some notorious criminal?

  7. Ed says:

    Sounds like another sneaky way to introduce a new security measure, where it will be quietly suggested in the future that the police take your fingerprints as a matter of course whenever they cross your path. Of course if you have nothing to hide, why worry what the police take to identify you?

    Well, if you have nothing to hide, then you wouldn’t mind giving them your credit card details either. They wouldnt do anything detrimental with that information would they?

  8. RBG says:

    Fingerprints for immediate identification will not be needed when they perfect computer facial recognition. Coming soon to a cop car near you.


  9. ChrisMac says:

    If only George Orwell could see us now..

  10. joshua says:

    #2…..nodding my head in agreement as I laugh my arse off.


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