Oh yeah, I can see the similarity

Drunk man tried to get gas at nuke plant: police

A highly intoxicated Oak Park man faces several charges after driving up to the Braidwood nuclear power plant in search of gasoline Saturday, police said.

It was the second time in two weeks that a drunken motorist mistakenly pulled up to a security checkpoint at the Braidwood Generating Station.

The nuclear power plant, located off Route 129 in Braceville, is about 60 miles southwest of Chicago.

In the earlier incident Oct. 18, Lloyd Kuykendall of Morris drove in and tried to pay a guard, thinking he was at an interstate toll plaza. The 38-year-old man was charged with driving under the influence.

Krista Lopykinski, a spokeswoman for Exelon, which owns the plant, said the two incidents were “unusual” but that the plant’s security force handled them properly.

Around 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Stanislaw Drobrzawski, 51, steered his 2000 Ford Explorer past a “No Trespassing” and a 10-foot-wide “Braidwood Generating Station” sign, stopping only when he reached a security checkpoint.

“He thought it was a gas station — I guess he wanted to pay for gas,” said Will County sheriff’s spokesman Pat Barry.

Drobrzawski failed a Breathalyzer test, Barry said, and was later charged with DUI and entering a controlled-access area.

  1. Improbus says:

    Fill’er up with 10 gallons of premium radioactive isotopes please.

  2. Gig says:

    Move along… Nothing to see here.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Well, the security checkpoints I’ve seen are lit-up like a toll-booth or a covered lane of gas-pumps…

    Giving them a breathalyzer test seems redundant. 🙂

  4. John Paradox says:

    Was he driving a DeLorean with optional Flux Capacitor[TM]?


  5. Improbus says:

    JP, You can find Plutonium at any corner market. LOL

  6. Mike Oliveri says:

    That’s nothing. I used to live down the street from this thing and have friends that work there. A couple years back, a guy in an alien suit drove past the checkpoint and tore ass around the parking lot, then somehow managed to get back out. The cops pulled him over in Wilmington about 10 miles away.

    Needless to say, the guards that let that happen didn’t have their jobs for long. Around the same time, a woman pulled in and realized she made a wrong turn, but went through the checkpoint to turn around rather than turn around at the mouth of the drive (where there’s plenty of room).

  7. tallwookie says:

    lol – only in north carolina


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