Yeah, this should put an end to any sexual activity by teens.

Dirty Dancing Banned in the O.C.

A popular high school principal in the wealthy enclave of Aliso Viejo — in California’s so-called “O.C.” (Orange County) — has put his foot down on “dirty dancing.”

Charles Salter has banned all dances until the kids clean up their act, and now parents and schools from California to Connecticut are cheering.

What moved the head of Aliso Niguel High School to make such a drastic move?

“Freak dancing” or “freakin’,” an intimate hip-hop dance style between a boy and a girl, or two girls.

“It’s basically when two people are like grinding against each other in a kind of sexual way,” Aliso Niguel freshman Kori Roberts says.

From an earlier article:

Some students say a crackdown on freaking would discourage them from attending school dances.

“I wouldn’t go,” said Chelsea Walsh, 15, a sophomore at Aliso Niguel High. “It would be boring. How else do you dance?”

One the other side, here’s a video with an interview of someone who thinks this is all blown out of proportion. Remember the furor over Elvis and the Beatles?

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    But neither Elvis’ nor the Beatles’ fans were doing a live frotteurism act. Plus the Hip Hop and Reggaeton “singers” who have daughters have said that they DON’T WANT THEIR CHILDREN TO DANCE THOSE MOVES, SPECIALLY THEIR DAUGHTERS.

    And I’m sure those of you who are parents don’t want your teenage daughter to do a mock sex dance with a guy.

  2. Andrew says:

    At my high school our “dancing” consists of the boy putting his genital region into the girls ass and both of them rhythmically gyrating to the shitty rap music.

    I like the gyration just not the shitty rap music.

    The school has tried to stop this and I commend them for it. A girl masturbating you with her ass in the name of dancing is not dancing.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, good comment.

    So what is dancing then?

    And if someone doesn’t appreciate or enjoy what YOU consider dancing, should that be banned?

  4. James Hill says:

    One more step in the journey know as Feminism.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    A frotteur is doing a one-person thing – the person being rubbed up against doesn’t have to cooperate or even know about it. Freaking is a two-person deal, with both parties participating. When I was a kid we called it dry-f***ing and wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing in front of teachers or other authority figures.

    But hey, a lot of dancing is imitation sex. Watch “Dancing with the Stars” sometime. The only way the kids could be more honest about it would be to dance naked and finish off on the dance floor. That’d be interesting but I wouldn’t want to be on the janitorial staff.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 And I’m sure those of you who are parents don’t want your teenage daughter to do a mock sex dance with a guy.

    I can understand the shivers some parents get… But I overcame the lessons about sex being dirty and shameful when I was a kid and know now as an adult that it is healthy and natural… and unstoppable.

    Of course, rebellion is healthy too, so I put up a bit of an act about how everything these crazy kids do is horrible so that they can reject my values and develop their own… But actually, I envy their youth and miss the awkward sexual play of my teen years.

    #2 – I like the gyration just not the shitty rap music.

    Sounds like you have a problem. You could solve the problem by promoting good rap music, like Jurassic Five as just one example.

    #3 – So what is dancing then?

    It’s whatever the dancer says it is.

    #4 – One more step in the journey know as Feminism.

    Still my favorite troll 🙂 You are a grandmaster!

    #5 Watch “Dancing with the Stars” sometime.

    Why on Earth would I want to hasten my own death like that!?

  7. hwo says:

    Thing is, we are all in this post getting old!
    Sure I wouldn’t want my daughter to dance like that, but it´s no so long since we were in high school dancing, or at least watching someone else dance, the cry of the grownups.
    I prefer watching these kids dance like that, relieving sexual tension, than dealing with unwanted pregnancies, genital viruses, rape, and so on. They will eventually engage in sexual activity anyway, so why spoiling the fun.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    Two things you should keep in mind are to keep your daughter(s) from having sex because she’s underage and that high school sex is lousy (not to mention teenage pregnancies)

    And two, once she enters college she’s going to slut out 😉

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – And two, once she enters college she’s going to slut out 😉

    If we’re lucky…

    Giggity Giggity Giggity Oh Yeah….

  10. Eideard says:

    Since I’m probably the oldest crank here, let me date myself even further.

    When I was in high school, I belonged to an illegal organization. It was a rock’n roll club. Kids who went to rock’n roll concerts and danced in the aisles often were arrested. Especially if they were of different colors.

    I consider a great deal of today’s teen [pre-teen!] sexuality wasteful — in that there isn’t any sex education or standards accompanying the peer info — which sadly comprises most of what they learn about sex. But, that’s about it.

    If you want to use it, just learn how to fix it!

  11. Mark says:

    “The school has tried to stop this and I commend them for it. A girl masturbating you with her ass in the name of dancing is not dancing.”

    Sure it is, its called lap dancing. I have spent more than a few bucks on this wonderful form of expression.

    I keed, I keed?

  12. Mark says:

    Now get those dancing kids off my lawn!!

  13. joshua says:

    My friends in England don’t understand why Yank kids dance that way. They usually say something like….*dance like normal people then if your horny, go somewhere and shag.*

    Makes sense.

    I just think there’s a wholeeeeeeeee lot of black kids sittin at home laughing their butts off at how they got the white kids to think this was dancing and cool.

  14. David says:

    #6 – Sexual impulses are horrible, immoral thing that have no place in our country’s schools. As for dancing… I’m wracked by guilt at just the thought of this dirty form of expression. Avert your eyes!

  15. curmudgen says:

    Since I’m probably the oldest crank here, let me date myself even further.

    Nope! I would go to see such Crooners as Frank Sinatra and hope that a hot babe would swoon and I could cop a feel helping her up.
    Sadly, it never happened.

    Dancing in the streets on VE and VJ day was also sweet.

  16. Gregory says:

    Dancing isn’t about sex, anyone who thinks it is is so emotionally stunted I feel sorry for them.

    Dancing is about emotion, and passionate emotion at that.

    Yes it can include lust, but it’s hardly the only thing. Saying “thats what dancing is” is just wrong.

  17. James Hill says:

    #16 – Then you’re saying passionate emotion has nothing to do with sex? Have you ever actually been with a woman before?

  18. WokTiny says:

    It reminds me of that ‘dance’ scene in the Matrix.

  19. DeLeMa says:

    Yowza ! After reading curmudgeon and Eideard, I feel positively youthful ! I only go back to a bit before the Beatles. I remember Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Dean Martin, Sammy D and the early 50’s crowd with fondness…yepper and thank you for filesharing or I wouldn’t have my memories back to enjoy. On topic (where’d I put that anyway ?) I had problems doing the twist or the jerk (not at home though..) but, I really liked the slow two step stuff because you could let your partner know if you *really* liked her…I guess if it works for the kids today, they can have at it. I haven’t heard any of the number throwers saying much about incredible amounts of teen pregnancies in areas that allow this type of dancing and I haven’t heard of any compartive studies showing a correlation to this dancing and teenage crime rates rising…it does seem like these were the things that the media were reporting on during the early 60’s, however..?


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