Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

Pelosi backs Murtha as House Democratic leader — It begins. This is going to be a fun time if you like humor. This woman is going to be the Republican’s worst nightmare. And ironically she is richer than all of them.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Nancy Pelosi, who unified fellow Democrats to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives last week, stirred division on Monday by backing John Murtha, a key foe of the Iraq War, as House majority leader over her current deputy.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, now the No. 2 Democrat in the House, brushed off the surprise endorsement by Pelosi, who is in line to be elected by the full House in January as speaker, the chamber’s top job that helps set its legislative agenda.

Hoyer said he had the votes to be elected majority leader when his Democratic colleagues cast secret ballots on Thursday. The majority leader is one of the party’s most influential positions, and serves as the spokesman during House debate as well as the party’s chief negotiator with the Republicans.

Art courtesy Linda Eddy

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  1. Zuke says:

    Ugh. So much for all that talk last week about finding a middle ground for Congress to work together, and to work with the President.

    I sense… deadlock for 2 more years.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, who was it that said “If you ain’t with us then you agin us”? Right, your imbecile.

  3. doug says:

    #16. Yes indeed – unemployed and “not in business” is an insult. I wonder how many of those fast-food employees he denigrates lost jobs in the auto industry or other industries crushed by globalization, ran out of unemployment, and took whatever 2 or 3 jobs were available because they are too damn proud to go on welfare?

    god forbid the minimum wage should go up for the first time in years and raise a few boats along with it.

  4. Tom says:

    Fusion- why dont you stop the personal attacks, people (other than you) have a right to their opinion. It makes you look like a petty fool.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, so you take me to task for a personal attack. Who did I attack? Hhmmm, well, the President was the one who said “if you ain’t with us, you’re agin us”. Oh, that was back in 2002 as I recall. And he has repeated the mantra, if not the words, many times since. And calling him an imibicile? Yes, that might have been a little wrong, he’s an effen imbecile. His lies have killed hundreds of thousands and maimed many more. The damage he caused to the economy will take decades to recover from. Etc, etc, etc,…

    Contrast that to #26, Hasn’t anyone else noticed that Pelosi kind of looks like Skeletor? , sounds personal to me.

    Or #24, Ha! This is gonna be fun! Let’s see a party without any morals or platform to stand on run the country for awhile. I don’t think he meant the same low morals exhibited by the Republicans.

    Or #22, . Hours after saying she was going head the most honest and ethical congressional in history she endorses Jack “I’ll be back to pick up my money” Murtha to be her second in command. A key figure in one of the worst congressional scandals in history. (He never did report the bribe attempt.) Something that never happened. If this wasn’t politics it would be called a slanderous lie. It’s offensive to me to slander someone. Or “Swift Boat” them.

    Or #18, One day people will get tired of talking to Borat for tech support. I’m sure Borat would take offense.

    Or #13, It seems to me like the Republicans would want an extremist like Murtha as the 2nd in charge. Murtha an extremist? And Antonin Scalia is a centrist.

    Or, #8, I can see you are not in business. Probably unemployed. Now that is personal. And rude. Mean spirited too. And spiteful.

    Or #6, What rock did you people crawl out from under? I am quite sure he wasn’t referring to those who think the President is doing a wonderful job, so ya, that makes this one personal.

    And that is just this one article. Why don’t you check out what other “conservatives” have to say on other subjects. Then come back and start calling the kettle black.

  6. Zuke says:

    Glad to see Murtha was rejected by the Dems. Maybe gridlock ISN’T a fait accompli! Good show!

  7. Craig says:

    #27 ??

    What children paying for what war? Mine certainly won’t be UNLESS the dems succeed in raising taxes to the point the economy grinds to a halt again.

    Ummm. It was totaly quashed in the media but a few years back GWP pledged to cut the deficit in 1/2 by the time he left office… The media reported it quietly and with obvious derision and scorn…

    With the booming economy brought about by his “useless tax cuts” which SOMEHOW seem to have brought the IRS more income that ever before. Guess what? The deficit was cut in half TWO YEARS EARLY!

    But hardly a peep from the Lib press… You had to really DIG to find it. Imagine that.


    As to the question of master degrees without jobs? Not ANYONES problem but their own. I personaly know a guy with several degrees who was out of work for years. I was there several times when he got phone calls with job offers in the 150k+/year range with massive benifits AND LISTENED TO HIM TURN THEM DOWN EVERY TIME!!! I’d have groveled on my knees for any of those jobs! And yet, he always had one LAME excuse or another: “Oh, I don’t wanna move…” Oh, I don’t wanna commute that far…” I finaly gave up and walked away. I havn’t spoken to him in two years mostly because I lost all respect for him when he would WHINE that his damn unemployment was going to run out soon… LOOSER!!!!

    There are PLENTY of jobs out there. They just won’t take them because they are too low class for them. Well, too bad. Stand up. Take some responsibility for YOURSELF and get yer butt in gear! Don’t expect me to be HAPPY to pay YOU to sit and watch TV all day. Get out there and make me a damn burger or something till you find the job you really want and then go do that.

    I have a BS degree in computer science. I’m NOT too proud to work in a Burger King and did for years. I’m proud to say I have never taken 1 dime of unemployment (even when I was homless for a year and sleeping on friends couches to get by and all I had to do was fill out some forms to get it). I absolutely believe that as an able bodied adult, NO ONE on this earth is responsible to put food on my table but ME.

    GWB got voted in. Tax cuts happened. Economy went up. WOW. I got the job I was trained for. Nice apartment (shared with roomate, but still). First new car I ever owned. Life is GOOD!

    Dems start getting power back. I’m quaking in my damn boots. wondering how long the good times can last now…


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