In the unfolding video game war, underdog Nintendo has lined up powerful allies — game makers, who like the new Wii’s unconventional features and game development costs that run about half what’s required for Microsoft and Sony’s new consoles.

With two potential hits ready for launch and nearly three dozen titles expected by year end, Nintendo is scheduled to ship units and games faster than its bigger rivals, who significantly increased the power and graphics capabilities of their machines.

In their attempts to future-proof their machines with gee-whiz technology, Microsoft and Sony are forsaking the immediate profits Nintendo will reap with the Wii, which debuts November 19.

At $250, Nintendo Co. Ltd.’s Wii will sell for roughly half the price of Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360. It clearly stands out from the crowd of three, thanks to a motion-sensitive remote that could redefine video game play as users swing it like a sword or a golf club.

“Does it have to have high-end graphics to be fun? No,” said Laurent Detoc, who leads Ubisoft’s North American business, and expects to have eight Wii games in stores within a month of the console release.

Nintendo, which was the leading console maker before Sony’s PlayStation debut in the mid-90s, will sell its own games for $50, compared with the $60 price on most new games for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

The cheaper price may mask fatter profits for developers. Consumers buy Wii titles for 17 percent less than next-generation console games, but publishers say development costs for Wii are only half as much — or less.

A gamer I’m not; but, the business model ain’t bad. At this rate, Nintendo can expect plenty of game developers to work for Wii.

  1. SN says:

    The Wii is the only gaming console I’ve ever been excited about. My son would love jumping around with the Wii-mote.

    If the price goes down to $199 after Giftmas I’ll probably get one.

  2. Venom Monger says:

    What SN said. EXACTLY.

  3. Thepenguin says:

    As a teenage gamer I can say that the Nintendo Wii is the most awaited console this year at my school. The general consensus its better because is Its cheapest by far, Most innovative (awesome nun chuck controller), be able to play the classics we grew up playing on our NES, and is going to have some of the best games.

  4. moss says:

    I hate getting my chain jerked by my worst favorite pet peeve: journalists who never learn to pronounce the name of someone or something.

    It’s expected, for example, when American TV talking heads try to comment on the World Cup or any sport outside the realm of US network TV. But, I just watched a spot on the PS3 and Wii debuts — and the broadcast bimbo kept referring to the “W2”.

    Don’t these people ever talk to anyone outside of their coffee-break club?

  5. James Hill says:

    I’m interested to see if N* gets the same favorable coverage as the PS3 has and the 360 did.

    Personally, I’m selling my 360, and am not buying any of the new consoles. The PS3 is overpriced for a trojan horse, and while the controller is cool I’ve yet to see a Wii game that really makes it worthwhile.

  6. giap says:

    I predict — isn’t it fun saying pompous pundit crap like that — that within weeks, we’ll see a TV spot about some snazzy, overpriced aerobics salon that’s discovered the Wii controller is the perfect device to lead you through a workout.

    Someone out there ready to code a package for home aerobic workouts with the Wii? For only twice the price of a game, of course.

  7. WokTiny says:

    I’m going to hook it up to a projector!

  8. Gig says:

    #6 It’s pretty much already there.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – I’ve talked to a dozen or so teens who all echo your comments.

    It seems to me that three companies went to the lab to conjure up a game system. MS and Sony came out with Swiss Army Behemouth consols, and Nintendo came out with a gaming system – and made it fun…

    I hope the Wii is a smashing success.

  10. jnichols says:

    Got a pre-order through Gamestop (didn’t wait in line, either). I am looking forward to Sunday.
    I’m a hard-core gamer, but the wii makes gaming much more accessible to my wife and stepdaughter (at best, casual gamers, if that).

  11. Bono says:

    My kids can’t wait!!!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    By next summer, we will have a better idea who designed the best system. Right now though, it just might be Nintendo sneaking up on the inside track.

  13. ECA says:

    That even for you KIDS..
    which would you rather have?
    Cheaper, even after the kids spill MILK/Water/POP on it to replace?
    LESS, realistic graphics, to scare the SPIT out of your kids and give them nightmares??
    Game price, wait 6 months and they will probably be almost 1/2 price.
    The only Multiplayer, is if THEIR friends come over to play and you can MEET them, and they arent 40+ year old child molesters.. OOPS, it can get on the net..

  14. ECA says:

    I want to know IF the Wii will play DVD’s

  15. SN says:

    “I want to know IF the Wii will play DVD’s”

    I want to know if it will make Julianne fries!

  16. ECA says:

    16, you know Juli??
    I dont know if she Frys or not..

  17. ChrisMac says:

    i could go on for hour’s about this one..

    but al i want is a prortable dvd ripper

    complete with spelling mistakes

  18. ChrisMac says:

    oops.. forgot the most important part..
    it runs on batteries and is not much bigger than a cd

    like a layer of plastic in butter

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    Isn’t Sony supposed to throw in a tilt sensitve controller too?


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