Wouldn’t this be a kick in the head to those religious types who want to censor Internet porn if it’s true? I guess this means feminist groups will now be marching and shouting, “More porn! More porn!”

Proof that Internet porn prevents rape

Does pornography breed rape? Do violent movies breed violent crime? Quite the opposite, it seems.

First, porn. What happens when more people view more of it? The rise of the Internet offers a gigantic natural experiment. Better yet, because Internet usage caught on at different times in different states, it offers 50 natural experiments.

The bottom line on these experiments is, “More Net access, less rape.” A 10 percent increase in Net access yields about a 7.3 percent decrease in reported rapes. States that adopted the Internet quickly saw the biggest declines. And, according to Clemson professor Todd Kendall, the effects remain even after you control for all of the obvious confounding variables, such as alcohol consumption, police presence, poverty and unemployment rates, population density, and so forth.
Maybe rape is down because former rapists have found their true loves on Match.com. But professor Kendall points out that the effects are strongest among 15-year-old to 19-year-old perpetrators—the group least likely to use such dating services.
When you’re living with your parents, it’s a lot easier to close your browser in a hurry than to hide a stash of magazines. So, the auxiliary evidence is all consistent with the hypothesis that Net access reduces rape because Net access makes it easy to find porn.

The experience of viewing porn on the Internet, in the privacy of one’s own room, typically culminates in a slightly messier but far more satisfying experience—an experience that could plausibly tamp down some of the same aggressions that the pornus interruptus of the laboratory tends to stir up.

  1. WokTiny says:

    wait, did they just jump from
    “more internet access coincides with less rape”
    “more porn viewing coincides with less rape”
    and on to
    “more porn viewing causes less rape”

    is that not an example of the classic logical fallicy?
    (confusing correlation for causality)

    maybe it has nothing to do with porn or sexual impulse, but that the internet is so addicting that people just don’t leave their computers. it just gets people off the streets.

  2. John Paradox says:

    I’m typing with one hand


  3. nathaniel says:

    maybe it has nothing to do with porn or sexual impulse, but that the internet is so addicting that people just don’t leave their computers. it just gets people off the streets.

    Then all crimes would be reduced, but the study showed that other crimes were unaffected; only rape went down in areas where internet access increased.

    The causal link between net access and reduced rape is fairly strong in this study (you should study Mill’s method of residues to understand how to establish causality). Porn access is being offered as the most probable hypothesis to explain this link.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hard core cybersex…

  5. TJGeezer says:

    I’ve always found it fishy when people say rape is not about sex, but power and control…. From an evolutionary psychology/biology point of view, rape is viable way of reproduction

    Not really a student of the subject, but isn’t the power-not-sex notion based on the high incidence of rapists not climaxing during the act? If so, that would seem also to make rape a poor reproductive strategy. And of course heterosexual rape isn’t the only kind.

    Well, most human motivations are mixed and can get quite complex.

  6. WokTiny says:

    bah, what did I say while the spam filter was eating?

    oh, umm… oh yeah…

    nay, but porn does not satisfy or pacify such impulse to mate/reproduce.
    Porn promises what it cannot deliver — and thus leaves those who are *addicted* unsatisfied, empty, and angry. I’m talking long term.

  7. Mike T says:

    I think that this really ignores some of the negative aspects of looking at this stuff online. When stories like this are published, they justify problem behavior in those that have issues with this material. This is no different than the occasional story that comes out that says that one or two drinks per day is good for your health. Guess what…. all the alcoholics get drunk and call it a health plan.

    Regardless of any correlation with rape or not. There have been numerous studies conducted and books written that outline the negative aspects of this type of material.

    I am not trying to say what you can or can’t watch — it’s a free country. Proceed with caution however.

    Mike T

  8. RBG says:

    I see. And the way to lower incidences of bestiality, child molestation, torture, cannibalism & nose picking is…?

    I also notice the same amazing correlation to the decrease in liberalism in the USA.


  9. RBG says:

    And to think you bought into rape being strictly a power thing…


  10. pippa says:

    i want someone to come and fuck me quick or ill die my pussey i hot and need some big cock!!!!!!!1


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