How many rapists in US prisons, after hearing of this, will be man enough to try to prove they are virgins and couldn’t have raped their victims?
An acupuncturist who claims she can detect a man’s virginity based on a small dot on the ear has become a minor celebrity in Vietnam, where she is credited with helping to free three convicted rapists from prison.
Traditional medicine practitioner Pham Thi Hong started lobbying for the men’s release, pleading their case all the way to the president, because she believes all three men are virgins and therefore could not be guilty of rape.
“They all had small red spots on the back of their ears,” said Hong, 54. “The spots should have disappeared if they had had sex. My many years of experience told me that these men did not have sex before.”
She says she was first taught how to determine if a man has ever had sex by feeling their pulse. She later developed the ear-spot method on her own. She says the spot will only disappear after heterosexual intercourse and is not affected by gay sex or masturbation.
Red spots behind the ear? More like a green spots missing from behind the ass … where one keeps one’s wallet.
Just like the test reported above, this one probably won’t hold up in court either.
Title should be… ‘Possible rapists cleared by voodoo’.
Where’s your BS meter?
[It’s there now. Thanks! — UD]
There’s a whole cottage industry around identifying, curing and improving human sexuality. Kudos to her entrepreneur ideas in this.
Why should the drug companies, the Christian Taliban and TV evangelists monopolize the market? Competition is good!
I knew a witch in Guadalajara who had herbs to restore virginity, too.
“Hey, Meester. You wan’ my seester? She a virgin, again.”
And we fought and died to keep these people free???????!?!?!?!?!?!
I can tell whether a man is sexually active by feeling his pulse, too. If he has one, he is.
I can tell if a guy is a virgin by merely asking how many Star Wars/Star Trek planets can he name from memory.
Jesus. The victims of the rapists that were deemed virgins (and therefore innocent) by this woman must be outraged. Hell, I’ve never even been to Vietnam and I am outraged that some scumbag rapist there is going to walk because some stupid judge bought this load of crap.
The true proof of virginity is to present the judge with a purchase receipt listing “World of Warcraft”.