Reuters – Fri 20 Oct 2006:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday Europe was stirring up hatred in the Middle East by supporting Israel and warned it “may get hurt” if anger in the region boiled over.

“You should believe that this regime (Israel) cannot last and has no more benefit to you. What benefit have you got in supporting this regime, except the hatred of the nations?” he said in a speech broadcast on state radio.

“We have advised the Europeans that the Americans are far away, but you are the neighbours of the nations in this region. We inform you that the nations are like an ocean that is welling up, and if a storm begins, the dimensions will not stay limited to Palestine, and you may get hurt.”

  1. Moral Volcano says:

    Jews in Iraq had to go because of Bush I and II wars.

    Jewish Virtual Library
    In 1991, prior to the Gulf War, the State Department said “there is no recent evidence of overt persecution of Jews, but the regime restricts travel, (particularly to Israel) and contacts with Jewish groups abroad.”

  2. Roger M says:

    I don’t know what the hell some of this thread’s participants are thinking. All I know is that all these comments originated from from a clear message that the
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a lunatic.

    It’s weird how screwed up even a simple blog insert can get.

  3. 37. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not a lunatic.

    But if he is, there are many people like him in in the West.

    Read CounterPunch’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: Who Said What When.

  4. Moral Volcano says:


  5. doug says:

    #35. “Dissolution of the Jewish and the establishment of Palestine Arab state in its place is the only solution.”

    considering that there never was a Palestine Arab state, you are not talking about a restoration of the pre-Zionist status quo. technically, it should go back to Turkey, who owned it as part of the Ottoman Empire.

    “Jews should be allowed to go back to their countries and be able live in peace and dignity wherever they are from.

    The two state solution confers rights that are not due.”

    while we are at it, lets dissolve South Africa, the USA, New Zealand and Australia and hand the turf back to their respective indigenous populations. all of us can “head back to wherever we came from” even if we were born here.

    since you prefer to live in cloud cookooland, my participation in this discussion is over,

  6. AB CD says:

    Supporting Israel’s right to exist creates more terrorists then it destroys, so Europe MUST sell out Israel. Allowing gay marriage creates more terrorists than it destroys.

  7. Moral Volcano says:

    FYI: I am an Indian. More important: Not a Muslim or a Christian.

    I have mentioned in my article that the U.S. supports Israel so much because the U.S. itself is a nation of squatters. So there!

    South Africa belongs to blacks. Whites have to leave if blacks so desire!

    When the American, Oceanian, African continents were colonized and settled by outsiders, there was no U.N.

    The United Nations was created so that things like aggression and colonization would not be allowed.

    In Israel’s case, however, these things went further and were given an international seal of approval.

  8. Moral Volcano says:

    Just because Palestinians did not register their lands with Europeans does not mean they land can be taken away from them.

  9. Moral Volcano says:

    Everything belongs to the U.S and its friends. No wonder they have troops in over 130 countries.

  10. Moral Volcano says:

    Both Indian and Hindu were created by the British. There is no Hindu religion. It is a civilization.

  11. Moral Volcano says:

    Thanks, Pedro. Your beautiful analysis spared me a visit to the shrink.

    Yes, black people should be sent back to Africa but only after compensating each one of them – I say $10 would be an acceptable figure. Same thing for Indians in the West Indies because they were transported to the islands by the British COLONIAL ADMINISTRATION to work on plantations.

    I thank the British for uniting us with English. Serves them right.

    I make no difference between Indian and “Hindu”.
    Just because British thought to make a a diference between the two does not mean I should also follow them. Before they came Muslims and Sikhs were considered as Indians or “Hindus.”

  12. Moral Volcano says:

    Oh, sorry. I meant $10 million. I am not sure. Make it $50 million each.

  13. Moral Volcano says:


    Even assuming that his security detail is with Cuba, are cubans owners of Venezuelan oil? Unlikely. All, they get is a few barrels of oil at subsidized rate.

    Even Russia, which is supposed to be using energy supplies for blackmail, provides oil and gas to many of its former republics countries (including Ukraine) at heavily subsidized rates. This is despite the fact that the politicians in these countries are aching to surrender everything to the West.

    Venezuelan oil facilities need a lot of maintenance (i.e. investments). So, Chavez is engaging foreign companies. It is a welcome departure from his earlier practice.

    When employees strike work or create problems after taking orders from a foreign embassy, they should be fired. Nothing wrong with it.

    I think Chavez wants to keep Venezuela independent and that’s why I support him. As you say, he may have many faults. But what is the alternative to him? Generals and opposition politicians with pockets stuffed with greenbacks? Is slavery better than poverty?

    The U.S. is willing to spend huge amounts of money on elections in other countries under the guise of “supporting democracy.” The victors in these elections are unlikely to serve their people.

    Politicians who want to keep their country independent and outside the influence of the U.S. government are called “hardliners” while stooges are considered as liberals or pro-reform.

    In such a situation, it is better to have a local tyrant than a democratically elected stooge.

    If you cannot stand Chavez, then support someone else who will remain independent but don’t walk into the trap set by the U.S.

    I don’t care for Chavez or Ahmednijad but given alternatives like Chalabi or Pahlavi, one should rather be a supporter.

    BTW, after a revealation published the Guardian, the USAID acknowledged that Chavez is right in his accusations that several opposition politicians and journalists were receiving payments from the U.S.

  14. AB CD says:

    >uproot the Palestinians by taking away their land

    You keep mixing up Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians. The New Jersey example doesn’t work, as the US is a separate country. ‘Palestine’ never existed except as a Jewish state. It was controlled by outsiders when Israel was formed.

  15. Roger M says:

    It’s a sad story Pedro.
    I was considering the volcano a fascist at a point, but not even that covers him. Seemingly a clear fundamental nut case with hatred to everything and everyone.
    I think I can see why the bloodbath which took place between Pakistan and India happened now.
    It’s horrible to have neighbors like the “moral volcano”. It flows alright. But it’s not moral. And it’s not a volcano. It’s his butt.

  16. Moral Volcano says:

    53. If his scatological interest is any indication about his orientation (apparently he likes my butt), then I think you and 55 should get together and keep yourself occupied.

    54. India did not exist as a state before 1947. So, should we go under the Eskimos?

  17. Moral Volcano says:

    When can’t win the argument, you become sore losers.

  18. Moral Volcano says:

    Oh, nothing. I just follow this : Answering Zionist Propaganda.

  19. Roger M says:

    So answering “propaganda” with propaganda? Yeah, that’s a smart move.
    I believe in that crap just as much as I believe in “Mein Kampf”.

    You should try following your own conscience rather than reading and accepting other’s hatred. Though I guess that’s a far fetch in your narrow minded, brainwashed racist darkened mind.

    It’s a pity equality, democracy and basic human rights equals insult in your neighborhood.

  20. Moral Volcano says:

    Opposing Zionism is not opposing Judaism. Accusing critics of Israel as anti-semites is a time-worn tactic. As mentioned earlier, I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim to be religiously motivated. India is the only country in which Jews have been left unmolested. I am very proud of my country’s association with Jewish Diaspora.

  21. $61
    It’s a pity equality, democracy and basic human rights equals insult in your neighborhood.

    I believe it was an American who said something like democracy was OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. Do you even know that?

    If foreign governments can pay local politicians and journalists, wiill it be a real democracy? Who will be their real masters?

    Why was there a big furore in the U.S. when it was revealed that Chinese companies had paid a few politicians in the Clinton administration?


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