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Rumsfeld’s Additional Accomplishments

Seemed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had barely left his Oval Office firing ceremony when the Pentagon Web site popped up with a new feature titled “Six Years of Accomplishments” with Rummy.

First and foremost were his accomplishments in the “war on terror,” where overall, military efforts “liberated 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq.” More specifically, they’ve “liberated 31 million Afghans from Taliban control and destroyed Al-Qaeda sanctuary.” And they’ve “liberated 27 million Iraqis from a brutal dictatorship and turned over sovereignty of the country to an Iraqi government.”

Math, apparently, is not a strong point. Somewhere it seems they lost — or gained — 8 million people.

  1. AB CD says:

    I’d say his biggest accomplishment is the ongoing transformation to a more effective force. That’s why so many senior people were upset with him. Looking at the list, what does ‘stood up new NATO Response Force’ mean? Maybe they’ve changed it, but the dod website says more than 50 million.

  2. RTaylor says:

    The press is calling Gates a real congenial sweet heart also. maybe you need to be a belligerent asshole to keep the Generals in line.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    My impression of Rumsfeld from press conferences is that he had a wonderful talent for condescension and intimidation towards reporters who asked tough questions. I’m surprised those same skills didn’t help him single-handedly defeat the insurgents, but I guess language differences reduced his effectiveness against the other enemy. His greatest strength was in fending off attacks from the press.

  4. Mark says:

    This is just so he qualifies for Unemployment Insurance.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    well i suppose 58 million could equal 50 million in the DoD circle..
    it’s fifty something at least..

    they’ve never felt the need to be too specific

  6. Jimbo says:

    the other 8 million were civilian casualties.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    It’s called padding the resume. That doesn’t mean any of it is true.

  8. tallwookie says:

    the numbers 8 and 0 look very similar if printed small enough

    and the word Liberate has many definitions depending on the context
    (like when I liberate burritos from the freezer and put them in my stomach)

  9. ChrisMac says:

    remember… he went to war with the army he had.. not the one he wanted..

  10. Named says:

    And he took that Army in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

  11. Named says:

    On a total side note, can you please have your Kinda Capcha send me back to the blog article or the homepage automatically after I’m done showing it my papers?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    And he took that Army in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.
    Comment by Named — 11/18/2006 @ 5:06 am

    That is bullcrap. The media well reported they went the other way. What they didn’t tell you is they were using those Chinese Army Surplus compasses.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, I second that request. Also bigger numbers for us acuity challenged.

  14. James Hill says:

    Even I have to gag on this bullshit.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – Even I have to gag on this bullshit.

    Comment by James Hill — 11/18/2006 @ 10:01 am

    My good friend James Hill is exactly right. The “Kinda Captcha” ID screen is total BS. It should at least take us back to the thread… But why can’t the same cookies that remember my name and email address also authenticate me? And why can’t I log in? The log in always rejects my username saying it doesn’t exist and when I try to register it tells me someone (me) is already using the username…

  16. James Hill says:

    Close enough.


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