Sony has said it is to review its full-year earnings, after recalling 60,000 batteries used in some of its Vaio notebook computers sold in Japan.

The firm said the move was for its “customers’ peace of mind“, adding to the seven million of its batteries already subject to worldwide recall.

The electronics giant has been further hit by a cut in the price of its video game console, PlayStation 3.

Other factors the firm is considering, as well as batteries and Playstation 3, include fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and the performance of its electronics and entertainment businesses.

In a statement Sony said it was in the process of “determining whether a revision to our annual earnings outlook is necessary”.

I guess we should wonder if the sun will rise in the East, tomorrow morning, as well. Eh?

  1. mike says:

    The PS3 is gonna have to be bloody amazing if Sony think its going to pull them back up to the class they were once in.
    It all seems too-little-too-late if you ask me.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    I already know their conclusion… Let’s launch an consumer product that will just allow the consumers to buy our content.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    Maybe a name change is required, like Soomy instead of Sony.


    And I really wanted to buy the triple whammy Sony XBR + DVD + Surround Amp…time to check if Toshiba or Samsung have 1920×1200 46″+ screens. I sure am not waiting for an Aussie TV.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    And in the meantime, they run ads like this:

  5. jerryg says:

    and not forgetting the audio cd rootkit screwup

    thought this was interesting

  6. doug says:

    #1. I bet the PS3 is going to be a technological marvel. And I have no doubt that it will sell out on the day of release and probably for some time afterwards.

    Whether Sony ever makes any money off of it is another question.


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