Republikan Clock

A computer security student says terrorists would have no trouble getting around the government’s no-fly list, and to prove it he set up a Web site [no need to click — it’s down] that prints fake boarding passes.

The passenger name on the fake boarding pass is “Bin Laden/Osama,” although travelers can put in their own name — or a fake one — and change the flight information, too.

Christopher Soghoian, a 24-year-old doctoral student at Indiana University, said he set up the site to prove that the Transportation Security Administration isn’t taking airline security seriously.

Soghoian said terrorists on the no-fly list could use a fake boarding pass to avoid the no-fly list because IDs are only checked when the passenger passes through TSA screening. So someone could use a fake boarding pass with an ID that matches and get through the screening.

Soghoian said he built his Web site to mimic Northwest Airlines boarding passes because he had one handy after flying Northwest earlier this week. He said he has nothing against the airline.

Soghoian said the fake boarding pass couldn’t get anyone onto a flight — as long as the airline’s computers were working — because the bar code wouldn’t match the other information on the pass.

The student said he’d take down the site if it really upset the government. Apparently, it did. Over at his blog he relates the tale of FBI visits following publication of his jest.

Most folks take the danger of terrorist fanatics seriously enough. What many refuse to take seriously — are the papier-mache saviors in political party hats who tell everyone how to behave, think and vote.

  1. AB CD says:

    I hate these types of people exposing holes in security. Yes, you can probably get a gun on board, or maybe even a bomb, though I’m skeptical about those exposes. The last thing we need is for TSA to make things more secure.

  2. ChrisMac says:

    take a cruise instead..

    it’s fun like a flu shot..

  3. Jägermeister says:


    A false sense of security is better, right?

  4. AB CD says:

    Yes it is, given the benefits of freer air travel.

  5. Jägermeister says:


    Then scrap it all, because what’s in place obviously won’t stop anyway.

  6. Major Jizz says:

    I agree, scrap it all! Scrap every government program ever made.

  7. RBG says:

    Here’s betting Soghoian changes his mind about how serious security is taken during his internal search.


  8. tallwookie says:

    #1 – thats complete crap – I can strangle a pilot with my bare hands what are they going to do, chop off my hands?


  9. V says:

    No, the guy has a point. Our security is useless because its lot’s of little stupid poorly thought our inconveniences. If we were smart we would relax our restrictions, check these boarding passes against a computer database to make sure they were actually purchased, and station psychologists to screen for unusual signs of tension, instead of wasting time money and annoyance arguing with people over their nail clippers and their bottled water.

  10. Major Jizz says:

    Station psychologists? Who’s going to end up paying for that one? The airline? The passenger? Not to mention the creepiness factor that goes into that. Oh, and not to mention people getting anxiety just from seeing those douche-bags there.

    How about letting people open carry guns on the airplane? Those hijackers might just get a face full of lead.

  11. Mark says:

    I can’t imagine that it would really be that much of a security threat, especially a security threat that warrants the FBI searching his home and such… Any terrorist with an old boarding pass and some Photoshop skills could do what this kid did.

  12. RBG says:

    It’s pretty much understood that it is impossible to protect 100% against assassination. So it would be pretty insane and unconscionable to reveal new and creative ways to do this simply to prove such a point.


  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10 & 12, What bull crap. Allowing people to carry guns on board an airplane? Geeze, they used to allow that and the planes were heading to Cuba with regularity. We allow it now and with all the paranoia, people will start shooting first and asking questions later. Then the topic will be “why are there so many guns on the planes”. All the cowboys and Rambo wannabes? Ya right, bright idea.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    Not to mention suicide-by-crash psychotics, I-want-fame psychotics, bystanders with ruptrued ear drums from sudden depressurization, deaths by heart attack or stroke as the bullets fly, right-wingnuts hunting liberals in the name of “freedom” or in defense of Jesus…

    Yeah, arm everybody on a plane at 35,000 feet. Wonderful idea.

  15. RBG says:

    10. Long as they don’t miss since we’re talking about a complex piece of equipment flying pressurized at 35,000 feet.


  16. lou says:

    A couple of points:

    1. The concept of using a commercial airliner as a missile to hit something is over. That ended on 9/11 with the flight over Pennsylvania. The passengers knew their possible fate (from the cell phone calls), and tried to stop it, and although they didn’t save themselves, they saved others. True heroes.

    2. The concept of bringing on board chemicals or explosives to bring down a flight, or to hurt people, is a definite possibility, but to be realistic (and morbid), other potential attacks seem (to me) to be easier and potentially more lethal (train stations, subways, malls, etc.).

    My summary: airline security need not be ridiculously restrictive, and a less is more approach would be better.

  17. Don says:

    As a frequent flyer for the last year, it seems to me that it would make alot more sense to roll back the passenger screening, and beef up the air marshal program. I would feel better knowing there is an armed cop on board.

    And for that matter, why do I spend 10 times longer getting through security at a large airport compared to a little rinky dink airport. It just seems moronic to me. Are the TSA administrators blind?


  18. Major Jizz says:

    Pressurized cabins! Oh my goodness! Wait… Let me go get rid off the Second Amendment! You know, the one that says that, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall NOT be infringed.”

    Yes, that one!

    Now… Following that logic, anyone can shoot a bus driver and bring down a bus. You see, before the fool even gets to the driver, pilot, etc. he’s going to get a couple or more weapons pointed in his back or face. I bet the stewards would be armed as well if there weren’t so many un-Constitutional Police State restrictions.

    Oooh! Lets ban high powered industrial lasers! At high power those suckers can bring down blimps and balloons! Forget balloons! Those can carry missiles! The terrorists will get balloons and drop missiles over China Buffets!

    Let’s ban EVERYTHING! Let’s just all live in bubbles filled with cotton so the evil Araborists Is-lame-o-fascists don’t eat our babies that are popping Zolofts by the minute. My oh my… What has this world come to?

    Mr Fusion, you think this is bull crap? Well, that’s what people like you think about our Constitution apparently. Communists / Fascists like you want to ban everything by the minute and tax the crap out of the people just so some lazy hick in a trailer park can get his welfare check.

    People like you have turned this country into a George Orwell 1984 novel. I hope you’re happy with your super-dooper sorry excuse for security and ridiculous taxes.

    As for me… I’ve got my guns, and I know my Constitution. I don’t need your Commie wipe-my-butt society! 🙂

  19. RBG says:

    Scream on, Jizz. Ain’t gonna happen.

    According to your Second Ammendment quote, the right to bear arms only applies to the defence of a free state. Not one where it is not permitted for passengers to blow everything and everyone out of the sky at 500 miles per hour.


  20. 888 says:

    apparently the muslim freaks haven’t killed enough people in 9/11, London, Madrid and hundreds of other places that no one even remember, since we still have such discussions :/


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