Another one of those European-style Candid Camera stunts they would never do in the USA thanks to the censors.

found by Wild Bill Reising

  1. joshua says:

    That was really funny. I would love to have been able to hear their comments when they saw what they were fondling.

  2. Mike Knowland says:

    I want to see the guy who tried to stuff turkey #2.

  3. Max Bell says:

    “Looking for these, butt-toucher?”

  4. Steve says:

    European? That is from a Canadian show called Just for Laughs – Gags. It is from Quebec, though, and they are about as European as Canadians get .

  5. SN says:

    I laughed, but I felt real bad afterwards.

  6. Roger M says:

    Tender meat is one thing.
    Now, let us see them stuff the turkey blindfolded 😀

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    I felt bad before, then I laughed and felt better.

  8. ChrisMac says:

    yep.. not in the states or canada.. butt in quebec.. oh yes
    good call #4

  9. ChrisMac says:

    and a bit off topic…

    if quebec we’re to succeed from canada.. how big would their army be

  10. dave says:

    #9 they would have a big army….the only people who are in the canadian army are red neck hicks and people from quebec

  11. Greg says:

    Im sorry dave, but only 18% of the 62,000 military comes from the near 8 million people of Quebec, and 19% come from Atlantic Canada which is a meager 2.4 million people, get your facts straight. In addition, “In the last fiscal year, 23 per cent of the 5,873 people recruited into the military’s regular force were from Atlantic Canada, though the region only accounts for about seven per cent of the country’s population.”

    The majority of the forces we have overseas in “war” areas are not quebecors either, they are from Edmonton Alberta and Gagetown New Brunswick. To call them hicks is to show your stubborness and self stupidity, a lot of these people have university degrees or at the very least college diplomas and are looking for a quick way to pay off their bills for only a 3 year comittment.

  12. I never said European, I said European-styled, which it is.

  13. mr. cowboy says:

    this is for you buddy……..

  14. erika says:

    I almost peed! Hahahaha


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