Savannah Country Day “Mighty Hornets”

Administrators at a Savannah school waited a day to call police about a bomb found on campus Friday.

A bomb squad with the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department removed the device, which tested positive for explosives, and “rendered it safe” at an off-site location Saturday evening, police spokesman Sgt. Mike Wilson said. Wilson said administrators at Savannah Country Day School — a prekindergarten through 12th grade school — said they waited to call police because they were trying to determine the best course of action.

Bonnell said he did not believe anyone at the school was ever in danger even though the bomb was on campus for a day before police were called. The school held a football game on Friday night after the bomb was discovered.

The campus was closed Saturday while police removed the device and collected evidence.

Uh, so, if the police had been called Friday — someone may have figured out the campus would be closed and no Friday night football game. At least they have their priorities straight.  Right.

  1. jtoso says:

    If this is one of those Southern states schools then I can believe it. Ass backwards.

  2. Max Bell says:

    Oh, my. You guys have really pulled in some winners so far. 😛

    Then again? We live in the post-Columbine era, when the “bomb” could as easily have been an effigy of the rival team with some firecrackers shoved down it’s jock.

    Makes good copy, but the specifics are conspicuously absent.

  3. Vinny says:

    #2- details or not, if any type of suspicious device is found on a campus, the first phone call is to the police. School administrators are subject to political pressures and tunnel vision. Police have protocols and many more years of experience is these circumstances. This was a dangerous and cavalier decision.

  4. SN says:

    #2. Did you read the article?

    “A bomb squad with the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department removed the device, which tested positive for explosives, and “rendered it safe” at an off-site location”

    I find it hard to believe that a bomb squad would be involved with the removal of “some firecrackers.”

    Here’s another article that states, “The bomb squad removed a suspicious device from campus on Saturday night and detonated it.”

    Does anyone “detonate” firecrackers?!

  5. SN says:

    Here’s a comment from the school’s Headmaster, Tom Bonnell, about why he waited to call the police.

    The initial representation was that this was a harmless device intended as a prank between the two students. To be sure, however, we asked the family of the student who had received this device for an opportunity to examine it after school hours.

    On midday Saturday, when we were finally able to reach the parent of the student who made the device and to have an additional conversation with the student, it became apparent that the device was potentially explosive. We contacted the authorities immediately.

  6. Jimbo says:

    Gee, a measured response. How very unUhmerican. And to think it came out fine.

    I agree, it was probably firecrackers. It didn’t go off, nobody was arrested, I think we have a winner.

  7. Max Bell says:

    4: I don’t mean to be merely contrarian, just saying that I tend to be very skeptical about such things.

    The lack of specifics combined with a lack of charges make me suspicious; were this quite so irresponsible that students or faculty were endangered, we’d be reading about resignations and a class action suit against the district.

    Then again, I would point out that until recently, I ran a website with a guy who was friends with both the Columbine gunmen until very recently and have seen this kind of story time and again. It could very well be what it says at face value, but the only other items I can find that relate to it are editorials about bomb threats in the area that apparently don’t relate to this incident, and my experience has been that with stories like this, the press, the school and the cops are very big on detail. If nothing else, they don’t like alarming the community unnecessarily.

  8. Gig says:

    #4 Don’t be so sure. We had a bomb scare at a local Social Security office. A box was found at the back door taped shut with electrical tape.

    A bomb squad was brought in and the robot moved the box to a clearing and then detonated it by shooting with a shotgun. The box was full of papers.

  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    Bottom line, like everything else, is that vendor receipts are very important to the programs of local schools. No ball game, no money from the sale of overpriced sodas and greasy hamburgers.

  10. Sundog says:

    You guys are all just spooked by terrorism. It seems Bushs’ evil plan is WORKING. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  11. tallwookie says:


    Perhaps it was “planted” by the “sniper” who was arrested for carrying a foldup camp-chair? (a few weeks ago on this blog)

  12. Bob Johnson says:

    This is one of those stories that makes you go HMMM? I wrote a letter to Bonnell at and according to my hit counter the Savannah Country School were all over it like a fat kid on a twinkie. Wonder if I’ll be hearing from them.



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