Having grown up in Wisconsin, I know he did some good things and worked well with and was liked by Democrats, but then he was a less than stellar head of Amtrak (not really his fault since father Bush wanted to kill the railroad) and HHS and then this, so I’m not quite sure what to think. As for RFIDs, we’ve done several stories on them such as this one and this even more pertinent one.

Tommy Thompson: The “Chipper” President?
Election Bid Raises Specter of RFID Implant Threat

Former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson is considering a run for president in 2008, a move that should spark alarm among those familiar with Thompson’s calls for widespread RFID chipping of Americans.
As head of Health of Health and Human Services, Thompson oversaw the scandal-ridden FDA when it approved the VeriChip as a medical device. Shortly after leaving his cabinet post, he joined the board of the VeriChip Corporation and wasted no time in using his clout to promote the company’s glass encapsulated RFID tags. These tags are injected into human flesh to uniquely number and identify people.

In public appearances, Thompson has suggested implanting the microchips into Americans to link to their electronic medical records. “It’s very beneficial and it’s going to be extremely helpful and it’s a giant step forward to getting what we call an electronic medical record for all Americans,” he told CBS MarketWatch in July 2005. He also suggested implanting military personnel with the chips to replace dog tags.

Ironically, Thompson himself has not yet received a microchip implant despite what must be extraordinary pressure from the VeriChip Corporation. He made a promise to do so on national television over a year ago.

Found by my brother, Don.

  1. Improbus says:

    Is it just me or does he look like Jimmy Hoffa?

  2. WokTiny says:

    wait, why have I not heard of him before?

    is it just me, or does RFIDing people seem like a bad idea?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Uncle Dave, say hi to Uncle Don for us.

    I thought Thompson had already had the implant. I’m glad to be corrected on that.

    Don’t worry though, I imagine the Federal Government will insist that all voters have one pretty soon.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Workers in certain occupations, Alzheimer’s patients, combat soldiers, and others are great candidates for implanted tags. But before anyone gets freaky and goes all tin-foil…you gotta understand the LF tag technology used for implants and its immutable limitations.

  5. James Hill says:

    I grew up in Wisconsin as well, and while Thompson was a very strong governor, I don’t see him going any farther in national politics unless he runs for Senate against either Kohl or Feingold. That being said, Thompson has never been popular in Milwaukee, and would have a hard time cutting into the poor vote that Kohl and Feingold both ride everytime they run.

    As for the RFID thing, it’s a flyer… nothing more. To note him as “the RFID” guy is a bit much.

    Give the guy credit for thinking outside the box in a cabinet that is/was encouraged to tow the Bush line.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 wait, why have I not heard of him before?

    I don’t know. Are you from Mars? Seriously man… The guy is pretty famous (if you are a C-Span geek).

    is it just me, or does RFIDing people seem like a bad idea?

    Comment by WokTiny — 11/20/2006 @ 7:10 am

    No. Liberals agree with you. Welcome to the team. I always knew you’d join us 🙂

  7. Sundog says:


  8. tallwookie says:

    Is this a take on the Manchurian Canidate?

    except sort of in reverse

  9. DeLeMa says:

    Remember the women without burqa thread..hmmm?
    it’s coming to a neighborhood near you….

  10. catbeller says:

    RFID for medical records would be great! If you are unconscious, they can scan your medical insurance number and kick your ass out to the next hospital if you’re not covered. Hell, they can scan you at the accident scene itself, get you shipped to County Free, so you never need darken the “nonprofit” hospital with your nonprofitable injuries.

    Always look for the obvious repercussions. No one else ever will.

  11. jon rames says:

    Lets stand against gov control. No RFID, no draft, no wars.
    If we don’t stand now, they will take us over 100% we fought against fascism in WW2 and now its here in the US.
    Refuse this RFID crap!
    Refuse to sign for a draft.
    Refuse to play their stupid game.
    Refuse to be a number or guinea pig!

  12. sweeta-lm says:

    Sorry, but what is kimerikas?



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