Tree of Lost Soles

8/2/10– The Tree of Lost Soles on the gravel road to Holberg, BC on the north end of Vancouver Island. About 25 years ago some loggers nailed their worn out work boots to the big stump and hundreds of others have followed in their footsteps.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That’s gotta smell nice…

  2. About 25 years ago some loggers nailed their worn out work boots to the big stump and hundreds of others have followed in their footsteps.

    Human see; human do.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 Alfie – Are you a Man Obsessed? You seem to see Obama in everything. Do you hear voices too?

  4. #4 – The Monster’s Lawyer,

    It is tough to avoid feeding the troll sometimes, isn’t it?

  5. bobbo, the law is an ass===get on and RIDE!!!! says:

    Alfie==all conclusion, no facts, no analysis. Step up your game and tell us WHY the fringe is correct to call Obama a Muslim, otherwise you got nothing.

    No one here is “upset” or “offended” by you. You are just a waste of time.

    Step it up.

  6. whamalamadingdong says:

    “This blog needs a conservative blogger to counterbalance the left…or I won’t be here…”

    Good, BYE!

  7. Still Right says:

    #8 Let’s see. For starters, polls show 1 in 5 Americans believe he is a Muslim. Is 20% the FRINGE?
    Let’s see. He went to a Muslim school in Indonesia. So he was raised as a Muslim.
    Let’s see. He hates Israel, obviously. Remember his horrible treatment of the Israel leaders a few months ago?
    Let’s see. He has done so many things to appease the Muslims and none to aid the Jews.
    Let’s see. He unnecessarily spoke out on a local issue, and made it worse when he spoke in favor of a Muslim Center near the spot where Americans were plunging to their deaths because of, um, let me think, oh yes, MUSLIMS ran airplanes into the buildings and killed THOUSANDS of Americans.
    Let’s see. He is forever bowing and taking off his shoes to appease Muslims like himself.
    Let’s see. He wanted to bring the MUSLIM terrorist, the one who looks like Rosey ODonnell, to New York for a trial, instead of a trial in a military court.
    Let’s see. He is forever kissing the asses Muslims in every way he can think of.
    Gee. I don’t know. Why would anybody think he is a Fucking Muslim?
    Maybe he isn’t. It’s just that one in five Americans think he is.

  8. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #10–Stillborn==well, Alfie owes you another laced Koolaid for coming to his aid. I don’t think you need another one, but its always the thought that counts. Lets see what kind of thinking you have come up with:

    1==Let’s see. For starters, polls show 1 in 5 Americans believe he is a Muslim. Is 20% the FRINGE? /// By definition. Its the “end” of a bell shaped curve.

    2==Let’s see. He went to a Muslim school in Indonesia. So he was raised as a Muslim. /// I went to a Catholic School and I was never Catholic and soon an antitheist. Total Fail.

    3==Let’s see. He hates Israel, obviously. Remember his horrible treatment of the Israel leaders a few months ago? /// Not obvious. Only a stooge thinks the public stage is worthy of anything but pop culture. Hasn’t the funding for the Israel Military gone up?

    4==Let’s see. He has done so many things to appease the Muslims and none to aid the Jews. /// Agree regarding Muslim and its also true he is still way overboard on appeasing the Republicans. Do you think he is a Republican?

    5==Let’s see. He unnecessarily spoke out on a local issue, and made it worse when he spoke in favor of a Muslim Center near the spot where Americans were plunging to their deaths because of, um, let me think, oh yes, MUSLIMS ran airplanes into the buildings and killed THOUSANDS of Americans. /// Who says? Reminding ALL Americans of their Constitutional RIGHTS and resultant DUTIES is always a good thing. Everyone Including the Saudi Arabian Muslims have dozens of characteristics that can be applied to them. Singling one out and applying it to millions of others is retarded.

    6==Let’s see. He is forever bowing and taking off his shoes to appease Muslims like himself. /// Appeasement doesn’t make one what is being appeased. All diplomats do this as well as many Non-Diplomats like BushtheRetard.

    7==Let’s see. He wanted to bring the MUSLIM terrorist, the one who looks like Rosey ODonnell, to New York for a trial, instead of a trial in a military court. /// How does that make him a Muslim when he was only following the lead of the Mayor and others?

    8==Let’s see. He is forever kissing the asses Muslims in every way he can think of. /// Repeat unless you want to demonstrate your fixation on asses.

    9==Gee. I don’t know. Why would anybody think he is a Fucking Muslim? /// Only the fringe, unhinged, hate mongers and dupes.

    10==Maybe he isn’t. It’s just that one in five Americans think he is. /// See the lead thread of the moment that this fringe element isn’t “thinking” at all. Hate mongers and dupes only.

    11==Dope. /// Hah, hah. With “facts and analysis like this, no one could ever be insulted by you.

    Stoopid Human.

  9. #6 Person Alfredo, (You are indeed quite cheesy.)

    4-5 Yes, Pelosi, right out of Stalin’s handbook, wants to investigate Americans for opposing Mosque Triumphant at Ground Zero.

    That’s feeding a troll to discuss that.

    No. It’s being a troll to bring it up on a topic about nailing shoes to trees. Alfie, you do not feed trolls. You are the troll!

    It’s being anti-American, as well as totally off-topic, to oppose a mosque so close to the spot where Washington gave his inaugural address.

    How about honoring the founders of this once great nation?

  10. RTaylor says:

    Goddammit, why do you guys have to drag politics in every post. There’s nothing wrong with a little harmless silliness. Years ago my wife told me every time I went off on politics or religion she would spend $1000. She was sick of hearing it, and I was alienating too many people. After half the house had new furniture I shut up for good.

  11. Stillborn,

    If 50% of bloggers on this site think you are a Muslim, does that make you one? I think you are. bobbo, a bit of support, please?

    Assuming I get a bit of support from bobbo and Persona Alfredo supports you, it will make you 2.5 times as Muslim as our president. If Monster’s Lawyer will join with me too, it will make you 3 times as Muslim as Obama (60%).

    There. That was easy.

    People’s religions are supposed to be determined by themselves, not an election to decide your religion for you. I know that must be an odd concept for you.

    BTW, not that 20% of the nation’s idiots make a difference, but, do you actually have a source for that stupid poll? Or, are you just making up stuff as you go along. Remember, 72.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot. I’m betting yours is one of them. Mine is not. I’ve been using that same made up number for years.

  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Well Scott–as antitheist as I am, I would hate to label all Muslims as being as stupid as stillborn. THAT might imperil my immortal soul.

    No, I’ll follow your good advice. Stillborn has expressly shown us he is stupid enough to post as he does. I’ll wait for him to claim religion next as he digs toward China.

  13. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    RTaylor–I agree. Course, how many posts would actually be made about shoes being nailed to a tree? At least Alfie did “bootstrap” the discussion in a logical transgression to his one and only theme.

    Did you secretly want better furniture?

  14. Tesko says:

    Hey, cool shoes! A tree similar to this was caught in one of the seasonal forest fires out west and wouldn’t stop burning for days because of the rubber armor encasing it.

    As far the rest of the rants preceding me…Wag the Dog anyone.

  15. Kyle says:

    There are no obvious rules to find success with blogging. A simple blog which is able to say something, tell a story, an incident from a home or business or road can make good success over time. You are doing good!


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