Better late than never, eh, George?

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Wow, 13 posts since the “O’Lie-ly” post.

    I’m glad to see the “drought” of liberal posts is finally over. šŸ˜‰

    Funny to hear Bush, in Vietnam, saying we’ll only lose if we quit.

    Is that a jab at:
    A. the Vietnamese
    B. Nixon
    C. “cut & run” liberals who are back-stabbing our troops in the field
    D. All of the above.

    My gut tells me the answer is D.

  2. giap says:

    “liberal posts”?

    Does that mean you approve of chickenhawks as president, Mike?

  3. Only 35 years too late. Maybe if he had gone 35 years ago, he’d realize what a dumb idea Iraq was.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Better late than never šŸ˜‰

  5. Mike Voice says:

    Does that mean you approve of chickenhawks as president, Mike?

    Of Course!
    Doesn’t Everybody?

  6. Mike says:

    Other U.S. Presidents who sent young men off to combat without fighting in a war themselves:

    Bill Clinton
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Woodrow Wilson
    Thomas Jefferson

    But you can go on with your childish “chickenhawk” moniker for Bush if you want. I know how clever you must feel to refer to him with a term that is also slang for a homosexual male pedophile.

  7. giap says:

    Given your previous protestations against hypocrisy, Mike, why invoke a multiple non sequitur to defend Bush?

    I shan’t wander back through US history to detail draft status, availability of wars to volunteers for, etc…but, Bush is notable for copping the National Guard plea while others were drafted to serve in VietNam,

    I neither know nor care what Clinton’s draft status was — since he didn’t need a daddy’s political clout to protect his butt — he probably did it the old-fashioned way. But, to blather about a paralytic like Roosevelt as somehow being on topic — brings you mighty close to endorsing the hypocrisy you often say you criticize.

  8. ernesto says:

    Here’s the rest of your political buddies – 6:

  9. Mike says:

    The truth is I couldn’t care less whether or not any of them actually served in a war because while it might be nice for the experience, it has never been a requirement for the position as Commander in Chief; but what I can do without is this childish name calling (Chickenhawks, Shrub, Republikans, Democraps) of people because you disagree with them.

  10. Dallas says:

    Great caption Mr. Dvorak.

    At least Bush can claim he “did Vietnam”. Maybe he’ll trip and fall on the stairs and award himself a medal.

  11. giap says:

    Mike — I understand and (slightly) agree with your concern. Neologisms especially are a problem — since they may be short-term phenomena.

    Saying that, you may not have hung around these pages when John introduced the concept of “Republikan” — and followed the ensuing discussion. Several folks adopted the term — as differentiating between traditional Republican conservatives and neocons. It saved a whole sentence like that — which is part of the function of a neologism.

    But, then, we’re wandering miles OT (to use a geek acronym). šŸ™‚

    Personally, I find it hard to believe Bush can even keep a straight face when he responds to reporters during this portion of his trip. Of course, it’s even harder for the reporters — especially those without the courage to ask the obvious question.

  12. Mucous says:

    [edited: comments guide]

  13. Mucous says:

    Hmmm, A one line post that fit the following:

    * Off-topic rants

  14. Milo says:

    Then don’t call posts “liberal” Mike. Unless the poster identifies the post as being part of liberal party policy of course.

  15. Mucous says:

    I was responding sentence 2 in post #1, so not completely off-topic.

    At least I’m efficient enough to “rant” in 1 sentence. šŸ˜‰ So sorry.

    [edit — No problemoĀ  šŸ™‚ — topic is defined by the Post not the Comments]

  16. Mike Voice says:

    In regards to my comment #1…

    Was it a wasted effort to put the “wink” icon at the end of my 2nd sentence, Mucous?

    For those of you not following along, see:

    #1 …John always claims that he never sees liberal media bias, yet here it is…

    #8 …And, as for the ā€œliberal biasā€ā€¦uhhh, sure, whatever. Nice please explain what ā€œconservativeā€ means and what ā€œliberal meansā€

    #9 Iā€™m starting to think that thereā€™s a reason Dvorak Uncensored and Democratic Underground share a set of initials. Itā€™s getting to the point that I canā€™t tell the difference between the two.

    #22 guys sound like cheerleaders..Does this pic below in an earlier post somehow cast Pelosi and the Dems in a positive light? I think we bash everyone. It may not be equal bashing, but that is only because some targets are easier than others to bash.

    #23 I will defend you on the fact that you will pick on all sides, but it does seem that the conservatives get more than a heaping portion of ridicule on this site.

    And Uncle Dave’s comment…

    #26 And please at least try to understand and recognize satire when you see it. Please?

    Maybe someday we’ll have tags for sarcasm, satire, and being facetious…

    facetious \fuh-SEE-shuhs\, adjective:
    1. Given to jesting; playfully jocular.
    2. Amusing; intended to be humorous; not serious.

  17. Eideard says:

    We can confuse y’all even further — because we all edit Comments to each other’s Posts.

    We really could use a convention for sarcasm, though.

  18. Improbus says:

    We wouldn’t need tags for sarcasm if the right wing nuts had a sense of humor.

    P.S. I would say most of the “liberal” posters on this site are actually libertarians. Libertarians are much worse than liberals as they are against authority and the “state” on principle.

  19. Milo says:

    Liberals, in America at least, is a classification with no real meaning in terms of beliefs or affiliation. It is a slur indicating lazy, or lack of, thinking on the part of people who use it. Conservative is slightly better but not much. How about… referring to Republicans and Democrats instead? Actual organizations that actually exist in the US, instead of living in this Manichean fantasyland.

  20. joshua says:

    Eideard….I had to laugh….when I saw the headline, then the pic….I just KNEW what the next line was going to be….and I was right….to a word.

  21. shih tzu paradise says:

    Bush was just waiting until the mission was accomplished.

  22. doug says:

    yes, go to Vietnam and say “we could win unless we give up.” To his hosts, of course, that means “we shoulda kept bombing the crap out of you guys until we won.”

    Interestingly, the real meaning of this trip is that, even after the US’s most-notorious “cut and run,” everything eventually turned out OK.

  23. ECA says:

    WHERE did you get that deff??
    Ask Ben franklin if he was Libertarian??

    1. Bush is in S. Vietnam.
    2. these are talks, WHO is going to explain to him What is said, and ment, and just PLAIN going on.
    3. WHO sent him and Whose idea was it…couldnt of been his.

  24. doug says:

    on the cover of today’s NY Times, there is a great photo of Dumbya standing there grinning in front of a bust of Uncle Ho.


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