Click the image to get to the commercials

Just a note reflecting upon — if the commercial works, why change it?

  1. Dale says:

    I wonder if people in Japan like the Japanese PC more than the Japanese Mac?

  2. ryan says:

    an industrious, suit-clad nerd is probably highly revered in Japanese culture. that other dude is a slacker and dishonors his family.

  3. doug says:

    from this week’s TWiT, evidently people in the US like the pudgy guy in glasses and think the slacker is an insufferably smug jackass.

  4. Kevin says:

    Ahh its apple. Bring on the male whores!!!!

  5. I want to see the French version.

  6. Mark says:

    I love the way Apple tries to win people over by insulting them. Great startegy.

  7. Mark says:

    Um strategy.

  8. ryan says:

    in the french version they’re both smug assholes

  9. Mark says:

    Um strategy. Or is it strategery.

  10. god says:

    Chuckle — of course, doug, the same “sources” that TWiT folks quoted as determining Americans like the PC guy — also reported that Justin Long [the Mac guy] didn’t have his contract renewed by Apple.

    Also wrong — as Long notes at his blog. I’d link to it — but, his blog sucks.

  11. Max Bell says:

    Since I either omited a quote mark last time or WordPress doesn’t like image tags, I still think this is the best one so far. Dated, but it’s heart’s in the right place.

    Besides, everybody knows Apple got it backwards. The inept, clueless dude in the suit was the Macintosh. At least the Mac in the Japanese ads looks like he bought his slobwear at the Gap and might be able to afford one. If the guy in the US ads was a little grubbier, he could actually pass for a linux guy.

  12. ezma says:

    Didn’t “the mac guy” just star in an upcoming movie?

  13. Mark Derail says:

    In Quebec, the Mac guy would have to be a hockey player.

    If you guys missed this viral video, nearly six months since it came out. It’s a spoof on this commercial, piting the Wii versus the PS3.

    With Girls !!

  14. Sam says:

    I got tired of this white backdrop last year! is it just me or did apple is just stalling and playing the same tune over and over and over…

  15. Karl OnSea says:

    French version at
    (“Bouf!”, shrugs shoulders, pouts, eats cheese, and surrenders)

  16. David says:

    John, most companies don’t redo commercials in french, they simply re-do a crappy audio-translated badly-synchronized European-made version of the original video, which is used for ALL French market regardless of social context. Kind of like Americans commercials used in Britain or how everything in the US is made for national standard instead of local targeted ads.

    Quebec being only 2% of North America, we are kind of used to being treated as second class citizens… Re-doing the commercials makes little economic sense, and people will still buy the stuff anyways…

  17. Mark says:

    Max, good one.


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