I don’t know how long this sale will stay up, but if you’re interested, you can check it out here!

My favorite sucker!

  1. ECA says:

    I learned long ago…
    What looks to good, IS to good.
    I dont buy NEW hardware for 6 months to 1 year AFTER release.
    Let them work the bugs out.

  2. ChrisMac says:

    maybe.. if it came with a bridge over some swampland

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: Sorry, that’s the Extended Version for $999 together or $1149 if purchased separately.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    k.. sign me up for a cargo container full..

    i’ll be an early adopter like madonna…

    do they accept paypal?

  5. RMR says:

    Don’t doubt that this stuff will happen but I think in this particular instance it may be a scam.

    Joker has this same add posted in Tampa and several other areas.

  6. Named says:

    Unrelated, but ever since my wife got pregnant again, I’ve been looking for a good sucker…

  7. cool says:

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,nooo why how zay.i seel 4 $534

  8. 0113addiv says:

    That’s nothing, there are hundreds of suckers out there that have bought– FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS– Picasso paintings.

  9. Wally says:

    There are too many parents that are willing to spend the dough for their children to have one under the tree at Christmas!

    Look in eBay. There are quite a few of them there. The PRE ORDERS that is!

  10. SN says:

    “That’s nothing, there are hundreds of suckers out there that have bought– FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS– Picasso paintings.”

    Which the buyer could easily turn around and resell and get their money back and more. Are you really comparing the worth of a genuine Picasso painting to a fake reserve ticket?! You and I may think such things are worthless, but we’re not everyone.


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