In a stunning upset the Oregon State Beavers outscored the USC Trojans 33-31 ruining any chance of a USC National Championship. Go Beavers! Complicating matters for USC are three more games coming up that they can lose: Oregon, California and Notre Dame.

Things are looking up for Oregon State

  1. Beavers beat Trojans? That has a hidden meaning, that does.

  2. Slimlemon says:

    Admit it, JCD.

    How long have you been waiting to be able to use this title?

    Go Beavers!

    ; > D

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Those guys are sure looking at the beavers.

  4. JOE says:

    I’m an UCLA Allumi

    but in this case

    GO BEAVERS!!!!!!!

  5. Brian says:

    With there being plenty of 1-loss teams this year, if USC finishes strong, and puts a beating on notre dame, I still see USC contending for a national championship.

  6. tallwookie says:

    hehe – #3 i was gonna say the same thing

  7. Bill says:

    I think that the Trojans were just trying not to be too rough on the Beavers.

  8. Dallas says:

    Hysterical, although I’m a trojan fan ! Nice shot of the two beaver fans on the bottom !
    (Ok, It’s lame).

  9. Don says:

    I love it when the Beavers are on top!

    You just gotta root for the underdog Beaver!

    Yea, them Trojans thought they were gonna eat them Beavers alive!

    I just hope they never change their name.


  10. Thomas says:

    I’m an SC fan, but still want to congratulate Oregon State. They played a great game and held even to the last. I never thought that SC deserved to be #3 and obviously still do not. Booty makes too many mistakes and their defense lacks power in the front three (and have since they lost Mike Patterson and Sean Cody). My prediction is that SC will lose to Cal, but beat Oregon (barely), UCLA (handily) and Notre Dame (barely). Unfortunately for Cal, there is no playoff system so I do not think that Cal will vie for the National Beauty Champion. I think that the voters would simply not vote a team that lost as badly as Cal did to the #2 spot. I predict it will be Ohio State-West Virginia (which would be an OSU blowout) or Ohio State-Florida.

  11. bill says:

    Go CAL!

  12. I think Ohio State would kill Cal anyway. I’d like to see Michigan Cal and Ohio State Florida although Florida-Cal would be a great game! Cal still has to beat USC before anything good happens and USC gets up for Cal since the coach there worries about Tedford. I supect hat will be a nail-biter.

  13. Rich says:

    Jeeez, John- you computer nerd types dig your juvenile jokes right up to the onset of oldness! 😉

  14. Billabong says:

    Thats one fierce looking Beaver on the top of the page.One of the lamer mascots.

  15. 888 says:

    Is he looking up the beaver? 😉
    (your picture illustrating post, John!)

  16. Thomas says:

    Well…I guess it won’t be OSU-WVA for the National Beauty Champion now will it. ;->

    (Now that WVA lost to Louisville).


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